Name a film that isn't Jewish


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shark boy and lava girl

I happen to like Jewish films, non jewish films aka Sup Forums production are usually shit and just brainwashing propaganda for really stupid and weak people with no self awarenesss


This, but also why the fuck should I really care who made the film as long as it's good.

>greatest storytellers in the history of mankind
>were even able to create a story that bought them their own country
>implying they aren't good in movies

Triumph des Willens


Lord of the Rings
The Godfather
The Birth of a Nation
any Kubrik movie

Passion of Christ

>Passion of Christ
>Not Jewish
Oh lad

As far as I remember American Psycho got 0% on 'how jewish your movie is' website.

Bullshit, I saw that fucker in his office spinnin a fuckin menorah.


>kike on a stick
>not the oldest of jewish tricks

Yeah, nah.

(((they))) took that website down because we were using it to redpill people.

iam not saying the result wasnt bullshit but it got 0% for sure

kek, at least varg has an ideology

Trump loves money and himself


the original klan movie, of course (1915)

Hey cool it with the antisemitism.


Er ist wieder da (2015)

Racist Democrats


Mad Max

Regular democrats

Romper Stomper

Did you even watch the movie, retard.
