President Trump just withdrew from the Paris climate agreement. Greta BTFO.
President Trump just withdrew from the Paris climate agreement. Greta BTFO
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And Trump just got richer for it.
Deservedly so.
Seriously though, even if you don't believe in climate change, why are you against leaving the planet a little bit better than when you arrived?
yeah like 2 years ago.
Being against the Paris accord doesnt mean you want the world worse off in the future. Look into how much the US spent while in the Paris Accord compared to all the other countries who signed it.
They don't even come close to the USA. It is a bad economic deal paying for everyone else's share. Same with NATO.
Expecting the country with the greatest amount of wealth to pay their way is just logic.
tax the rich. leave the middle class alone. and eat the poor. solves a lot of problems if you think about it.
Fuck that, there's good places that money could be going to
Such as? America isn't using it's tax dollars to benefit the people who need it already, it'll sit in a vault somewhere gathering interest to never be spent.
yeah right the amount of fucking social programs there don't improve lives....
The poor in America are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. This is a documented fact. Wages have stagnated for decades.
>23 trillion dollars in debt
Everybody else realized it was unrealistic and canceled the whole thing.
Trump was right
you can't stump the Trump-
my man 2020-
He is a Saint.
That Lil bitch should get gangrapped by moslem climate refugees in Malmö.
Do you think he cares about you, or people in your situation?
Right now Greta is doing protests in America too lmfao
who cares,he's a snowflake.probably withdrew from it so his feelings wouldnt get hurt by a 16 year old
one after the other democrat hoax.
yeah,now he can go bankrupt another company.meanwhile,his poor redneck supporters can continue thinking he's a wealthy person
7 pm EST, another Trump rally.
So why hasn't China kicked in any money? They're one if the biggest polluters in the world.
You don't actually believe this, user. I know you don't.
Wages have gone up, libfag
you liberals can't go-sold out.
you know we can do things for the plannet without supporting this bitch or being in the climate accords
Fuck gretta
Because they don't have any good solutions, and what they're trying to do will decrease our standards of living. Reducing CO2 is not our highest priority, not even in air quality.
Better to look at the bigger picture.
why do americans always think there the only country in the world?
Good, because global warming is a lie. Which is one of the reasons they stopped calling in global warming and now call it "climate change." Since that isn't a lie because technically the climate changes through out the day.
What is Trump, and America in general, doing for the bigger picture?
What did lil Gretta accomplish? Advocating kids to skip school and make a mess with their bullshit protests? Nothing will change. Know that.
It's not a matter of "believing" in climate change. It's a matter of how to react to it, regardless of whether it's happening or not.
If you, for example, say "let's resume all this agricultural land and fuck up the water table to put in vast sprawlingwind farms" and "let's ban eating meat" becuause it might have some effect on CO2, which might have some effect on the weather, you have to ask, what is the downside?
There is a downside. We should also talk about that.
Bear in mind, the nodels used to forecast climate change have been a dismal failure. So whatever we do, let's make sure it moves civilisation forward as well.
Apologies for the spelling mistakes. Cunty keyboard.
Good job, user. What are you doing to make the world any better?
>thinks he's clever
>is a moron
No, No, No, you misunderstand. We are the only country that matters.
Brotip: you couldn't change the climate even if you wanted to.
How is he winning, user?
Really? We aren't using our tax money? You haven't been invaded by the Muslim Sup Forumsrotherhood and Isis yet have you? Your roads were paved when you went in to work today? Got your mail? Zacarias Moussaoui isn't out walking around is he? Your toilet washed all that bull shit away you spew doesn't it? 50 billion dollars was given away in foreign aid last year. Sounds like the tax dollars are being used pretty well.
Because we are.
Are you high? Wages have gone up across the board.
might want to look up what ebola is doing in Africa right now you dumb cunt. there won't be a living indigenous human on that contintent 80 years from now. I hope you and the rest of you pie in the sky faggot redditor commie niggers are put on wooden ships and sent to live there, since it is SO unbearable for you here in the greatest nation on earth. you entitled waist baby. open a book.
And they're still far behind inflation, because pointing at a chart is easier than actually helping anymore.
How is he losing? 4 investigations and a shitty impeachment attempt haven't stopped the numbers at one of his rallies being bigger than all the ones for viable contenders combined.
>because technically the climate changes through out the day.
>the climate changes through out the day.
>through out the day.
>he believed the inflation meme
He's the most historically unpopular president by a massive margin, even on polls by outlets that ostensibly support him. Buying power of the dollar is in the toilet. America is alienating allies at a rapid pace. The number of people below the poverty line is skyrocketing.
Pretty well put. You realize you are replying to a leftist? Good luck with that.
Can you buy food with that gif, user?
Is that why the prices for everything have gone down and the purchasing power of the dollar has gone up? I thought inflation was the opposite....
No we can with our powerful currency.
Documented fact, provides no evidence, you fucking sheep
Neither of those are true. You can't live in denial forever, user.
CO2 is not indicative of raising temperatures. That's the issue.
Show proof that higher CO2 means higher temps. There is none.
Jesus you guys are hopeless. Is it all memes and bait or do you actually need to be spoon-fed everything?
So did we
omfg please kill me now
You obviously don't invest in foreign currency or live in America.
McDonalds is paying 13 an hour here despite the living wage being 10.60 and minimum 9.75. Too many jobs and not enough people, michigan is doing very well.
Trumptards just keep posting lies and pretend nobody pays attention to reality.
nah, i'll stick around to vote for Trump again and continue to watch you libs boohoo. Too much fun.
Bernie was supposed to save us! Not orange man!
All my employees make $4.00 more than 2 years ago because I can afford it. Meanwhile my expenses and taxes have gone down. Are you fucking high?
Please consider how you're making your own life, and the lives of people you love, worse just to spite other people.
What lies? Our economy is fucking booming.
Worse would be a libtard to tax us into the ground and help illegals more than citizens.
Well good for him. Gotta flex somehow
I can buy it with the money I make at my JOB bitch. and if something (god forbid) were to happen to me where I can't work for a stretch of time, I can buy it with the money I've saved over the course of my young (29) life. if I run out, I can apply for assistance that I'm entitled to as a taxpaying American. we have food banks in every town in every state in the country where anyone can go and get food, we have free health clinics all over the place, we have medicaid on both state and federal levels, we have TANF (welfare) programs in non commie states that asylum seekers and legal emigrators can apply for and receive, we have FAFSA that any American or any foreign student with a valid student visa can apply for and receive (they DO NOT have to pay it back as long as it's used for SCHOOL or housing for SCHOOL to better themselves and their families). it's not my or anyone else's fault that you didn't know this or didn't bother to look this up before you borrowed 100k from SallieMae for your accounting degree which has left you with a sour taste in your mouth for the world and every person in it. change yourself and stop trying to bring everyone else aboard your sinking ship. learn the history of this nation before you critique those you feel your superior to for living in "flyover country" or upholding conservative AMERICAN values. cocksucker.
All time high stock market. 4x in 2 wks.
Got a 401k? Vote-
fookin' spergbork
who the fuck cares. when did we start giving a fuck about adolescent girls who werent getting fucked by the dad. i missed that meeting
Oh my lord...
Wow, a short term uptick because of the biggest package of tax reductions in modern history. Now all we have to do is cut taxes EVERY YEAR for the rest of US history to keep up with inflation! :D
Try thinking please, you're fucking your own country
You just don't get it, huh? Real genius.
hinga dinga durgen
Sometimes I really wonder why I even bother with you mongs...
and voting for some dem that wants to spend 50 trillion (real number, not exaggeration) on socialist healthcare, giving more money to useless niggers that don't want to work so I get to work harder to pay more in taxes so they can not work. Fuck that.
run a long. play times over and you have school tomorrow
nobody cares
Do us all a favor-don't.
homeless neck-beard who lives in mom's basement "i want $25 an hour to work at MacDonalds but I can only work 20 hours a week because I have anxiety."
Grow some fucking balls, be a man, and go work your way up to a good job.