Is marriage even worth it at this point in time?
Is marriage even worth it at this point in time?
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Never was. Do what feels good or kill yourself.
Only for the tax break
No, why would you try it or have ever thought it was.
Seriously why do people care about having a relationship with a woman.
Depends. Are you planning on sharing the rest of your life with someone? Otherwise it may not be even be remotely worth it. If you are, does the country you live in grant you benefits that you would otherwise not be able to enjoy if you weren’t married?
Maybe after 40, so you aren't lonely? Some people do like monogamy but I doubt it's even the majority.
Fa sho, feels good man
It is if you find the right person. The problem with living in this incel echo chamber, I can understand why people would be afraid of women.
Only for women.
FUCK no. If you want kids, get prenup, find amazon woman with the blood of a warrior, have warrior children, divorce. Also stop being a pussy and go work out, maybe do MMA if you’re not a fucking dinosaur.
the only real reasons below
>for tax reasons
>for a visa (if one of you is foreign)
>for inheritance reasons
and meme reasons below
>if you've had kids together and want to stablize shit
>to make it illegal for her to fuck other men
just whatever you do, sign a pre-nup and do a full assets/income assessment before you get married, to prevent her from being able to #metoo and run off after a couple of years with half of your money and child support for 18 years.
My brother had a prenup when he got divorced and his ex got literally nothing; because the courts determined that literally 90% of their income came from him and that she just sat around on her ass all the time.
I hate people that have to ask this question.
user, that answer is entirely up to whom you are trying to marry. A marriage only ever fails because of the participants.
If you find a nice girl whom you love and respect, AND who loves and respects you, then yes marriage is worth it. If in desperation you try to marry the first thing that looks at you twice, you get a woman knocked up and marry her out of obligation, or go for a stupid whore, then no, probably not.
This is common sense, man.
This fucking chad knows what he's saying.
>>for tax reasons
even then, you could have ALL of your savings negated in a moment when she divorces you.
Nice stolen meme, faggot.
This is why we say you people can't meme.
Marriage is pretty one sided for the woman. But once you've been together for a while and shits comfortable you can literally tell her to make you dinner tonight, and do all that nasty weird shit you've always been in to. And you'll obviously think shed hot, otherwise she wouldnt be your wife. If not, you either picked the wrong one, are a beta, or both.
Protip: get a preen-up, hide your money
If you're a man, yes. If you're an immature hurr durr bitter little shit that posts about fucking bitches and prenups and other excuses for why you're pathetic, then no.
>illegal to fuck others
Top kek. The judge will send you to classes that will indictrinate you into the understanding that its totally your fault and your fault alone that your spouse wants to fuck others.
And while youre at it, your abusing your son by raising him as a male. She really wants to transistion to her true form as a female and do sex tourism in france for some african immigrants
>trips of the triggered hard
Consult a divorce attorney prior to marriage. Have all of your assets moved off of your name to prevent this from happening.
read the post again. that's why you make her sign a pre-nup, my dude.
also the woman doesn't automatically get half of your shit unless you live in a shithole. Usually divorce is a 1 year process where forensic accountants dig around and figure out exactly how much she financially contributed to the relationship.
if the wife didn't have a job and just sat around all day spending the husbands money they're lucky to get anything at all, maybe 5% and their own personal possessions back.
you should put down the crack pipe sometime
Meh, the only practical benefit is the tax break you get. Why legally tie yourself to someone unnecessarily?
>Huehuehue, I'll call him triggered, therefore stealing yet another thing from the right huehue
>They have nothing left to say or do whenever we ineffectively turn their culture against them jajaja
>Man I really wish that I could make anything original, catchy, or interesting and that my parents loved me
And don't lie, you're jealous of my trips of truth.
I dont even know what youre saying, speak english, God is listening to and watching you.
I've just been accused by my ex-wife of molesting my daughter. She took her to the Dr and they said she's been penetrated. I would never do this. Gonna get drunk and kill myself. She's been molested and I'll never know who did. And I'm gonna get convicted of it im sure.
How old is your daughter?
How long have you been with your wife?
Do you have other children?
Aside from child rape, why havent you and your wife been getting along?
I understood what he said and my English isn't fluid, you are just illiterate. Read some books.
unless you are religious, no.
It doesn't matter. She's been touched and the only being pointed at is me. It's over. But till I get brave enough to do it ie drunk I'll keep talking I guess
What is crack pipe and what benefit to society would books written about it?
You cant possibly know how you read to others when you make these type of posts
We don't get along because all she does is church every night. I've followed her thinking she was cheating but no. At church
being this insecure
If I had money for a lawyer I'd go that route but I'm too poor
I think I'll call the cops and point a gun at them.
It can be worth it but always prepare for the future. That's why my house is in the father's name. If we do get divorced it won't be me moving into a shitty studio apartment.
If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear i was falsely accused by my ex about raping my daughter cause she was wanted to be petty cause i moved on an started dating someone else during the trail my daughter confessed that she was being coach by her mother an DNA showed it was actully her mother's boyfriend since CPS took DNA from every male close to her her mother an her rapist are both in jail an i have full custody of my daughter it wasn't a complete victory though since the girl i was dating split because of the drama but its for the best but how your acting makes me have doubt in your story
Only in no fault divorce states if your wife will make more than you.
No. My wife has crippled me financially. Stronk Womyn are a meme. As soon as they get a ring any semblance of a partnership goes out the window. EVERYTHING will fall on your shoulders.
And you’ll rarely fuck
It is still worth it from the woman's point of view, but it has not been worth while for the man for about fifty years:
Nowadays, every conceivable benefit of marriage accrues to the woman, and the man loses out on everything.
>the average person has the money to illicitly do this
>think another's state law can't shred prenups from another state
why do women project the idea of wanting monogamy so bad then? Is it literally because they plan to cheat later/
Oh, God no!
This is not true at all.
convert everything to bitcoin or xmr and leave the country but pls dont kill yourself or go to prison btw u will probably get killed in prison for that conviction