I just want Steven to die
I just want Steven to die
I'm sure his hobby store will be very sucessful.
>mfw they probably hid his massive 40k collection so GW doesn't file a lawsuit against TLC
GW doesn't do that any more since they changed CEO. I wish people would stop getting memes from Sup Forums. That's not against rules ANYWAY. 40k was shown on a BBC program about autism and how autism sufferers like it.
Nobody was sued. Stop talking shit about stuff you don't understand.
Justin clearly knows to hide his power level, except when it comes to piss jugs
t. justin
is posting that a condition of opening your game store?
>always been chubby
>hit puberty
>become obese
>reach optimal weight around 150kg mid twenties
I'm 180cm, 150kilos, scandinavian, spend 8+hours sitting down, no workout.
How do these even manage to get to that weight and how do they manage to look so fat.
It's so bizarre to me.
I hope so :(
JonTron really let himself go
His family has some weak ass beard genes
They all look like they have pubes on their chins
Just shave that shit off
so fucking edgy bro xD
Why are they so slow to upload the new ep to the website?
When you get that obese you get estrogen levels of a woman
Any Torrents out yet for the new episode?
Their dad has a sick mustache and stubble.
Clearly momgenes tanked them on top of their obesity killing any type of test levels they may have had.
I think if had more to do with stretched skin than lack of density. If they lose (kek) weight it'll be back to normal.
Sugar, no vegetables, about 1000-2000 calories overbudget every day. Once you build up enough fat around your liver and become pre-diabetic you balloon up even faster.
You don't magically grow new hair follicles when your skin gets stretched by being fat user. That's a normal person's beard trying to take up the space of two beards.
Sugar won't make you fat. Ask the skellys on /r9k/ who drink a gallon of coke every day.
These 600lb guys eat pizza and chips all day (fatty food)
ur dumb
>GW doesn't do that
no u
you can really tell he's been strung out on opiates in that picture, something universal about that facial complexion and junkies
If he is continually high on opiates why is he still eating so much
it still exists
you can find it online
>I'm 180cm, 150kilos, scandinavian,
I live in Sweden and i hate Swedish people for this particular reason, beta fatasses, literally NEETs.
Anyone have a stream link to the latest /fatkino/?
Its true dumby.
Estimated amounts of absolute VLDL production ranged from a minimum of 2 g/d (control) to a maximum of 10 g/d after overfeeding
2-10 grams. You could get more eating one slice of pizza.
aint up anywhere yet
JonTron really went to shit after that whole racist controversy
You should continue reading
>This compares with a mean fat balance of approximately 275 g after 96 h of overfeeding
That's almost two kilos of fat in a month, and it also notes that de-novo lipogenesis was three time higher than in the control group
check back in a few hours
Why haven't the Hartleys gotten their own reality TV show? I want microcephalykino
>you gon eat that?
>mfw when my name is Steven
it would be too macabre
read gwen's blog, in literary format its bad enough
Dude who the fuck doesn't spend some times as NEET while living in god-like scandinavian countries? Its like living on some exotic beach and never trying swimming or surfing
Good thing they are all going to be replaced by wiry alpha Somalians NEETs
So, he collects Nurgle?
yeah... id rather go out fuck your women.
have fun staying a virgin.
go back to cb
You couldn't probably get laid in europe even if u went to amsterdam lol
>150 kg
i would but its gone now brother
is there a link to last nights episode yet?
They're severely mentally ill, you aren't.
Does Justin post in either of the Gunpla generals?
i love you negrow slayer
to bad you will never leave your basement then.
Anyone have a link to part 2?
great, so you admit that dietary fat is the cause of obesity
its not on TLC yet, but should be later today
sadly that not me
but he is numero uno poster
Part two aired yesterday.
First one to provide a working link to part two will get a free gf like pic related.
>Justin, we have finally become... fatkino
No, I was implying that you are retarded, probably caused by advanced stage diabetes
I said any more, do you usually stop reading sentences midway through? Besides, I literally gave you an example of BBC using it for their autism program and GW didn't do shit, fageit.
If you were right, The Lord Inquisitor would have been C&D not given a fucking BL writer to help (and their worse one at that, RIP).
So where does the 275g of fat come from? Thin air? You can synthesize fat (inefficiently), or get it from the diet.
>So where does the 275g of fat come from?
From the excessive amount of sugar they ate as part of the experiment, try reading the shit you link you retard
Dude wat.
>Estimated amounts of absolute VLDL production ranged from a minimum of 2 g/d (control) to a maximum of 10 g/d after overfeeding
So 40g maximum over 4 days. Where does the rest come from?
VLDL is not body fat you stupid asshole
When you come down from opiates food feels like sex in the mouth
where are you from though?
8/10, you hooked me for quite a while, but now you are really acting too much like a retard to be believable
lol, you are ignorant of basic biology.
Fat influences insulin production which is the main factor in becoming fat.
Most people can lose weight JUST by cutting out all sugary drinks.
>says the guy that thinks that lipoproteins are body fat and the rest of those 275 of fat gained by the test subjects don't count
>40k gets mentioned, barely takes 2 minutes for some autistic plastic painter to come reeeing out of his containment board
do a bit more studying son. i know that high school geometry quiz is coming soon
>Mfw 206cm, 150kg, scandinavian, spend all day every day sitting down aside from the occasional trip to the store
I'm obese but fuck me... I really can't fathom how this is even possible.
The problem is that these guys do ALL OF IT.
So this is the power of capitalism.
That would actually improve their gene pool.
>t. salty claps fresh out of middleschool
No need to be triggered just because your country is already a cesspit of multiculti breeding and your lardasses are the result
Link to the new episode?
Is his hobby store a supermarket?
>Britcucks soaring past the US
>denmark, a scandinavian country, above both
>implying I'm an Americlap
>implying Sweden is Denmark
>implying the discussion didn't start with scandinavian before devolving into murriclap projections using the all to familiar "muh sweden" argument
>USA more developed than Denmark
what a joke of an index
This link doesn't work. pls help
Salty claps? Is this how you really talk?
In case you haven't realized, we are on a memetic impression shaping board. We're not talking.
>I'm sure his hobby store will be very smelly
Not on it's own no, but prediabetic people put on fat a lot quicker than people with a healthy metabolism. It's why a lot of these people probably spend their entire childhood, teenage, and young adult years getting close to 300, and then go from there to 600+ in so short a time.
you do realise that he was eating six pizzas a day right. That's 14,400 calories just from pizza.
>dude I eat so much and don't get fat lol
>actually drinks 3 cans of pop a day, a couple of pizza rolls and some sugary snacks
>Totaling around 1800 calories or something at most
People always assume they "eat so much" because they're actually eating a moderate amount of crappy food.
Guys like Steven literally don't stop eating all day long.
Yeah people are terrible at estimating calories. Even if you tell them how much is in what they're eating they won't know how to apply it as they're unaware of their TDEE