>muh code
>Muh Thread
>muh name
>muh passione
>muh porn
>muh reddit
>muh danger
Why do people say R&M is Reddit? I mean it got popular on Sup Forums earlier.
Tbh though the episodes when they take themselves too seriosly are kinds melodramatic, but still not REBBIT :DD tier ffs
>he still thinks R&M isn't reddit
>muh tangerine
>muh nihilism
For the most part it's the whole "WOAH MARTY GOD ISN'T REAL GET SWHIFTY" that just screams reddit,
That and the fact that it's massively popular with redditors
>muh rug
>muh dad
>muh nootka
>muh mhmm
Yeah but you aren't supposed to sympathize with Rick. He's SUPPOSED to be a smart ass who spouts shit like that, at least I think.
I mean like I said the episodes that turn a Back to The Future parody into a familly drama can be unfunny and bland, but I still enjoy the show
>muh 9
>muh responsibility
>muh throne
>Muh ad'dib
>muh fucker
>muh flightplan
>muh son