Be honest: Do you think you would make a good father?

Be honest: Do you think you would make a good father?

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Hell no. That's why I got a vasectomy at 20

To her. No. But I would be a great daddy!

i'm black


Yes I do, and I don't at the same time. I'm an extremely caring and conscious person, I feel like if I had a kid I'd be very aware of their wants, needs, etc but at the same time I'd rather not give up any amount of freedom I have to devote to a child. For instance, I just got home from work, currently on the shitter, and very much looking forward to having a few hours worth of games online with the boys before my wife gets home.

If I had to look after a kid instead, I wouldn't be so excited to get home.

sure you did, bud

I am a good father.

You can't get a snip snip that young user.

Is that Khabib's daughter?

that's literally what i just said, thanks for that

incel larping his ass off

Absolutely not. I ain't passing these shitty ass genes on. I can barely handle myself as it is. I'm not boutta curse someone else to the same fate.

Im not going to be your daddy, faggit. No, i dont care how much money you offer, its fucking disgusting, lardo.

Absolutely, no faggots or degenerates in my family

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No you were being all pc and shit zoomer. Speak like your on Sup Forums faggot

have fun being half a man you soy drinking cuck

no she's an american fan

i already am one and so far i did fine

When I hang out with nephew I am but that is in short periods of time (few hours like maybe every other week) but he is 2 1/2 so not much for caretaking needs to be done.

I think if I had to be I would but im not ready for that commitment and idk if I ever will be.

kek, this or his wife is ugly af. Who gets home from work before his wife anyway?

The guy getting cheated on

It has occurred to me as somewhat of an unreasonable notion, that ejaculating profanities is not in my style, nor be it the style of this Sup Forums you speak of.

intresting ideas

Na I'd be beating on those bastards as soon as they would go on my nerves . Seriously I dont think that beating a child is bad as long as you dont do it for no reason and to much .
But I guess since I was a pretty hard to handle kid and had no boundaries or rules that I cared for and just did what I wanted to do Id be a really really mean father and very strict .
I think my youth told me that it's not bad to make rules and enforce them . So I don't know depends on the kid I guess but fot right now or the next 10 years no way .

Couldn't he just work earlier hours?

Everyone always tells me I would make a great father, especially my family, but I don't think I ever will be.

In germany you can get it done at 18

there's an age limit on vasectomies but physicians will "change" your sex when you're 4?

Its acceptable for kids to have imaginary friends as late as 9, but if a 6 year old tells you hes a girl, she knows what she is.

I’ve been told I would
> Have had 2 babortions bc evil Jew bitch in my 20s
> have had 2 miscarriages prob bc babortions
> mfw 39 and don’t want kids now and don’t wanna raise some other bitches kids

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>evil Jew bitch in my 20s
probably best she killed them

My sons prove my paternal qualities. Oldest two long term employed professionals, and youngest was reading at two.

I homeschooled as a single father while working construction full time, while never once hiring a sitter, engaging a nanny, or even letting my mother watch them. Teaching them on jobsites, until they were ~10 when they started earning minimum wage hanging sheetrock.

Easy peasy.

>Hell no. That's why I got a vasectomy at 20

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Kys nigger