That episode was really well done
Show was produced by an autistic person, therefore the show is for autistic people.
this episode and the microuniverse one are my favorites.
Where do I upvote? XDDDD
wub wub dub
I've only seen 2 episodes of this piece of garbage because a friend almost forced me to. I was openminded when I watched it but why is this considered funny in any way?
Hahaha that sounds so funny what television program is this?
I just don't like when they say sexist stuff about women especially like that episode that implied the wage gap wasn't real :/
Also the show is really "reddit" and reddit is full of misogynist.
Rick and Morty
Reddit and morty
Best episode desu
Fuck off all these redditors claiming its shit. Its a fantastic piece showing the deconstruction of a typical family sitcom, along with accurate theoretical physics. The show is genius.
Who else got really hungry for Szechaun sauce after the last ep? :D I hope McDonald's brings it back!
>do I fit in yet guys: the thread: the board
This board is pure reddit.
I want szechuan sauce now!
OMG i loved mulan szechuan sauce! It's literally the best sauce ever! Looks like you have refined taste like myself good sir!
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
not being ironic, dickhead.
Yes you are, you are clearly being ironic and it's fucking pathetic, just let the threads die if you don't like the fucking show.
Calm down reddit.
Does it taste like mulan cunny?
Someone doesn't want the sejuan sauce :3
>hurr durr reddit do I fit in yet
This is why Sup Forums is shit, bunch of 15 year olds trying to feel like they belong by spamming reddit and being obnoxious.
just filter the thread if you dont like rick and morty, jeez! Its the best show eva if you didn't know you should try it sometime it opened my mind
wow that projection
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
This post and most of the posts ITT are breaking global rule 3
Please report them
>clever, ironic, cynical, nerdy, pop-culture heavy
im not being ironic. If you dont like my opinion go elsewhere
you don't have a sense of humor? You should thank your friend
it is pretty much a sign of being underage
It also kills threads because these people cannot converse
they are at a stage of shitposting where they are no longer capable of posting normally
If you think it's ironic you clearly haven't tried the sauce? Have you tried the sauce? I think not.
>mickey d's garbage
I already know it's shit
You're projecting and are probably underage.
You made me smile oldfag
Don't knock McDonald's. They're not as bad as people say.
What if Morty grows up to be actually Rick and every Rick is just a timetravelling Morty having adventures with his past self?
That would explain a lot things.
The show is pretty heavy on lore stuff like this, love it.
The call of an underaged newfag getting exposed.
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with Reddit?
Rick at Mortys age was tiny Rick
wendy's is much better my dude, they have some pretty good deals too
fries, cola, bacon cheeseburger and chicken nuggets for $4
Most of the reddit spammers are self-deprecating redditors trying to fit in.
NO!!! Just think about it for a sec
nice projection
they got tired of saying Sup Forums and switched back to the preelection spam.
jesus christ.
Nice try kid, but no.
>the people who hate reddit are reddit
is this what projection truly looks like?
Nice projection, m8.
How many episodes until they name the Drumpf?
No, even moot agreed that most of the reddit spammers were self-deprecating redditors.
You'd know this if you weren't a fucking newfag trying to fit in.
>You'd know this if you weren't a fucking newfag trying to fit in.
wew thats some projection right there
>moot said...
who cares
their fanbase is bernouts and r/thedonald
they don't want to piss off half of their viewers
>who cares about what the creator of the website I try SO HARD to fit into said.
Good job exposing yourself as a newfag.
Wait a minute...
I think rick nd morty is shit but you have to admit reddit can be pretty useful.
Nice inspect element pic that you saved newfag
haha I like it when he burps xD
Reddit spamming wasn't even as common back then though.
Sup Forums is basically just so biased that they've convinced themselves R & M is not a legitimately fantastic show since it's become popular, particularly with Reddit. Your average Sup Forums uses is addicted to the image of himself as some sort of grand intellectual social outcast. It's by no faulth of himself though, its just cause society is too flawed to accept his brilliant mind. He will sit in front of his PC, looking down on the "normies" and praising the niche lesser known shows which appeals to his superior deep intellectual mindset. He's not like Reddit, the masses who rejected him. He's special.
and a wicked sense of humor ;)
Just wait for the popularity to die down and one of the "beloved" actors of the show to pass away and Sup Forums will pretend like they always loved it.
>gets called out for projecting
>"no you"
I just like shitposting.
>appeal to moot
probably the worst and most newfag argument in existence
Says the newfag, moot was right, all you reddit little shits spamming reddit trying to fit in are the reddit cancer.
you're actually retarded
and a newfag
>le I have to hate it because reddit likes it show
What's with all the R&M shilling lately?
Says the newfag trying to fit in.
says the newfag trying to fit in calling someone else a newfag trying to fit in
While everyone started truly hating the site around 2009, spamming Reddit as an insult started around 2011, even if it was mostly localised on Sup Forums at the time.
says the newfag trying to fit in by calling someone else a newfag trying to fit in while someone else calls him a newfag trying to fit in
and people STILL think it's not a meme show taylor made for reddit
Lmao no it isn't.
Sup Forums hates this show
>r/thedonald is Sup Forums
You know when you call something reddit, there's always that guy who asks what you mean by that, and what exactly reddit means as a derogatory adjective.
This screen-cap nails it. Pure, distilled reddit.
Reddit does everything better desu. Their porn is better and more organized, better boards (subreddits), more variety, better memes, less wise asses, better layout. If being loyal to Sup Forums is the reason you hate reddit, then you're retarded
>tl;dr The grass is greener on the other side.
I think the main reason seasoned memers hat reddit is because it has a tendency to "steal" 4chins dank me mes which is ironic because Sup Forums does the same with tumblrs maymays, a la, ayy lmao, [TRIGGERED], Dat boi etc.
The reasons why Reddit is despised are quite simple.
The most obvious one is the original one - back in 2008-9, where Reddit claimed they invented Rage Comics, advice dog, etc.
The thieving itself wasn't a problem, as mentioned Sup Forums has a habit of doing that too, however Sup Forums is usually willing to admit that certain material came from other place. Reddit didn't. The true problem arose with the fact that this led to a horde of faggots creating unfunny cancerous OC and ruining any thread made on our boards by poisoning any potentially good content. When told to fuck off, they naturally thought it was their right because they came up with it, and stayed.
This meant that any material Reddit got their hands on had to be abandoned and scorned purely in self defence; if we didn't, we knew the most cancerous people on the internet would be flooding in, and the usual traffic that would normally take one look and leave would instead see content that made them think we were kindred spirits.
The second reason is a byproduct of the first, that being familiarity breeds contempt.
Reddit is simply the normalfag haven of the internet, no getting round it.
Most people were content to ignore them when they first got started, because they still had Ebaums, Gaia and SA to hate, but being gatecrashed by a horde of mongoloids changed perspectives pretty quickly.
That's the real reason people hate anything Reddit seems to like.
>People think mixing shallow existential angst and pop science results in anything of worth
Nowadays yes.
Didn't expect to see that meme here anymore
Oh you fucking shithead, family sitcoms have been deconstructed for fucking decades and R&M hasn't done anything new. And the science is horrid pop crap any chucklefuck who is in anyway familiar with science fiction knows about. Rick is a shitty scientist. He never seeks to learn more about anything, he just indulges in hedonism while shouting out pessimist shit and science trivia
>im obligated to hate certain entertainment because people from another website enjoy it
>Hey check it out!
It actually happened
Anyone claiming that the show is great scifi is a fucking tool. I just really like the campy "not giving a shit" vibe it has, makes me think about flash animations i used to watch, it has that kind of feel. Other than that the comedy is pretty much just "lol so random" nonsequitour shit but i guess im easily amused
It's a poorly written "freeform" comedy show that focuses on Abusrdism utilizing science fiction as a vehicle, but it fails because the attempts at Absurdism are in your face and brutish. It tries to be sappy, but fails because the acting is trash. It tries to be funny, but fails because the humor is basic and uninteresting. It tries to be deep and meaningful, but it fails because the writing isn't clever. In essence, Rick and Morty is a bad show that people have latched onto because they think it means something, when in truth the show is some sort of hodge-podge of half-baked ideas and weed-induced revelations that cater to the most basic of palettes.
This thread is a prime example of why this site is shit. Half of the posts aren't saying anything and the other half is just shitposting about Reddit, which is unrelated to the show no matter how hard you want to sperg about it.