I know this board is only for porn and rekt thread but i need opinion on something and i have nobody to talk and this...

I know this board is only for porn and rekt thread but i need opinion on something and i have nobody to talk and this site is some kind of pathetic ways is like a family and retarded and full of faggot family but still.
So the thing is that lately something have changed and i don't really know why.
Let's start with saying that i've been deppressed since i was 13 i've been thinking about kill myself every single day i couldn't even hold a knife or cross a bridge without thinking "do it coward" but for some kind of reason at the start of setember for once in my life i fell happy like truly happy for no reason at all, it was a really stressfull summer i lost 10 kg because of the stress, the happiness lasted 1 and a half week and then suddently out of nowhere i fell in love with this girl and i felt like my entire word collapsed on me i was back with the sadness, i could never have this girl for some reason i can't explain and honestly don't want to, but i'm in love just looking at her makes my hearth explode, i've been in love only once before that it lasted for 11 years and then i got my hearth broken in a horrible way, and the reason why i'm writing this is because is november and i'm still in love and it's killing me i started drinking and i sleep almost all day, i'm starting to feel tired not in a physical way but in an emotional one i'm really tired i don't wanna do this anymore, a couple of days ago i started to hurt my self, so here i come Sup Forums with all of my feeling asking for help i never been so vurnerable in my life, i'm here because i need help.

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dude, there is not much I can do, but I hope you feel better, get help, talk to a councilor if you can, talk to your parents or friends if you have any, they love you, and they want to help you. I wish you the best

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Thank you dude i really hope things get better,

I feel really sorry for you trying to get fit and getting a girl is hard

Listen lad,

I feel for you. I'm considered a relatively positive guy but even I can't escape the negative thoughts that knaw at the back of my skull. Somethings just haunt me like that. I can't promise that tomorrow is gonna be some happy day and that this girl is gonna instantly fall for you, but what I can promise is that happy days seem to appear at random to those in need. Hang on bro.

Hey man, dont worry about what some cunts are gonna say on this board. Know that there are always people to listen to you and share your thoughts with. I think what would help you is to go out and meet other people. In the end meeting a new girl and falling in love with her would be a good remedy.

i feel ya pal

I don't know how to meet new people i don't even know where to start to meet to new people

Dude, paragraphs. They make text more readable.

About the girl, I don't know, can't help you with that. It'll wear off in the end, even if it takes years. Life sucks.

About drinking and sleeping all day, I don't know how severe the drinking is. At some point you may need others to help you. But you can do a lot yourself until you've reached that point. I've had shit periods where I no longer got out of bed, because I had no reason to get out of bed and what helped me were simple routines, like exercise and running. Especially running, because you can build a daily routine around it. It gives you something to look forward to, and even if you don't feel like it, you'll still feel better afterwards. I don't know if it's of any use to you, but it helped me.

If i only there was am even remote chance of this girl falling for me i wouldn't be so sad but there are literally zero chance between me and her and that's what's destroing me i'm not scared of telling her how i feel but i know what the response would be for reason that i don't want to explain, i can't stop thinking about her i really love her i don't even care about sex i just want to hug her and cuddle and is just really to keep holding on, i sometimes found myself on the verge of tears thinking why is this happening to me i always tries to be a good person for all of my life i've always put others over me and i always try not to hurt people than why do bad things keep happening to me?

I know who you are mexicano.

I don't know how bad my drinking problem is i usually drink till i pass out i have a strong alcohol ressistance.

I've tried running, walking an infinite type of hobby i learned another language i teached my self how to play guitar but all this doesn't help

try being less of a faggot

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot. You're a whiny little bitch that's why you can't attract her. Fix your shit. No one owes you jack shit.

>I know this board is only for porn and rekt
Newfag detected. Lurk moar you fucking faggot. Also TLDR.

I SO want to give you good advice, and feel like I should be able to at 42 years old... but I still have no idea how to meet people besides talking to coworkers. If you do find people to talk to, though, one of the best ways to keep conversation going is to ask them more about themselves (but not like a stalker). Most interesting people are better at talking about their experiences than being interested in your own. Oh and try to cut back on the alcohol (easier said than done, I know). That's all I got.

You can't even imagine how much i would like to be a faggot right now

Well running might not be for everyone, but I did not just mean any hobby. I meant something physically demanding because that will take your mind off of things better than exercising your brain.

wish granted, because you're acting like a gigantic one

I wish thing were so easy man, i'm sorry that i'm acting like a giant faggot, but the only way i see to get out of all of this is something a normal person shouldn't think of

be patient brother, you'll get passed this. Trust me and it'll be worth it.

Heya, there's not much advice I can give, but I can regarding the hurting yourself. I've been there, and years later I still have scars from third degree burns and deep cuts across my body. I know it's really hard to cope with those feelings, but please do anything but hurting yourself, you only started recently, it's not too late to stop. Because once you really get started, it becomes an addiction, and you'll start cutting deeper and deeper to get your fix, ending up having to go to hospital because of infections and to get stitiches. I know it can be hard to do "healthy" coping mechanisms such as meditation and reading, but at the very least, do something not harmful to your body, like gaming. What helped me to distract myself was writing a diary of sorts, and just tossing my feelings on there whenever I felt like harming myself.

Get help irl if you can, find a therapist (many have lower costs if you have a low income). If you can't do that yourself, tell someone you trust that you need help. It can be hard to tell someone about it, but believe me, it will be worth it when you're happy again. And don't beat yourself up too much, none of us are likely to have big victories in life, so take the small things. Even if it's just something like washing your face in the morning and the evening, it all counts towards a more content and confident state of being.

I feel you,my life changed today, now i need to leave all behind, and it suck, but hopefully its gonna be better this time. Do like me, think in yourself and try to change your life for better. Sometimes you have to make small decisions and sometimes you need to change your life completely.

Hey homie listen, I know life seems really shitty now, but trust me, don't give up. We're on the same boat. Chatting with a girl right now, and I'm feeling the same way as you are right now. I don't know what else to say except to better yourself. Focus on yourself more. Realize that girls come and go (I've still yet to accept this fact), and don't focus on a single girl. Talk to other women in your area. Try to be more confident. And if you haven't, try to get help. Meds do work (I am on them), but it's only you who can better your life. That's all I can say right now. Hope you have a great day user

Things were going great for you before. No reason it can't happen again. Just hold on

I've tried to see a professional when i was younger, but i really don't want to take meds.
A couple of years ago i used to have this one friend that i was i know since kindergarten she started taking meds for her deppresion and in a couple of year she start to slowly lost her mind and now she is crazy, and i promise to myself to never take meds

I don't know man i have this feeling is like i'm constantly falling in abyss of sadness

His advice is solid, mate, especially that stuff about small things counting up. Don't dismiss it so easily, others have been where you are.


Going to therapy doesn't mean you have to take meds. Just going to therapy (chatting about your problems) can help a lot even without seeing a psychiatrist (they prescribe meds for mental illness).

I can fully understand why you don't want to take meds, but in a lot of cases they do help with minimal side effects. It sounds like your friend was very unlucky. It can happen that you may react badly to meds, but even on low dosage they can help alot in many cases. For example I'm on the lowest dosage of the antisepressant I use (citalopram), but it still has helped me to not be depressed, and i haven't had any side effects besides a decreased sex drive. Psychiatrists will generally help you to find a medication which works well for you. Really consider it please, yes there are the risks of mostly minor side effects, but doesn't the joy of not being depressed outweigh the potential for side effects?

You don't have to see a psychiatrist, but please do see a therapist at least. Usually they will not force you to take medication.

I know others have been where i am right know and i know that all of this advice are solid is just that i keep thinking t'ha everything is worthless i can't seem to find a reason to try again

I know i should see therapist is just that i feel like i don't have the force to see one i don't want to be vurnerable

>am currentl seeing psychologist, helped me a lot.

It's alright. We all feel vulnerable sometimes, but you're here sharing your problems with us. Yes it may be easier because you're anonymous here, but clearly you're able to express your emotions and problems, and that's half of the work already.

I can assure you that a therapist will not abuse your trust. They won't mock you for your vulnerability, they won't tell other people. It's a private relationship that nobody else will know about.

I know being vulnerable is hard, but being severely depressed is a lot harder. Therapy will help a lot. You'll have to stick with it for a bit, but eventually you might even come to enjoy your therapy sessions (at least I did). The initial discomfort of therapy is nothing compared to the constant misery of depression, please do yourself a favour and get therapy. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

I used to go to the therapy when i was younger and it didn't help at all, i just want to stop loving this girl, like you see her she have this beatifull blue eyes and somerimes i lost my self while looking at them they are like an ocean i could swimm into jusy by looking at them, and i love the way she is herself i never had that could understand me or that i could understand and with her i feel like we are two face of the same thing, she is trully the love of my life i never had emotion so strong in my entire life

I can say I’m in the same boat, I guess. Recent break up and feeing down lately. Possibly a few things I can advice you to do is hangout with friends or even go out by yourself, like watch movies or just go to the cafe. Go to the gym too. Read books and shit. We’ll probably find someone that’s right for us down the road. Don’t be stuck on one thing. Try alot of stuff to do.

Also obligatory, you’re a faggot. Thanks.

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I would love to go out but i don't have any friend and i don't have money to go out alone or to watch a movie

If you want to stop loving this girl, you need to be able to stop basing your self worth and emotions on this girl. I've been there too, it was not healthy for either of us. You are so much more than the girls you love, it's cliche but it's true: you need to love yourself before you can love anyone else. And therapy can help with loving yourself, it might go better this time. You never know until you try.

I'm going to sleep now, I hope at the very least I convinced you to stop harming yourself. Best of luck mate, through hell and high water you'll make it. I did, and your life is just as valuable as mine, so I know you can make it too. Stay safe.

To start, you’re probably not in love with this girl, unless you’ve known her intimately for a long time. It sounds like you experience strong emotions, so you likely just feel a very strong attraction that you are mixing up with love. Second, as someone who has experienced strong bouts of depression, and who also struggles with anxiety constantly, found some sort of outlet, and latch onto it. Make it something you enjoy, but not something you do constantly, so that it doesn’t get ruined, and you have something to look forward too.

How do i know if i'm really in love? I've been in love only once but i eliminate every memory of it, Also how do i find an outlet?

tp;dr just kys

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Love is a strange thing brother. I don't know aything of your relationship with her, but you could appraoch her and respectfully let her know how you feel.

Rejection is always possible, which brings me to what really matters...

Work on yourself. Life is not a wave that drags you along, it is a wave that you have to navigate. Find a counsellor, a therapist, a meditation group, a religious/spiritual group. Live YOUR life, and the right person will come along at the right time.

I was a loner in highschool, and got rejected twice by the only girl I loved (circa 2009). Fastforward to 2017, we meet again at the Masters, and mext week, we'll have been together for two years. Life, and love, are a mysterious thing.

Stay strong brother, you're a boss.

I feel you man. Right now, I'm going through something where this girl who says she's mine, isn't texting me, picking up my calls, or even really talking to me much when I told her I need her. I don't know what to do. Do I keep going like nothing happened or do I tell her that she needs to be there for me, as I have been for her? I just needed to talk to someone, and if you want to vent to me, I'll listen. We both feel shitty, but we will get better in time.

Sorry for the typos, I'm high af

Can't you talk to her irl? If u really love her don't let her go

Is not really about insecurities or problem talking to her i have no problem with that, the problem is that I never gonna be with her for reason i can't explain so you just need to trust me when i say i can't be with her

Going online will only make it worse. Cutting off the internet will improve you're attitude tremendously.

It's why suicide has been so goddamn high lately. It's the internet. If you're using itbtonlearn and that's all, you'll be fine. But chatting with people, going on social media and obsessively reading news meant tonfuel anger, you're gonna feel bad all the time.

I usually take a week of the internet once a month. It's like I've become human again. Recomendeded

She lives far away and I get to see her maybe once a week. She's under stress right now too which sucks. Today, I had a bad day, and she's only given me 2 minutes of her time. It just feels like I'm being abandoned.


this is important to read for you

Then there's nothing you can do about it. Get on with your life, and the feelings will, or will not, go away. Keep working on yourself though, it's more than just self-esteem, it's about having your own purpose and always getting better.

But where do i start?

I get it. It's not what she says, but how and how much she says or does.

I think my girl is just that kind of woman with a few words, but that thought did cross my mind. Does she really want me. Do I want her more? Well I'll have to see.

Find a counselor. Counselors, especially those using humanistic methods, have tools that can help you find more meaning in life.