how fucked am i bros
How fucked am i bros
Post the template nigger
I got you beat, I got all of them
Please post the template, Mr. Nigger.
post the template motherfucker
post ur results here fags
So glad I'm not one of these anons
do you actualy believe my combination of boxes?
Shit, I haven't talked to a woman in over 5 years other than something like a cashier.
I'm so fucking alone right now.
shits literally a scam
>Romantic fantasies about girls
The fantasy I have is that they stay the fuck away from me. Lying self-obsessed sociopaths, all of them.
>Have mental conversations to be less alone
Happens as a reflex and out loud when no one is around.
Cant complain if no bingo
Even the neet part is only temporarily. I feel more and more like a normie over the years
have normie gf but bagina is still bagina
sucks I'll never be able to show her my power level though.
You seem to be lost. Go be happy somewhere else.
when i see these that's when i remember how fucked i am
i tick every single box aaaaaaa someone please be my friend
I will be your frien
for real?
do you have discord or somewhere we can talk
yeah, how you wanna do this?
Used to have job, prime minister lose election now on trial, company lose their project, gets termination.
still on the look for job where I don't have to deal with people.
>Still have social media
my games use socmed to login.
>Fantasies about girl
hardly, I don't remember people unless it's important.
and I give up imagining happy moment with girls I wont get.
>Check phones
There's still bills and notification I need to keep in check with.
Come to think of, I haven't spoke verbally to anyone for the last 2 month.
also I know sign language and braille.
post your discord and i'll add you
gay baby jail#5065
(it is a temporary name because me be scared of the mysterious hacker Sup Forums)
>they stay the fuck away from me
More for me then!
Weaklings. You Are The Reason The West Will Fail.
I need professional help
Because I'm curious:
almost had bingo.
i'm lonely, let me make this stupid ass bingo board look better...
here's a blank template for future bingo boards
and here's the updated/cleaner lonely bingo card with more uniform font/text layout without bingo marker dabs...
One vertical and one horizontal, I'm on fire
I needed this.
Thanks, OP.
you didn't even get bingo you're fine user
Havent talked to anyone in years, since i was 12 all i played was video games. Wasn't invited to thanks giving with the family this year.
am i fucked or can i turn this around? or am i just gonna fall down the rabbit hole from here-
not too bad
Yea I'm all of these defiantly would have ended myself by now if I wasn't filthy rich
it's torture knowing that human connection is one of the most important things to me
i just can't have it