I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years...

I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years. I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them, and I'm here to address these issues.

Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.

Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need

Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.

Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.

I will talk to anyone about any of these things. I'm just sick of seeing baseless bullshit spewed about us on this board. Seeing that stuff early on in my transition made me think about some things I never want to think about again. And anyone who posts pictures of girls who are having trouble passing is participating in psychological abuse.

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Other urls found in this thread:


My cousin is trans. I think it's somewhat weird still like i'm not sure i'd like to date a mtf. But realizing i'm into guys that's just silly. Anyway, You're totally right about trans rights being human rights. Tldr hope your struggle gets easier.

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>whole movement based on one doctor trying to make a career out of forcing a kid to go trans and thus proving gender is a constuct
>kid never accepts it
>kid states after decade of abuse as an adult openly on tv he never wanted it
>kills himself right after
>movement goes silent and publications vanish
>50 years later
>movement restarts
whole thing is a worse joke than neonazis, they have at leas the decency to kill their targets quick and not torture them slowly and then claim innocence

I agree with all of this but the stuff about children. Yes hrt will be much more effective pre puberty but at the same time how can a child know for sure that this is what they need? If there is a true way to tell that someone is actually trans that early I'm for it, but its just such a huge life altering decision to be left up to a kid.

Also this post is gay.

Hope you're doing well

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The only question I have is about your last point.

If there was a way to definitively tell that a child was trans, then I would completely agree. (Perhaps there is a definitive method that exists that I am unaware of... or that will exist... but it seems to me that everything we have so far is reliant on self reporting).

The problem I see with children self-reporting and then taking medications is this: children often have unformed interpretations about the world and themselves. Many kids go through multiple phases of self-expression, and some might not fully be able to tell the difference between being trans and being nonconforming. I imagine some kids do know definitively, and from what I've heard it sounds like many trans individuals have always known or had a sense that they were trans since they were a child.

However, before we start applying medical techniques to help a child... shouldn't we be 100% certain that the child needs that intervention?

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nope. never gonna happen.

This is a copypasta thread

>Within two years I was visually passing

doubt it

They already started forcing it. Literally organization paid to shill their cult.

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Where is the delineation point between personality, and what the left defines as gender? In other words: what are the characteristics of gender that make it a concept unique from personality?

If we accept that "gender norms" are simply a statistical average, and that both biological men and women can have personality types that differ from the statistical majority, what purpose does the term "gender" serve, that "personality" does not? For example, why is a man who wants to look like a biological female, and has interests that are atypical for biological men, not simply a man who wants to look female and engage in atypical interests? Why is that not simply his personality? Why should a man feel he's a woman (or less of a man) just because his personality isn't one that's heavily into the things that a "masculine" man is?

If an individual is born with a mixture of sexual organs, they are intersex, and a statistical outlier. If we jump to the extreme possibility that a person's brain can develop as female, while the entirety of their body is male, they would also be intersex.

"Gender" does not exist. You have a biological sex. You have a personality. You are a political pawn. You are a lab rat for homosexuals.

Read pic attached.

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literally all you need to debunk tranny shit


anti woman psychos

Transition is fail

You're not a woman. KYS, faggot.

remember 42%
now go dilate "neovagina" faggot

it's hard to think different from what you are.

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You are ill. You are not the sex you want be, tough shit! I want to be President of the Universe with a 13" cock, but it ain't gonna happen.

Behave like an adult and move on with your life. Do not expect all of us to go along with your delusion

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not an argument

bumping for based op. my lil bro is trans. mom is a transphobic clown. shit is goofy. years of panic and shes shown me no legitimate data that proves her points. its so sad.

Let's face it, nignog. Sup Forums popularized and normalized the whole trap, trans, whatever movement. Linetrap, Iodine, Lazers, Tabby, Bridget and scores of others all found their roots here. Hailing back long before Facebook, tumblr, and all that shit. It started right here as a fun way to get dudes to jack off to other dudes. Spare me your copypasta bullshit. You can't possibly be upset with us. You are us. We normalized you. We inspired you. We made you who you are. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, faggot.

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your lil bro has a 43% chance of killing him self because he's so ill and you think there's no legitimate data?!? WTF!

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>implying i wont also kill myself

lol hello newfriend

absolutely correct and based user, 10/10

Stale pasta

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nice pasta

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>I've yet to see any definitive proof
That's because your cognitive dissonance prevents you from accepting anything contrary to your belief system.

>poo niggers are leading the way in turning cocks into cunts
>the absolute state of trans movement when street shitters are leading the way in one of the most important aspects of trans


>Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.

Bullshit. Children are not of sound mind to make these determinations. The reason they end up killing themselves is not because of some sort of bullying. It's because of hormonal imbalance and they realize that they make a mistake that is too late to change.

Can't vote, drive, or own a gun but then allow huge life changing choices for minors.

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That’s it, I’m gettin me mallet

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Th thing is that several people do have different sex brains vs bodies, and that’s what causes this. Otherwise your point on personality is right, but there’s a difference between “My personality is loud and funny but I wanna be the quiet mysterious guy” and “I feel Like I should Be a female and am so uncomfortable in my own skin because I’m a boy that it makes me hate myself”

The thing is, nobody has a different sex brain to their body. Please provide a single reference for your statement.

There’s a difference between wanting something cuz it’s cool or fun and literally needing to change yourself because your psychology is different. You don’t have to like it and support it just understand and accept it. Literally doesn’t affect you at all

Gender dysphoria

Why is transexuality not treated as a body dysmorphic disorder? It’s effectively the same as anorexia, a mental screwup causing you to believe your body is something it isn’t. Surely a delusion of this sort would be better treated with antipsychotics than with irreversible surgery; you wouldn’t give an anorexic liposuction

It does when I hear the bitching a whining constantly. They're sick and delusional, you don't encourage insanity.

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Lol that's not what I meant by a reference.

Kindly provide any medical journal peer-reviewed paper that supports this claim that male sex bodies can be born with 'female' brains.

My only disagreement is that I don't think you should mess with hormones at all before a certain age, though I can't say what that age is.

Assigning genders at birth isn't a problem if transitioning or third genders are normalized.

I’m not gonna go searching for a paper on gender dysphoria when you could search it up yourself. If you really want to look into it search it up. If not whatever

Gender reassignment isn't anything close to as necessary as chemo. You won't die from having a dick you don't want, you delusional, mentally ill pedophile

Gender dysphoria in the DSM5 makes no mention whatsoever of male or female brains. You're just making shit up.

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>I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years.

no, you're a spammer posting copypasta hoping for some measure of attention.

>my lil bro is trans
No, he's mentally disabled. And you've enabled him.


>has a 43% chance of killing him self
the original data for that argument is outdated, and it was allegedly 43% of attempted suicides, not the real ammount of people who commited suicide, the actual number of suicides fluctuate between 12% to 16% in countries such as the U.S

I'd kill myself too if I had OP for a brother.

>has a 43% chance of killing him self
the original data for that argument is outdated, and it was 43% of [attempted] suicides, nowadays it sits between 20% to 30%, not the real ammount of people who commited suicide, the actual number of suicides fluctuate between 12% to 16% in countries such as the U.S

Samefagging for mental illness this hard. They are sick; it's that simple. You never encourage delusion, it's not healthy.
If a psychotic thinks he's the king of england you don't get him a crown and start bowing.

Fucking idiots you've been so brain washed by this idiocy you think it's okay and normal. It's neither.

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The reason I compare against intersex is because intersex can be tested for. There is an observable metric that can be identified by a third-party in determining whether an individual is intersex or not. The same cannot be said for "gender", because "gender" is mystical juju that doesn't exist.

If you believe that "transgender people" are intersex, specifically because their brains are physically mismatched with their bodies, then a lab could test for that. You could determine if they are "transgender". You could determine if the child you are about to chemically castrate is actually a biological oddity. But no doctor or lab performs any biological test to diagnose "transgerderism". No person has ever been diagnosed as "transgender" by means of genetic testing. Thousands of people have been diagnosed purely on the basis that they believe they're of a different "gender", without them even being able to validate the concept of "gender".

I say this compassionately: You are gay. And it's fine. But finding your own sex attractive should not distract you from having a family with a member of the opposite sex. Don't make yourself into a biological dead-end because you have a fetish for homosexuality.

This will be the comment that satisfies no one.

Lets talk about rights. You have the right to live your life as you like to the point that you aren't harming anyone else or their property. You do not have a right to never be criticized in any way. You do not have a reasonable basis to scream persecution if someone suggest you have some mental illness. Even more so considering various forms of mental illness are more common than people think and are unfairly stigmatized.

I don't care what you want to wear or where you choose to pee. However I believe that "I'm an in a body" stuff is nonsense. So lets say you where actually born a man but you now "identify" as a woman? What does that mean? If you insist you are now a woman, define what that means. What is a woman? Make a list.

Different people might make different lists, but everything on your list falls in one of two categories
1. Biological/medial differences.
2. Gender roles.

And that's the part where we have a problem. Gender is what you are, not who you are. Liking stereotypical feminine things doesn't make one a woman. Liking stereotypical masculine things doesn't make one a man.

The problem here is this "identity" mentality. Someone says "I'm proud to be a black man" etc - no one chooses their demographics at birth LOL so there is nothing to be proud (nor ashamed) of. Or you now "identify" as a woman. I'm actually white, but if I told you I "identify" as Japanese, imagine how you'd react. Maybe in ten years at this rate that won't sound crazy anymore.

I'm actually a white male, but that's WHAT I am. That IS NOT who I am. I give no fucks about being white nor male. That's trivial as shit. It doesn't tell you a damn thing about me. IT DOES NOT DEFINE ME.

But you've bought into this identity shit. It isn't even progressive. It is regressive. You're reinforcing the gender roles. You think everyone needs to fit into this cookie cutter.

Its interesting that the concept of gender exists anyway. I mean we have biological sex, easy to define and what everybody means when they say 'male' or 'female'. Then gender is a vague social role/identity/subjective feeling that is impossible to adequately define. We don't bother to differentiate the biological Africans from the the the social role/feeling African.

Its all consumerism. A whole industry designed to medicalise unhappinesss, then sell spurious cures. Once a person has 'transitioned' they are customers for life requiring constant medical procedures and pharmaceuticals.


>Its interesting that the concept of gender exists anyway. I mean we have biological sex, easy to define and what everybody means when they say 'male' or 'female'. Then gender is a vague social role/identity/subjective feeling that is impossible to adequately define.
Indeed. Where I would say "gender" is just a synonym of biological sex. It makes more sense to use since "sex" more commonly refers to intercourse. Then they're fucking up the meaning of gender.

Their "identity" is all cookie cutters to fit into. People are meant to fit into molds like that. And since "male" and "female" aren't enough options, they now say there are several more "genders" to choose from LOL. But that's still just more cookie cutters.

I totally reject that shit entirely. I'm not defined by my gender, my race, my nationality, or any other factor that was merely a circumstance of my birth and thus totally outside of my control. I won't be proud nor ashamed of things I didn't chose. I won't be defined by those things. I'm a human being with my own preferences, desires, dreams, etc.

By all means the "trans" community should seek their own happiness like anyone else. We all have that right. No one should be discriminating of course either. Not for this or any other factor like it. But I won't refer to you as your preferred cookie cutter identity - especially when it conflicts with objective reality. Pee where ever you like though. Why do we even need gender segregated bathrooms? Stall patricians are enough.