I know a worse live action anime film than Ghost In The Shell Sup Forums!

I know a worse live action anime film than Ghost In The Shell Sup Forums!


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Literally every live action anime film is worse than Ghost in the Shell
>inb4 Edge of Tomorrow
That was a novel, not an anime


>mfw that ends up being Jimmy and Fiona in Shameless

I wonder if they fucked?

I haven't seen the new ghost in the shell yet, but I doubt it's really that bad.

I didn't notice. I thought Emmy Rossum looked so good it was impossible to think about anything else.

>dragon ball evolution is better than gits
are you retarded?

I have doubt about that
I don't know who is the worst

It's honestly better than the show, misunderstood classic if you ask me.

Here's an example of live action anime done right.

>B-but it's better than the worst thing ever guys!

I seriously hate this argument. A film is either objectively good or objectively bad no in between.

It's actually pretty enjoyable if you know nothing of the show. What, you wanted a 40 hour long film where 38 hours is just fighting?

Not him but you may want to re-read that post.

In case it's still not clear he is saying GitS is the best live action anime film.

No but you clearly are, read the post again

How young are you?

Still does not make GitS 2017 a good movie. Visuals alone can't carry it.

ghost in the shell is decent I don't get why people are talking about it like it's as bad Dragonball...

That's not an anime adaptation.

I just watched Ghost in the Shell 2017. The first half is good. But it slowly falls apart so the second half is just a drag waiting for the inevitable tank scene, and then when it gets to the tank scene its really rushed (they do do the whole muscles breaking on her back but they snap really quickly, she jumps on the tank grabs the hatch and her back immediately explodes and her arms snap off, people in the cinema laughed).Weta Workshop did a great job on the art direction though, costumes and props though, they really are the best part of the movie.

Also I think they forgot to put the soundtrack in.

>Literally every live action anime film is worse than Ghost in the Shell


this movie is enjoyable as fuck, but I couldn't tell you how good an adaptation of city hunter it is.