when did liberal become a dirty word?
When did liberal become a dirty word?
When you been at Sup Forums too long.
everyone on the political compass, whether fascist or communist, libertarian or antifa, can agree that liberals are fucking gay
Honest Answer: When the Church of the Regressive Left co-opted both Liberal, Social Justice, and the Media Shortcut that a Regressive is a Progressive is a Liberal.
It's a double faction gas light and treachery plan to astroturf "The Left" into a Socialist Party and Balkanize "The States"
We will be a gray shirted Maoist "Utopia" when they're done.
Good luck.
When you freaking assholes couldn't stop pushing for degeneracy.
During Reagan's campaign and subsequent presidential terms. At the same time the Republican party bolstered its numbers by pandering to the Christian groups and uniting them, the die-hard racists and the growing numbers of disenfranchised lower-class whites under the republican banner. It was brilliant, actually because it guaranteed that the masses of angry, increasingly impoverished and underemployed whites could be duped into voting for policies that hurt them while foisting all the blame on impoverished non-whites and other minorities, keeping the millionaire classes solidly in power for decades.
I am a liberal. I eat meat. I own a gun. I am in favor of social dialog, but I am not interested in mindless diatribe. I do not follow any politician as though they are a messiah. I vote.
>republicans vote against their own economic interest
when derangement reached invincibility
which promise did they think would help them, or the country for that matter?
When Ronald Reagan was elected. He used to love nothing better than to snarl about liberals, with scorn and snark dripping from each syllable. He was the bringer of our modern discord, and so scorned "the art of compromise" that IS politics that Republicans have wanted their way or nothing since. All this in divine complete ignorance that America was founded by liberals and its government based on liberal principles. Any of the radicals of today who think they are "conservative" would have been tories during the Revolution.
libs hate America. ban guns. censor speech. kill babies. illegally depose Presidents and try to overthrow governments. are the enemy of The People. want to destroy corporations. want t take YOUR MONEY. want to give fags and perverts YOUR RIGHTS and take your rights away.
liberals are terrorists. they are the enemy of America.
Conservatives ARE America, under God.
take this shit to pol faggot
LOL look at this liberal RETARD KEK
>During Reagan's campaign and subsequent presidential terms. At the same time the Republican party bolstered its numbers by pandering to the Christian groups and uniting them, the die-hard racists and the growing numbers of disenfranchised lower-class whites under the republican banner. It was brilliant, actually because it guaranteed that the masses of angry, increasingly impoverished and underemployed whites could be duped into voting for policies that hurt them while foisting all the blame on impoverished non-whites and other minorities, keeping the millionaire classes solidly in power for decades.
>thinking you're on reddit
Because fascist became a sexy word.
Exactly, this is right, and it goes to both sides. I personally am against trump so I’m not voting for him. If I was republican I would not vote for him. If, say, Epstein was running as a democrat I would not vote for him. Vote f Vor politicians, not parties
>Separation of state and church
Sorry bud no god in the government, so you’re not America. Conservatives like you are just as bad as those loud feminist vegan types that actually want to take everyone’s rights (which, btw, are a VERY small minority)
Everything Trump touches dies.
There are two kinds of Republicans: billionaires and idiots who are willing to eat shit if 'libs' have to smell their breath.
All Trump has are his rallies, though. So much so that he kept doing them after winning to massage his ego. Thank God he's out in 2020.
boy have you ever read the Constitution? You go read it son. Tell me how many times GOD is mentioned.
President Donald J. Trump has a Mandate from heaven.
I don't care what side of the political spectrum you're on just as long as you like cunny
Since the last person to explicitly refer to themself as a liberal and get the Democratic presidential nomination was Walter Mondale, I am going to assume it became a dirty word shortly after 1984.
God I wish the real world was the way you chuds think it is.
fuck off ukranian troll
Not nearly as alarming as the fact that they hate the idea of progress.
Progressive is a much dirtier word to them.
Why does the dad have pointy buttcheeks?
I think those were supposed to be back pockets.
>using a warped interpretation of a made-up book to justify fascism
kill yourself, you can suck Gods dick all you want in heaven
reminder to not feed the false-flaggers, they're just here to try and make you hate people who lean republican.
around 2016
Who let the literal baby boomer in here?
>I-it's not us guyz. It's those dang leftist false flaggers who get paid by Soros to shitpost on Sup Forums.
Barry Goldwater's propaganda experts liked to equate liberalism with socialism, which had already been vilified since the Gay '90s.
Bullshit. I am for degeneracy and I despise identity politics and anti science claims made by the left. It one thing to want a world where whores and perverts can walk around naked and fuck each other anywhere and another to destroy all scientific credibility with gender fluid bullshit and chemical castration of preteens.
you're infuriated. your lib-mind is so small and confused, you have to resort to death threats and terrible terrible insults. your anger is palpable.
the fact is.... you lost. and you'll lose again. America's mine now.
>Tell me how many times GOD is mentioned.
That would be zero times, son.
literally trump nominee Lawrence VanDyke was crying like a hysterical woman on national TV yesterday. Conservatives are the biggest bunch of whiny bitch ass cry babies I've ever seen.
Trump himself is CONSTANTLY bitching and whining about some shit. You lot are extremely unselfaware.
Hey, there's more than one of us! Fuck the extremists!
it's always been a dirty word in rural areas with no education and no money. They really have an inferiority complex. However Bannon was brilliant in targeting low self-esteem suburban teens and young men into defining their masculinity by political affiliation. He literally created an entire generation of beta cucks who think they're chads if they lick trump boots.
keep crying snowflake, right on through 2028, then 2032, then 2048.
hows the soy taste
>All Trump has are his rallies, though. So much so that he kept doing them after winning to massage his ego. Thank God he's out in 2020.
imagine believing this
Bet you won't say that publicly. But you don't call out the left bullshit on facebook.
Yes, I will. And I don't use Facebook.
good shitpost user
Ok boomer.
>pic very related
Literally never. Go outside you actual faggot.
I'm liberal as fuck. I'm obsessed with guns. Just got a CZ Evo 3. Waiting to get my form 2 back. I raise and slaughter my own chickens. I own my own business, I'm a capitalist. I hate SJW as much as I hate Trumpets. They're all obnoxious fucking idiots. I'm White. I'm American.
You cunts forget that George Carlin was a liberal, Hunter Thompson was a liberal. The best thinkers, and coolest craziest mother fuckers in this countries great history were liberals.
>it's always been a dirty word in rural areas with no education and no money. They really have an inferiority complex. However Bannon was brilliant in targeting low self-esteem suburban teens and young men into defining their masculinity by political affiliation. He literally created an entire generation of beta cucks who think they're chads if they lick trump boots.
liberal found
LOL, The only easily manipulated people in the room are the ones that believe fake news like this. It's designed to play to left egos while trying to manipulate people with right leanings to distance themselves from being associated with "Incels" (I can't even type that without laughing). My what propaganda Newsweek has become.
most voters have jobs and social lives. Trumpets have nothing else to do by go suck trumps dick at his rallies. They like trump because they're alienated from society, so they created their own basically.
Fuck you nigger. Race mixing is hot.
I love how the most efficient argument against conservatives actually being taken seriously is just letting them talk. It's fucking mindblowing how garbage-tier their brains are.
lol drug addicts and atheists qualify as bad asses as you maybe step out of your safe zone once in awhile libtard
When I started replying to political threads here. They have no redeeming social value. None.
is this your defense, mulatto libby? SAD!!
jew found
your president is on the brink of impeachment and the top 2020 candidates are the most progressive yet, America has never less been yours
keep thinking you'll win but the not everyone is part of your tumblr group
well science is so scary and confusing to them, they've convinced themselves it's a CONSPIRACY rather than just admit they're too stupid to understand it. It's this odd mix of stupidity and confidence that makes them so scary.
right right
self-examination and reality comes so second hand to them. it's crazy they actually had control before Trump.
? aren't jews into racial purity as well?
>when did liberal become a dirty word?
Leave it to a liberal to ask argumentative questions.
>your president is on the brink of impeachment
>the top 2020 candidates are the most progressive yet
It doesn't really matter what's happening in the DNC if they're doomed to fail in 2020.
fine by me, id love to be slobbin on a meaty black cock rn
Let me just call you the WAAAAAHMBULANCE snowflake!
Trump WILL win in 2020. This impeachment nonsense is laughable!
He honestly thinks it's a pejorative.
When Antifa thought it was a good idea to literally become the left wing KKK in the name of defeating "hate speach". Some autismo I graduated hs with is a self proclaimed communist and Antifa supporter but also thinks Hong Kong should be liberated. The man is pure essence of retardation.
I just ask myself who most niggers are voting for and then vote the opposite.
Capitalism has consumed most ressources, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer on a bigger and bigger scale while producing wealth more efficiently (that is absolutely not shared). So of course now that people are waking up the system will try to make you hate "leftists", "libshit" and other memewords.
>libs hate America.
If we hated America we would move, we just want it to be better, to always progress to a better america.
> ban guns.
We perfer not to see kids die.
> censor speech.
Actually no, we just like showing that you are an idiot, and call you out on it.
> kill babies
nope again, we chose to let women have a right to there body. If killing a embroy is wrong, gathering apples is killing trees.
>illegally depose Presidents and try to overthrow governments.
Actually liberals didn't break a single law. read the constitution.
> are the enemy of The People.
actually we are the people, you are the remains of a old world.
> want to destroy corporations.
actually want to make corporations pay there fair share
>want take YOUR MONEY.
taxes suck, sorry.
>want to give fags
gunna stop you hear, yeah we don't care who you are fucking as long as they are of age and consent. your point please.
>and perverts
how many cases of ''sexual harrasement does mr trump have.
> YOUR RIGHTS and take your rights away.
what rights would we be taking from you.
>liberals are terrorists. they are the enemy of America.
notice that all american terrorist have been cons.
>Conservatives ARE America, under God.
Liberals don't need imaginary friends, one nation, indivisible with freedom and JUSTICE for all.
>It doesn't really matter what's happening in the DNC if they're doomed to fail in 2020.
Trump has brainwashed enough of the redpill sheep to run without opposition from within his own party, but is too blatantly incompetent to beat any democratic candidate without help from Putin and zuckerburg
It doesn't really matter what's happening in the DNC if they're doomed to fail in 2020.
DNC = No Money. And No Money-Making Machine. No Dem Candidate has Money.
It's over kid.
ignorant Democrats
he has 100 successful businesses
you know nothing about businesses
nor the fail rate there of ...
I'm with you, too bad every candidates are opportunists giving zero fuck about anything you said and Clinton would've forced you to die in sandnigger-land for israel and MacDonald's.
There's just no escape, the political world is just completely rotten
>Proceed to go bankrupt multiple times
Must be great to win in life thanks to your own dad/money only to be shielded by massive retards on all your stupid actions.
>We decide what's in your best interests
>Muh blaming minorities
>Muh serving the elite
Leftism and neoliberalism (capitalism is an exonym coined by marxists, it is intentionally vague) are symbiotic.
>Deconstruction of family
>Opposed by nationalists
>Fought for by (((marxists)))
>For the benefit of (((neoliberals)))
A family consumes a household's worth of resources per family, single parents consume a household's worth of resources per person. Increased consumption means increased profit.
>Mass migration
>Opposed by nationalists
>Fought for by (((marxists)))
>For the benefit of (((neoliberals)))
Mass migration allows for the importing of poverty into social democracies from subsidized high fertility nations. Redistribution from the average citizen to poverty is thus redistribution from a potential saver to a guaranteed consumer, as anyone below the poverty line must spend all they have on subsistence consumption. The net effect is redistribution from savers to the people selling what the consumers are buying, which are the same (((philanthropists))) subsidizing (or campaigning to get the taxpayer to) unsustainable birth rates in the 3rd world.
>Sexual liberalism
>Opposed by nationalists
>Fought for by (((marxists)))
>For the benefit of (((neoliberals)))
Sex is inherently competitive. Sexual competition is a zero sum game. You are only attractive if you are more attractive than others. You cannot change your genetics. You can only improve your position by consuming. As you must always be better than the competition, who themselves must be better than you, sexual competition acts as an unlimited driver of consumption, from which the neoliberal elite profit.
Trump, for all his hate, has never known true love. It's sort of the only thing human about him, is that even with all his money, the one thing he doesn't have, he can never buy. His wife hates him, his dad hated him, his brother hated him, and his kids use him. He will never know true love, and that is sad
>posting smart things on Sup Forums
Stop. Only sub 60 iq allowed after this post.
Why doesn't Sup Forums stay in its containment board?
You can never leave
>drug addicts and atheists
and apparently nothing else. you're one smart baby boy