>used to be a huge Sup Forumsack
>Completely believed in the red pill
>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
>Can't take any of the shit on this board seriously
Am I the only one on this? Seriously most the shit here sounds like absolute crazy talk now.
Used to be a huge Sup Forumsack
Other urls found in this thread:
does your girlfriend's son beat you up OP
No you were never redpilled if you have changed your mind so much. You just needed something to blame your shitty life on
-redpilled swede
>my political views are dependent on how my dick feels
You are a weak-willed individual.
Le tears are rolling down my face op.
I am now a #Hillmissile
cool story, kike
You made this thread yesterday.
Yeah pretty much this.
oh and this
>recently got a girlfriend and son
so you're dating a single mother
classic leaf
Your girlfriend's son bluepilled you. It's okay man, maybe you should stay that way. Steak tastes delicious even while bluepilled.
wtf I hate Sup Forums now
>>Recently got a girlfriend and my girlfriend's son
Fixed it for you OP
>posting in canadian threads
>took Sup Forums seriously
Your mistake was allowing female influence into your life. You should have just met another redpiller and fucked him in the ass.
most of the talk here is crazy over exaggeration of the truth, but it is based on the truth nevertheless.
kill yourself
>taking memes seriously
fucking leafs
Stop posting this shit, no one cares about ur wifes son lmao
why don't you talk to mt again
come home bagged milk man
>got a girlfriend and a son
>my gf's son
3/10 made me reply
>Seriously most the shit here sounds like absolute crazy talk now.
because you're a natural born cuck who's trying to please a woman by adopting a lot of her views and mindsets.
>Red pilled thanks to growing up in a poor city filled with Nigerians and muslims
>Get married
>Wife is very red pilled, we continue to have bad experiences with muslims and black people together
Nothing has changed, if anything we want to settle down somewhere white before we have kids
>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
The son was bundled with the gf?
the 'redpilled' idiots on this site just dont want to live a life like yours has become. theres nothing wrong with that but instead of just doing what they want to do like they claim, they'll call you a cuck
> girlfriend's son
Categorize attributes
Generate scenarios
Assign variables
EXECUTE.RUN simulation.
you were never red pilled. once you're out you can't go back.
>My only sole purpose is to reproduce and work xD
You failed as a man
Everytime I see a thread about how real life stressors somehow validate ignorance, it reminds me of this clip.
"I got kids to feed, I don't need to know the shape of the earth"
"Everyone here is just a bitter incel, you're just saying these things in defense of your virginity"
"Just went to the supermarket, holy shit you guys are retarded"
It's like taking LSD and thinking that this world is actually just an illusion.
Who's the father?
This is true. I've tried so hard to go back but the harder I struggle the more red-pilled I become. My life is constant torment.
>i cant take in facts anymore because of my girlfriends son
cant make this shit up
>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
All in one?
Somewhat, yes. Having a woman by my side makes it difficult to relate to Sup Forumsacks ideas about women.
The race stuff though is rock solid
kek has spoken
Wtf I hate trump now
kill yourself
wtf I hate Sup Forums now
Oh god you're right OP, I'm #WithHer #Hillaryartillary a #Cruzmissile now!
If you are as you say you are, you'll notice this board tends to turn exaggerate things to an extreme amount, making a candle out to be a forest fire. If you're able to discern the facts from all the bullcrap and evil on here, then it can be pretty informative.
lol niggers
What race is your girlfriend's son?
Newb lurker on pol
Gf with son
She literally has frogs everywhere in house
Cooks and bakes
Thinks logically not emotionally
Loves my bwc
Pol btfo or not, who cares
You can find needles in the haystack, it is possible.
only autists take Sup Forums seriously. like common spend 5 minutes outside and talk to actual people and none of this shit is true
only thing is true is that people are complete morons, but don't need Sup Forums to reinforce that
Copypasta, saw this thread 2 times already and I'm not even THAT active.
>got girlfriend and a son
>posts animu
Confirmed for weaboo cuck who just got his first sexual partner.
>used to only shitpost here for the lulz
>have my first child
>suddenly understand everything about traditionalism (why I should be able to own a gun, why women need to stay at home and gender roles are real, why I don't want my daughter exposed to degeneracy, why I don't want her to be any sort of lgbt queer, why I don't want outsiders anywhere near my family, why other cultures are so inferior, why there needs to be a pitbull genocide, ect)
I don't think that's a Sup Forumsack specific thing. It's pretty common across this part of the internet
Just means you're a autistic who just grew up a little. Next you need to get rid of that childish anime user.
then leave you weak ass nigga
>>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
Your girlfriend's son?
wtf ill never talk to OP's girlfriends son again
>>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
Readymade family, right? You make your wife's son proud.
> Seriously most the shit here sounds like absolute crazy talk now.
Having a family should make you more inclined to protect their future, not less.
But then you're just shitposting and roleplaying and won't get near a woman, so who cares.
Based Bong
kek the people here are just bitter
sure SJWs are annoying but it's not a huge issue or anything
besides the people here are hypocrites, there is loads of furry shit posted on the board that hates degenerates
>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
Subtle, I like it.
You're not alone.
You became a person with real world experience shouldering intense responsibility and obligations toward other people. It's natural that this adjusted your frame of mind by keeping you grounded. The losers in basements alone have nothing in their lives but resentment and wild imaginations. It's no surprise that they believe in things that look crazy to you.
>he went full c(uck)anadian
>he didn't repill his gf
Your loss kiddo
>still Sup Forumsack since 2009
>married, son is now 6 months old
cuck. Grow up. pol is still always right.
>be with wife for 6years
>visit pol for "muh saitre"
>have son
>swallow red pill
> want to preserve Americas way of life/ MAGA for him.
You already posted this last week faggot
>being cucked by the vaginal jew
It's been one year, two months, and thirteen days since I broke up with my girlfriend. I had become at that time increasingly convinced that the institution of marriage had strayed so far from its former initiatory value, which in other times had given it a Traditional quality, that it was no longer acceptable for a man of a "differentiated type" to engage in marriage. The Catholics made a grave mistake in legalizing divorce, which renders the holiness of the sacrament of marriage null and void. How can they insist that a marriage binds two together for eternity if one can, under contemporary Catholic law, have two or three wives throughout one's life?
Then, of course, we must confront the devolution of masculinity and the feminine, which in the present cycle began sometime around the fall of Frederick Barbarossa, when, as they say, the White Tree withered and died. When the Ghibbeline Middle Ages came to an end all mores and rites belonging to a properly Traditional system went "underground," as in the case of Rosicrucianism, which may rightly be called the last hope for a primordial rebirth. The rose and the cross...
When women are no longer feminine, why should a Traditional man bring himself down to the plane of the telluric and immediate? Christ said "my kingdom is not of this world," though the Babel-builders of Judaized American Protestantism would like to pretend he did not.
The cultivation of the spirit in this age of spiritual oblivion is a solitary quest. I urge you all to never get married.
"Give up all that you have and follow me."
If you had a son you would become even more redpilled
>worried about the negative affect of nigger culture on him
>worried about affirmative action denying him opportunities by giving them to less qualified minorities
>worried about degeneracy warping him into transsexual or a an addict
This is how I know you're full of shit.
your a leaf. you were never red pilled. your just some ghey little lumber jack who hopes his wife gets enriched by brown guys
>This is how I know you're full of shit.
Good rebuttal. Shit for brains
Leafs are incapable of being redpilled
Friendly reminder to all Canadians that Australians will always shitpost better and banter better than you ever will.
i became increasingly more conservative on certain issues after the wife and i had our kids.
i used to be pretty liberal on a lot of things even though ive always hated niggers.
im still pretty left on some things like the right to organize labor. yet, i am constantly voicing my opinion about the negative effects of bringing muslims into this country. i dont mind the beaners though. they are on most accounts decent folks.
this fucking thread lmao
Pretty sure I saw this last week
Once you realize that the enemies of Sup Forums, race-baiters, SJWs, feminists, et al are but a minority of a minority, and most black men outside of the ghetto are decent folk like any other race, and that most women are normal, and avoid tumblr, you see that Sup Forums exaggerates beyond belief. Further, the Jew conspiracy is laughable. There's nothing a Jew hates more than another Jew. The Orthodox hates the liberal Jew. The liberal Jew hates the Orthodox.
Don't take anything here seriously. Use it for entertainment, and getting a taste of how people in various countries think.
it literally word for word, same picture and everything
so sick of these goshdamned robots.
it's a meme you dip
>Australians will always shitpost better
That's why you're so salty right now, right? :^)
>fucking leaf
I only use it to Sup Forums to see current happenings, catalog, and sort by Reply Count.
lithbro. we dont use the word nigga around here. we prefer nigger.
only niggers use nigga
>One post by this ID
No wonder, most of users here are virgins. I once made a /poll/ here and with ~1200 replies around 80% of users identified as virgins.
with a father like you im sure both your kids will end up liberal faggots anyway
Welcome to the club, i don't have a son yet (and i don't expect it now) though, i'm just passing away to watch some pics about Turkey
>identified as virgins
Check your privilege, there are some people in this world who can't help that. The may make love to a new woman every dayyet still feel like virgins inside.
Is identifying as a virgin a sign of mental illness? Perhaps. In fact, very likely. But you have to realize that they were born like that. So obviously it is not our place to judge them.
This is why kikes don't want white families, it undermines their subversive influence.
So you're taking care of your girlfriend's son, good for you. Do you find it difficult relating to him because he is half black?
> Canada
>Married a single mother
Were you ever really red pilled?I suppose being a leaf is all that really needs to be said about you
>Seriously most the shit here sounds like absolute crazy talk now.
because it is. don't tell me you took Sup Forums seriously, did you?
Because when Sup Forums started it was actually because people requested a board to discuss politics without someone posting cp or like dickpicks ever 5 posts.
but like everything, the shit found its way in and Sup Forumstards that actually took Sup Forums seriously took this as the place to vomit out their hideously warped views on society because they have no friends to discuss this with without risking getting punched in the face.
Its pretty much a breeding ground of generally rejected ideals and individuals an extension of Sup Forums, if you will.
Why do you think Jews like Justice Ginsberg are the primary supporters of abortion, feminism, anything and everything that subverts parenthood and childrearing?
Totally with you on this OP. After all Sup Forums is just a satire.
>>Recently got a girlfriend and a son
wife's son memeposter
Oh, btw the writer for that article in case you missed it