Greta wwyd
Greta wwyd
Drive up next to her in my lifted Diesel F-350. Put it in neutral and floor it for 5 min non-stop.
literally who
>assumes it can run banging the redline for more that 10 seconds
>my lifted Diesel F-350
Bro you are so gay
But I bet you impress all your boy friends.
would ask her how come she likes eating bananas for breakfast yet she claims to be concerned about the climate change.
Is it weird that I feel the need to stroke to her lately?
I'm sorry to hear about your small penis.
Imagine if she turns out to be bi and eats pussy as often as she sucks dick. I think I'd masturbate my dick clean off.
Yes because she is a 16 year old that looks 9 years old due to her having fetal alcohol syndrome and you’re a fucking pedo
What about a threesome?
Smash hard idgaf
Great now I‘m throbbing
What ever I did they'd never find the body.
let's roll some coal Sup Forumsro
With her sister. That bitch is pretty hot.
pls stop posting this ugly retarded child
ask her if she likes my truck
>found on road dead
>fucked over rebuilt dodge
>fix or repair daily
Greta is a lovely young lady and I would love to marry her
I bet she's really tight. I'd pound her and creampie her if I could.
I bet her pussy smells real nice!
First On Racing Day
Hahahahahaha funniest shit
For Only Retarded Drivers
beataernman on Instagram
No, you’re the retard!!!
Fucker Only Runs Downhill