Sup Forums, I'm a clinically depressed virgin. Would antidepressants help me get a gf?

Sup Forums, I'm a clinically depressed virgin. Would antidepressants help me get a gf?

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psych ward,ironically synchronized twin flame everywhere

yes. it helped me.

Even if it does, you won't be able to fuck her because you'll have ED

>psych ward
But I'm not insane. Why would I institutionalize myself if I have no reason to?

Did you have the ED problems pointed out?

If you're "clinically" depressed, they'd give you pills.
those pills make your dick soft and kill your libido though.

Its more rare to not get it. I know from experience. I had to stop taking it for like 3 days in advance if I ever wanted to fuck.

Are you depressed for no reason? Pills only serve to temporarily alter the chemical balance of your brain and what your brain will expect to function at after it adapts to the new quantity of whatever you're taking. If you have depression, you need to find out why. 99% of the time, it isn't because of some inherent defect in your brain but the psychs will sell you the drugs as if it were.

Life has just dealt me a shitty hand from day one, as being on the spectrum does. Unfortunately, it only got worse when puberty hit, when all the "normal" kids in my grad class started developing into seemingly well-adjusted adults while I grew into what I view as an overly self-deprecating manchild. I'm socially maladjusted, have minimal to negative self-confidence, and that's a fucking giant screaming red flag in social situations, making my feelings of isolation even worse. I just irrationally feel like nobody cares about me, not just as a potential boyfriend, but also as a friend. It's an unfortunate vicious cycle. When I was like 13 or 14, I thought I was just a very late bloomer, but in my early 20s, after doing everything but change every aspect of my life from the ground up, nothing's changed. I'm running out of options, and thought maybe antidepressants would benefit my situation.
Thanks for playing therapist Sup Forums.

Different user
Verified I not only have trouble getting and keeping an erection now, but by sex drive in general is lower.
If I run out or forget to take them for two or three days, I'm back to my old horny self.
But at least I'm not depressed and anxious all the time.
Seems like more girls have been interested in me because of this, but because of the size effects I'm less interested in them.
But maybe that's good, women have only cause me trouble in my life.

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stop fapping. it'll help you tremendously. stop ejaculating, stop watching porn. you'll get out of depression trust me, I was you. Do it! Start today!

>stop fapping
Did that for a week over the summer; nothing changed

Try ketamine infusions. They're expensive, but very effective. And none of the side effects of traditional antidepressants.

>They're expensive
Uh, that might be a problem
>And none of the side effects of traditional antidepressants.
So what are the actual side effects?

>Did that for a week over the summer

you need at least 6 months, I've been retaining my semen for almost 2 years now and I feel like a million bucks. A week compared to years and years of porn and constant ejaculation is nothing. A gave you the best advice you could receive. Something that works. If you don't want to do it because you don't want to sacrifice a little bit of pleasure, go ahead, you'll be in the same place in 10 years, if you are still here. That shit is going to send you to the grave. You probably have suicidal thoughts. Think about it, do you want to feel like a million bucks and have girls looking at you like a snack, or continue fapping and being depressed, being a shadow of who you could be because you can't stop getting rid of your manliness.

>Fapping kills, so don't do it or you'll die a horrible death
Sounds like religious propaganda but go off

being depressed as fuck leads men to suicide all the time. And ejaculating all the time actually leads you to depression and kills your confidence.

Put 2 and 2 together.

Good luck, bro.

>And ejaculating all the time actually leads you to depression and kills your confidence.
Simple Google search says you're full of bullshit. Enjoy your prostate cancer

Aight. I tried. Enjoy your depression.

>trusting google

>trusting google
DuckDuckGo told me the exact same fucking thing retard

Remember that you chose your fate.

>because nothing changes in the medical world in 60+ years

Oh yess, medical science, yummy pills, nom nom nom LMAO

Are all fapstronauts as retarded as you?

I don't take myself seriously. You know why? Because I can. I feel great. No pills, no seringe. No modern medical science. All peachy bruh.

I'm actually trying to help. You are siding with porn sites. Kinda sad. But I'm getting used to it.

Ok retard

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Depression is a scam. Sadness is not an illness. Taking those pills will do nothing but make your body depend on them to feel moderately okay, and when you finally decide to come off due to horrible, possibly permanent side effects you'll be sadder than when you started.
I took pills that gave me delayed ejaculation and permanent involuntary muscle movements. Coming off of them made the involuntary movements only a tad better and I ejaculated prematurely for 6-7 months before my stamina just randomly decided to return.

Virgins that complain all the fucking time about not having sex make me fucking sick. They never fucking shut up about it, acting as if it’s the only goal in life and that you don’t contribute anything in life if you don’t. Once you actually have sex, you will look back in shame at how fucking dumb you were.

You sound like a fag OP, so nothing will help u get a gf. Bf on the other hand 10/10 would be easier for u

They also really help some people, so fuck off.

just lose weight and be funny bro

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bro they didn't work for you because you were already fucking retarded and pills dont help with that.

OP antidepressants work but there are a lot of options for your doctor to pick. If your first ones don't fix it don't worry and just tell your doctor and they'll have you switch pills until you find the ones that work

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You want to be better in social situations? Watch videos on YouTube if you need to, but real world experience trumps that. Get out of your basement and start socializing. People don’t really care if you’re a bit strange, most people don’t give a shit about anyone or anything anyways.
>”I didn’t masterbate for a week and nothing changed”
No fucking shit, you fucking retard. Nothing will change if you just sit on your ass and do nothing. Life is what you make it, take the initiative, be a fucking man. You’re just a coward that blames everything and everyone but yourself. Just buy a fucking escort if this is so important to you. It’s no wonder women are repulsed by you.

>You sound like a fag OP, so nothing will help u get a gf. Bf on the other hand 10/10 would be easier for u
Tell me something anons haven't already told me to do. If I'm not hetero, I'm asexual. Pussy or nothing. Go back to your boyfriend's tiny dick you fucking uncreative faggot.

Hahahahahaha cry OP. Ur tears taste good hahahahaha

>start socializing
Now I'll go try that and I'll blend as well as oil and water in one situation, and sugar and water the next. Really depends on the situation.
>Nothing will change if you just sit on your ass and do nothing. Life is what you make it, take the initiative, be a fucking man.
I honestly have no idea where to start, Sup Forumsro.
>You’re just a coward that blames everything and everyone but yourself.
I fully acknowledge my situation is my fault and only my fault.. I'm the reason I'm depressed. I'm the one ruining my life. I just want to stop feeling like I'm always in the wrong no matter what I do...
>Just buy a fucking escort if this is so important to you.
Would if I could afford it, but I don't want to that pathetic faggot who uses escorts as an emotional crutch
>It’s no wonder women are repulsed by you.
It's not so much they're repulsed by me, moreso I'm overshadowed by everyone else.

Hilarious. Mocking a mentally ill person online. Real fucking mature.

I'd rather let myself fall into depression and off myself than spend another second on those pills. And they did make me feel less sad. But that sadness is a part of me. It's inspirational, makes me more empathetic and creative, and makes happiness feel a lot more profound when it does come.
Sure, they work. But they're also a means for businessmen to profit off of your sadness. So they're handed out like candy, even to those who don't need them, and they proceed to withdraw and think "Oh no, my depression is back!" when they would readjust and feel slightly better if they waited.

I am paying a girl $40 bucks a week to be my girlfriend in like a “girlfriend” I lame? I have bought 2 of her dirty panties...also I send her bits of money here and there

Am I a loser?

>They never fucking shut up about it, acting as if it’s the only goal in life and that you don’t contribute anything in life if you don’t.
If you never owned a car and you need a car to get to wherever you work, Would you just sit back and say "I don't need a car, there's nothing missing here"?
Now replace the car with close friends or a gf. Is it any different, or are my analogies just shitty as usual?

Yep, shouldn't have to pay for an essential human experience like that

But she is way out of my leg and I met her on reddit. She said she loves me...she is 15 years younger then me too

What's her username, and how old are you?

Heres some advice that will help.

The next time u go into a crowded place, remind urself that ur the only virgin in that room and every other guy is poundin pussy and hifivin like champs

Samefag from reply describing sexual side effects of anti depressants.
After reading this, honestly my opinion is that you could be helped by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
A therapist will know better than I do, but I do think you should see one before going straight to the psychiatrist.
If you give that an honest try and don't see improvement, then maybe consider meds. You may need a combination of medication and therapy. I do, it's nothing to be ashamed of. But some other anons on here were halfway right - don't go straight for the meds.

Actual fucking advice. Thank you.

You mean cock and ball torture?
Hypnotism doesn't work on the stubborn, just a word of advice.

Dont be a pussy OP and get a face tattoo, then the panties will drop