There is something in my fucking room? What the fuck do i do Sup Forums?
There is something in my fucking room? What the fuck do i do Sup Forums?
It moved holy fuck it moved
the fuck am I looking at an impressionist painting?
Op here, i can't find it anymore. Is there a skinwalker in my house?
Masturbate aggressively, scream at what you fear.
Its a brightened picture i took of my room after i vaugely saw something in the corner of my room.
At least it wasn’t fake baby mice and a hidden camera with wheels like my room.
Seriously there are like six pixels in this image
Show that spook who's boss of this gym OP
I believe in you
Ahh I vaguely see what you are talking about now. You should assert dominance by scaring it.
original image
enhanced it a bit better on my laptop, looks like a spooky skeleton here to stop you from failing NNN
Here it is brighter
Yup you got a fucking skeletal
sp00ky skElEton
Ask whatever it is to turn on the fucking lights.
it sends shivers down my spine
post more pics
Just your everyday skeleton embedded in your wall. Perfectly normal.
cure it with leeches
Tfw user gets scared by the Halloween decorations his mom hasn’t taken down yet
Now you'll have to fumigate
you're being haunted by the chair you broke at your grandparents when you were 7
It wants you to consume your calcium
Repost from last night's /x/
Which btw like idk where they hide all day.