Does this qualify as a reach-around? Also, jazz hands?

Does this qualify as a reach-around? Also, jazz hands?

Attached: 59f754a0-ff3d-11e9-affe-426705ecd7d4.jpg (800x581, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread: hands&s=g

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Attached: orb.jpg (575x323, 34K)

Attached: DJT300 make America great again.jpg (500x633, 48K)

Attached: hand salute.jpg (679x343, 35K)

Attached: her majesty.jpg (700x368, 52K)

Attached: l to r haley mattis carson drumpf sessions pence melania pompeo sanders ivanka bolton conway kelly.j (1400x932, 1.28M)

Attached: keeping his head.jpg (1200x820, 302K)

Attached: digital enhancement.jpg (1200x821, 214K)

"Duck Hunting"

Attached: manly man.jpg (361x386, 27K)

Tell me this really happened.

bad hombres

Attached: trump dantuono.jpg (1273x900, 373K)

Attached: trump as norman rockwell.jpg (955x1200, 328K)

Attached: colonel muammar covfefe.jpg (500x478, 74K)

Attached: trump putin 2.jpg (960x678, 120K)

Attached: first in war.jpg (1200x833, 229K)

Attached: trump by rockwell.jpg (752x960, 132K)

Attached: what it takes.jpg (1200x839, 225K)

Attached: trashcan 2.jpg (572x768, 89K)

ask your mom
after all she blows him daily

Attached: 1568757375206.jpg (621x960, 124K)

Attached: one nation, incandescent.jpg (1200x808, 214K)

Attached: EluiBTC.jpg (768x614, 37K)

A droll photo-editor here.

Attached: tagesspiegel.jpg (479x526, 46K)


Attached: 2509920 - Donald_Trump Hillary_Clinton Summertime_Saga animated politics.gif (955x634, 825K)


Attached: 1-canyou-imagine-a-world-without-democrats-if-only-37402321.png (500x386, 282K)

Attached: halloween.jpg (1200x630, 198K)

Attached: Donald-Trump-and-Ivanka-in-a-photograph-640x422.png (640x422, 124K)

Jazz hands?
The fuck are jazz hands?

Attached: official portrait.jpg (540x960, 60K)

Attached: hong kong.jpg (1280x853, 221K)

Ask Al Jolson.

Attached: Ivanka-Trump-sitting-on-Donald-Trumps-lap-1-640x395.png (640x395, 121K)

Attached: papal visit.jpg (900x500, 112K)

I’m asking you since you brought it up

Attached: melania bleaching.jpg (758x960, 78K)

Attached: blue stripe.jpg (761x926, 103K)

Attached: big boy2.jpg (478x350, 42K)

You're asking the wrong person nonetheless. hands&s=g

Attached: donald antoinette.png (701x504, 632K)

Attached: breakerbreaker.jpg (949x633, 116K)

Attached: brokeback.jpg (606x394, 65K)

lol wtf is even this? context pls?

Attached: Co1-siFWEAA1H9j.jpg (700x427, 52K)

New World Series champs visit guess who? Guy in front is - wait for it - their "catcher".

Attached: combat crew USS Integrity.jpg (480x496, 53K)

Attached: Don Quayle.png (800x732, 700K)

Attached: hurricane boobie.jpg (1334x667, 136K)

Meanwhile, eight team-members chose to sit out the event altogether.

Attached: gourmet-in-chief.png (517x700, 556K)

Attached: lemme out.jpg (800x533, 37K)

Attached: mary-trump-my-uterus-still-smells-of-moron-rules-are-31073789.png (500x495, 122K)

Attached: weekend at vlad's.jpg (1200x675, 155K)

So how sweet will it be when this dipshit gets impeached?

Well, Pence lacks the comedic possibilities. Plus he's not incompetent, so, might get shit done. Can't imagine why Republicans aren't bobsledding this sad clown down to Florida.

Attached: 96629cf41a20992ee65559a267b41ff0.jpg (649x365, 18K)

fake prez
fake seal

Attached: 45 es un titere.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

Attached: making jesus weep.jpg (960x830, 56K)