What do u white guys think about me and my white caucasian bikini girlfriend?

What do u white guys think about me and my white caucasian bikini girlfriend?

Attached: Sextime.jpg (1439x1776, 982K)

Any pics with your caucasian gf?
Also nice gyno

you both looks trans

Which Caucasian nation is she from


Kinda sad when the dude has more natural looking tits than the chick

She is going to leave you for a nigger

was going to say this

So many unnecessary descriptors. White and Caucasian effectively mean the same thing. And what the fuck is a "bikini girlfriend" - does this mean that I'm a "T-Shirt and shorts" husband?

Fuck off with this bait

Why do so many Asians get that shitty haircut?

you look like a faggot and i bet your girlfriend has a bigger penis then you do,gook boy

Seconded and keked

Did both of you get a boob job?

Stay mad white boy

Why are asian manlets so insecure? Is it because they are genetically inferior and have small penises? Or is it because they have small penises and are genetically inferior?

Why are whites the master race?

at least im not a gook

also,are you trying to be a gay cowboy with those boots on?

Yea but u a mad white boy hehe

Nice projecting white boy, u mad jelly of my girl lol

Slant eye with a wanna be nigger. Great

What's wrong with asian eyes white boy? U mad u can't be smart like us?

Hahahahaha Fantastic point bro hahaha that cracked me up haha

who cares...

Fuck off samefag

the one with tits is gross. would hatefuck the chinks faceholes

Nice fagpants, OP

whatever gook,2 nukes wernt enough

What kind of Chinaman are you, OP?

Lmao, go back to bed insecure white boy