She ruined his comedy

she ruined his comedy

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But he woke!!

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His last special at the Royal Albert Hall was great.

Like Sticks and Stones excepts gay and beaten.


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comedy doesnt exist anymore and he got to nut in some black pussy, so its fine


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Thats a Man, Baby!

They have kids faggot.

she had his kid, definitely was pregnant.

He was pretty awesome in Breaking Bad. Imma going to have to disagree with your assessment, OP

Fucking niggers.

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yea and the kid almost as dark as she is. when bill started talkin about paternity tests nia sicced her brother on him

been together for 10+ years you nigger

proof fag?

Could care less wear he drops his load. How bout you?

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ligma ballz xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD a moolatoe is still black so there's no difference lmao

Bill Burr has unwittingly slipped into the world of mock rants.

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She's fucking hilarious tho. If anything Bill borrowed some of her positive energy to balance out his unironic 3rd Reich vibes when he rages at everything indiscriminately

You shareblue faggots will try anything.

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donald trump and his snowflake supporters ruined comedy by getting butthurt about people who make fun of him

isnt nas broke now?

Probably. He's a nigger. How dare you for pointing that out.

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youre lost, if you knew what everyone else did you would be concerned.

Imagine thinking having a supportive spouse who adds to you is a negative. What a faggot.

she made him get rid of his dog because she knew he loved it more than her

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when was elmer fudd president

I feel like she's about to leave him. She would always be on the podcast now she won't even bother. If you listen to it you can clearly notice. He always tries to get her to be on it and she only stops by to say some bad shit about him and then she leaves saying she has other things to do.

Back when your mother was sucking progressive dick.

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anyway to watch it?

She's sticking it out putting in for her pension

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Fucking women.

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pathetic little virgin freak, enjoy dying alone fag

Yes. Netflix or get a fucking job.

And his drums.

Enjoy your triggeredness.

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Go get 'em faggot.

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As soon as I heard what an uppity cunt she is to wait staff I knew she was a cunt in general. When she started neutering every bit and flapping her big baboon lips on his podcast I knew it was over. I'll admit, his last special was funny, but the over-compensating and prefacing every edgy bit with "HEY WHAT DO I KNOW, RIGHT, I'M JUST A DUMB WHITE GUY WHO IS DUMB AND NOT SMART." preamble ruined a lot of it for me. F is for Family sucks too.

HOWEVER, the Sirius XM show Uninformed that he did with Joe Derosa is fucking gold. Pretty much every episode devolves into him and Joe attacking one another and telling hilarious stories. Can't recommend it enough.

alright jesus chill

>black women fucking up their white men

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pic unrelated? that guys from arabic

De Blasio is whatever race he wants to be.

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Black pussy is the best pussy, PERIOD. Bill is doing life right

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So do Michael and Barry.

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Saw him live recently, he's still the same

Mare thread?

Nope. Just something to help white genocide.



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Agreed, i watched both Dave Chapelle's newest special, then Bill Burr's. Bills had me dying from laughter, whereas Dave's was good but not great.