I get paid $60k a year to argue with people online. I work from home and work a 4/10 schedule

I get paid $60k a year to argue with people online. I work from home and work a 4/10 schedule.


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Warren or Biden

Uhhhh, none? They both suck.

What do you think about White Nationalism?

Who pays you to argue?

Idk. I think every race should hold some value to keeping their heritage pure.

Call me a racist but I personally believe some folks should continue their families blood.

Look at the fucking picture.

I'm always paying Amazon to argue with me.

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Define argue. What exactly is your position in the company?

I don't get it

How do I get this job ?

how many times a day are you called a slur.

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amazon lol

> argue with people online

Clearly never dealt with Amazon's customer service.


I'm not going to expose my position directly, but let's just say I tell people/ business' whether or not they're worthy of selling their garbage

> Tell us more faggat

Do you fake the Indian accent or is it natural?

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y'all hiring???

alot of amazons employees are here

Where do I sign up :^)

At least 2. There's a lot of people who think we're targeting them directly based on their sexuality, race, religious beliefs, etc. When it really comes down to they're selling dangerous, shitty, 3rd world products that'll end up hurting someone.

Either you're in VCM or somebody in TAM getting uppity. No goddamn way you make 60k at Amazon and still work phones you dumb nigger.

OP will u admit that 36/40 of those hours are spent wackin off?

Nope, not that I'm aware of

elaborate you fucking pigeon on laxatives

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Fuck off we're full
It's a big company

I'm a door to door salesman and I made $100k last month. AMA

I don't talk on the phone at all, nigger.

You in the Vegas or Ruskin call center? I know there are others.

Ah, okay. I get it. My original thinking was something to do with customer support.

Another question. I feel like a lot of the stuff on Amazon looks to be generic Chinese crap. Is this true? I see a lot of their daily "deals" is some strange brand of whatever and I always get a Wish vibe from it

Not really, no. We haven't hired in at least a year plus. One of the biggest things they do look for though is punctuality and a willingness to 'help' customers

Yes, but it's pretty easy to sift through if you use browse refinements on the left bar. Just use your brain before making a purchase.

Because it is. There are so many 'Sellers' that legit buy garbage off of Alibaba so start their 'Business' and they sell shit that hasn't been tested or regulated. They think they're a 'Business Owner' when in reality they bought some shit from a Chinese cunt that doesnt even know that the hell they're manufacturing.

Applying a 1000x times and getting the chance to interview

Tell amazon to start sellin pussy on prime since their fuckin movies and shows suck fuckin ass.

I applied once and turned down the offer twice because I took other jobs waiting on the recruiter to email me back. Third time around he caught me.

Don't have one. I'm an American dude and I dont speak on the phone. We outsource the Indian retards to do first level customer service.

Fleshlights and several thousand other sex toys are, indeed, Prime-eligible.

Man FUCK diwali

If prostitution was a legal business, I'm sure they'd be on it

Agreed. Those fuckers get a lot of time off (In the area of 5 days) due to that shitty holiday but Americans can't even get a legit Christmas off.

Not OP but from his descriptions I do basically the same thing. I regularly take naps and watch movies and I still put up better numbers than most of my team, it's pathetic.

OP here, and I agree.

I practically spend the majority of my day watching YouTube and shit, take naps on my lunch, etc.

This job is stupid easy, regulating the retards is the most difficult part.

What education do you have to have for this shit?