How do I get rid of a toothache?

How do I get rid of a toothache?

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If anywhere near pic related, just throw away the whole thing.

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I know the pain user. I rather have my ass beat than to have another throbbing toothache.
-Rinse with peroxide.
-Clove oil directly in the cavity hole.
-If its urgent, break open an advil gel tab and put the juice in the cavity.
-Rub some sensodine toothpaste on it and go to sleep with it in your mouth.
-Buy some diced garlic with the juice and take a shot of that juice and swish it as long as you can stand.
-Peppermint oil directly in the cavity.
-Oregano oil
-Rosemary oil

am I the only one who can look at rotting and decaying teeth like that and wish I had them so I could poke at them with some tweezers and pick it out?

gum with xylitol kills the bacteria that produces acid

I've had 15 teeth removed through surgery. I've been hospitalized for days with a blood infection. I am an expert on tooth pain.

My surgeon told me that the reason it hurts worse to lay down is obviously the blood rushing to your head. So as difficult as it seems to sleep sitting up, please do it.

First, rinse your mouth lightly to dislodge any particulates in the cavities. This can cause pain in the exposed nerve endings. Usually the pain is from nerves being pinched when your gum swells, so you want to take aspirin as your primary pain relief since it reduces swelling and takes the pain away at it's source.

You can try these . They can be a temporary relief, but the most effective route is always to brush, rinse, and take pain medication routinely.

literally be worse off, listen man for the toothache get some red cross tootache oil, it works wonders, but keep if off your lips, because it will damage soft tissues, and give you chap lip, let it soak in, and it'll kill the affected nerve, then for aesthetics buy some thermoplastic beads, boil a cup of water, and submerge beads on spoon, then get a peach crayola, and a yellow, and carefully measure out three sand grains of peach, and one sand grain of yellow, mix in, and cool check the color against actual teeth, if match move to step two if not repeat, remelt thermoplastic, and remix, untill the tone is a match, then remelt, get a log about the size of the missing teeth, and push it inot place, add more material if necessary, and make a smooth tapered generalized shape that fills in the empty gap, do not worry about details yet, just fill the space to the general limits, once you are satisfied with the size and general shape, the next phase is shaping, you'll need an exacto blade, but can use anything sharp in a pinch, using an exacto blade cut notches along the tooth groovesusing the impriont as as a guide, then cut notches at the bottoms of each tooth, you should end up with a rough blocky looking teeth shape, you will then do a brief dip only long enough to soften the top millimeter of plastic, pop into mounth ,and smooth over, once in proper form, pulln cold water over the teeth, you can finish it up to get it perfect by repeating the process, it can be fiddly, so be patient and persistent, and you'll get them right, at least good enough, i find running the blade from slightly adjacent angles between the finished teeth can help embolden that groove, you want only to pull the tiniest possible slivers out, but it really does the finished effect.

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Unironically rub your gums and teeth everyday, it regrows damaged teeth or even missing teeth after 6 months. If your tooth is very sensitive just rub on it lightly until it’s good enough to rub on it normally. Also fix your diet, quit doing drugs, drinking alcohol, drinking sugary drinks, eat organic fruits and vegetables and healthy meat

maybe switch dentists they might be the root of all your strife in the world, mine purposely sabotaged my seventh tooth and turn the bottom one into a work of art and cut up the inside of my cheek

plastic tooth user here, this is exactly what happened to me, shitty crowns where they did't properly sterilize the area so they just rotted out ove the course of a year, never could afford a fix, and ended witha situation that's like OP's but worse as the plastic teeth above probably reveal

Did y'all niggas go go a drunken dentist in Tijuana with no actual education? I have a crown that didn't get situated properly and now I will need a second one because my teeth are brittle and cracking but mostly that is genetic because my diet is pretty good and I brush and floss enough. Still sucks having lousy teeth though

probably some sort of messed up sleeper shit the first day I went to the dentists and took a pic of my skull when I went back the chick shined a lazer in my eyes and proceeded to fuck my mouth up while laughing her ass off, it was a wholesome experience we had fun tried sticking to my guns continuously asking her who the dentists were but she played dumb

What kind of drugs are you on user and where can I get some?

plastic tooth user reporting in it was a welfare dentist

NA teeth lul

i'm straight with you man that's what happens lol the last day of my dentist appointment I told her I would get to the bottom of it while putting my coat on, you'll be pleased that I did found out i'm a reality bender who was put to sleep and lobotomized by society/ay's to keep me in check

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With a bullet

Wife suck young cock. You fuck me.

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Dentist in tijuana are probably better. I go to my dentist with a hole in my tooth, and he turns me around and offers other services. Then sucks my wallet till its side ways

Get rid of your teeth. No teeth, no toothache.

I got a really bad case of tonsil stones. Ingargle with salt water, brush my teeth all the time. Nothing seems to help

go to the dentist dear god

might want to see about getting them removed