"go make me a sandwich or you're goin over my knee bucko"

>"go make me a sandwich or you're goin over my knee bucko"
>wat do?

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Call police.

coyishly refuse and get spanked.

Let her do whatever she wants, I'm ready to rassle

hoof her in the cunt.

exercise my 2nd amendment rights and fucking shoot it

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tell her to take that makeup off and pull her hair back so we can all laugh at how ugly she is

Guess I would make her and me a sandwich lol

Create a unedible sandwich to force her to give the spanking of my lifetime. Try my best to hide my horny grin but fail miserably and make her beat me extra hard by taunting her by saying that the hit like a 'woman'. Die in bliss due to internal bleeding.

Kick her ass considering she’s still probably weaker than me. Dumb cunt.

I couldn't make a sammich if my life depended on it

>fuck off

kick her in her oversized clit

Lol I’m 225 and in my prime, no way she has the chin to take even one hit from me. Bloodbath cuck

she's still only like 5 feet tall

>bringing a gun into the gym

ok boomer

Get an erection, let her put me over her knee, wait for bliss.

Y-y-yyes m-mam. I will m-make you a s-s-sandw-wich. Do you want t-the edge c-cut off?

buy her a 12" strapon

I'll take over the knee for $500, Alex.

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, I'm 6'1 and about 225, not even in the greatest shape anymore due to a cushy desk job with good pay. Back a number of years I was a very active kickboxer, so I learned to hit and take a hit. I had matches with guys bigger and smaller than myself, and took hits from both that knocked the ever loving fuck out of me. Not once did I have a match with a women that she managed to hit me hard enough to even really stun me. I'm talkin women with years of diligent training that were in fantastic shape. They just don't have the mass, the bone density, the rigidity, to do as much damage to a man. I'm not even slammin on women, I'm just saying that just because a woman can get ripped and tight like Ops pic, doesn't mean they have discovered some auto win against men.
So I guess what I'm saying is... If she sucks every last drop of cum out of my cock first, then I'd probably go make her a sammy out of appreciation for her good deed. But does anyone think that fat bitch really needs the carbs?


>going over my knee
Spank me mommy