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Donald Trump...
Why do Americans eat up garbage shows like this?
>host gives a 10 minute monologue telling you what to think
>sits down to '''interview''' a celebrity (i.e. lets them recite their scripted plug for their latest movie)
>audience goes wild
>Poopee diaper wearing baby
>*crowd froths and screams their heads off*
people like having their opinions reinforced
There is literally a video made by Vox where a numale explains that late night comedians are more important than the news these days, because while the news has to report both sides of ever issue, comedians simply tell him what to think, which he prefers.
>pretending you're better than anyone while posting on a Hawaiian DVD bootlegging forum
Ah, my favorite morons.
the only good late night host was the one who hated it
>>audience goes wild
I don't think it was like that with most talk shows, but Colbert fans and fans of the report, daily show seemed much more similar to jerry springer audiences than anything else.
>talk shows are literally threatening to him
>Nation, please...
>the news has to report both sides of ever issue,
No they don't. Theoretically, ideally, maybe, but that's just plainly not true for 99% of the news out there.
Because he is just telling the truth and showing what a joke Drumpf is cuck
New Rule, if you post that picture go kill yourself.
My father watches this and I don't get the appeal to it besides being a big echo chamber to reinforce your political opinion
Same goes for SNL but SNL has been dead for a long time
Rachel Maddow pwned drumptards
Frumpf turds
Because we all know what a joke Trump is and appreciate someone who can add the right comedic timing to riffing on his idiocy?
So Trunp is I finna lit?
He be tweet look it look it
For reals
Ait laters
What's the pic about? I thought Trump proved he did pay his taxes?
Heh, kid.... it's 2017.. *holds you by the throat* "pretending" to be retarded is out of style
Now die!
Donnie Gump...
>literally has a cuck face
How did colbert fall from grace so badly?
*shitty cartoon guest*
How many of these lame threads are you alt-reich Nazis going to make? It's not Colbert's fault that Drumpf writes every joke for him by being such a massive failure.
*crowd shifts in their seats*
he sucks.
*crowd cheers because donald trump fucking suck and can't leave the office of the president fast enough so please go back to Sup Forums and choke on his cock with the rest of the edgelords.*
>watch tv or be branded a nazi
What a time to be alive.
From the dusty mason
You seem angry user.
>Trump dick riders are so thin-skinned that even though their candidate won they are so outraged by people saying negative things about him that they make threads literally daily to whine about it
Why is his audience so obnoxious? Like 50% of the show is them going apeshit over him mentioning the president.
John Oliver's humour is shit tier, but at least he doesn't let the audience drown him out and carries on with what he was supposed to be saying.
Here's the difference:
We make fun of it
you come into the bait thread and whine about it.
Laughing as I look at a pic of our glorious president :)
*Fapping as I look at a pic of our glorious president :)
Only old people and millennials watch this garbage
>We make fun of it
Oh no, whatever are liberals going to do now?
>hangs out with pedos
>100% refutes the existence of child trafficking rings
>is a pedo by association if not an actual pedo
When will you people wake up and end this insanity?
>glorious president
>travel ban 1 failed
>travel ban 2 failed
>keystone pipeline using american steel failed
>couldn't repeal obamacare, even though the republicans literally control congress
>signed a bill overturning FCC regulations protecting your privacy online
>getting mexico to pay for wall failed
>defeating isis in 30 days failed
>drain the swamp was a lie
>lock her up was a lie
>no cuts to medicare was a lie
>even breitbart is acknowledging the russian shills in trump's cabinet- flynn just got denied immunity
drew carrey is a peeedo?
Pretty funny how the rise of Trump kind of saved all these fading hosts. Literally every video by colbert/meyers/whoever the fuck else goytube algorithm tries to get me to watch is somehting about trump.
keep whining about russian shills and how hillary actually won even though she lost
>effective media to spread propaganda
>not threatening
Time to wake up.
Say what u want about these comedians, they are speaking truth to power. Truth is, Trump, and by extension Russia, has the nuclear codes now and could use them at any time. We need to impeach him before he does any more haram. I voted for Trump and boy do I regret it.
I am glad us redditors are doing such a good job of showing his corruption. Every time I visit /r/ImpeachTrump or /r/Politics my faith in humanity is restored just a little. I want to live in a community with these kinds of people, not racists and angry white men.
allahu akbar
My sides have just been obliterated by this razor-sharp Swiftian satire. All glory to Kek. In Trump We Trust.
He was molestered hardcore as a yout, so do the math.
>conservative humor
Wait a minute. I'm the only liberal posting in this thread, aren't I?
Donald Drumpf LMAO
The middle post is sarcastic, waterhead.
HAHAA We gotem sweetie.
>post ironic sarcastic posting.
What a time to be alive.
Thanks dingus. I've emailed hiro about removing that greentext quote from the post. Please provide a fax number and my secretary will issue a letter of apology to you by noon Friday.
Not good enough. You've got to toss my salad now.
Don't press your luck, string bean. I'll have my lawyers on this case in seconds if you persist.
i guess i'll post it if that one guy wont
>post ironic
It's just regular irony you stupid faggot.
lol somebody mad af
>being this dumb
trumpets btfo
>liberals can't me-
*ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha *
nigga y u be frontin fo
>samefag literally shaking
Why does the alt-left get triggered by the alt-right getting triggered?
Irony works in at least two layers, preferably three. Person 1 has to believe Person 2 is meaning something Person 2 doesn't and Person 3 knows something that turns P1 and 2s conversation on the head so it's only funny for Person 3.
>Sup Forums
>alt right
what did he meme by this?
>falsely accuse someone of samefag because the thought of people supporting trump is unfathomable to you understanding, toleant liberal mind
tronald dump btfo
He mement that Sup Forums posters, particularly ones who frequent off-topic political and meta threads, like to posture as alternative right-wing enthusiasts despite achieving nothing in life of their own.
he was funny in harvey birdman
>retarded samefag literally seething right now
lmao i'm dying
but all i see is butthurt liberal retards
>t. avid reader of Sup Forums and Breitbart
go back to your hugboxes
1. Post shit bait like "We at Reddit hate Drumpf! Did I mention I'm from le Reddit XD"
2. Pretend Sup Forums has been taken over by hardcore leftists.
2. Profit.
>Saying that like it's a bad thing
Those horse fuckers kept the shills away for a day
RIP in peace /mlpol/
ah so liberals on tv aren't actually retarded it's just the evil alt right trolls. cool.
>evil alt right trolls
Nobody mentioned anything of the sort. Enough with the persecution complex you fucking faggot.
lmao fuck drumpf
>breaking mom's spaghetti like that
Disrespectful dick.
what an insufferable faggot
So everyone?
PLUMPF and Co. were using unsecured email accounts there for a while... maybe they still are... idk.