Ask Me (a KFC Fry Cook) anything
Ask Me (a KFC Fry Cook) anything
Other urls found in this thread:
can i get a zinger box and uhh a large popcorn chicken
American KFC britbong go get a license
Do you like my video??
How many niggers do you get on a daily basis
95% of the time its black people wanting wings, alot of people get mad when we dont have enough wings in the buckets
tldr send me the photo you used as the thumbnail
when will you get a trade
learn to code
when will you get an apprenticeship
it's easy to get a well-paying job
just like getting a gf and making friends
life is so easy for you younguns
put the phone down
but really, if that's the best you can do for a job, good on you for working. holy shit life isn't easy now or ever.
how to spot an American:
they assume anyone from outside the US is British
Do you have any free food coupons you can give us? Because you have good mac n cheese and popcorn chicken.
Britnigger detected
Have fun failing at Brexit and going broke as a country :^)
I never really thought about getting a trade, or learning to code, ive really just ignored that shit and live day by day.
I love the mac and cheese and mashed potato, sure pal
Where do you work?
I used to work at a kfc, do they still use clam shells dropped into pressure cookers and call a full clamshell a 6 head?
Do you like the chicken with the shitty smell?
no we just bread and fry the stuff, cookers are normally just oil and the crumb collector
No I hate the smell of raw slightly old chicken,
What do you do there
Please answer my question.
I fry the chicken people come and eat
how long do you cook fries for?
Where do you work
if you mean potato wedges, we fry them for 4 minutes
Yep my first job was kfc
Cashier tho
Please answer my goddamn fucking question faggot
If you refuse to provide the coupons, then it shall be confirmed that you dont actually work at kfc
I did you fucking moron
I see no coupons here, thou art an faggot and not an employee of the KFC Fast Food Chain
Everyone knows that REAL KFC employees are given free food coupons to give out to anyone who asks at whim, this thread is fake and gay and op is a loser
Why the fuck would I ask a KFC frycook anything? Go back to shut-the-fuck-up and piss in your horrible customers’ food you cancer upon this world.
How do you feel being a wage slave for niggers?