He's not completely wrong, you know

He's not completely wrong, you know...

Other urls found in this thread:


But the Klan has already been classified as a terrorist organization for the last 40 years...

There are less than 300 KKK left.

Build wall, Paco.

This. One of the fallacies describes this I'm sure.

When's the last time you heard the KKK shooting up a place?

But the Klan actually did evil shit, these guys don't seem to do nothing but wanting more gibs: it's not the same thing as a terrorist organization.

>mfw I signed one of those BLM terrorist petitions

does this makes them less threating?

>killing other people because they are police officers isn't evil

Fucking kill yourself.


Are you a retarded faggot?

Shooting cops is pretty bad in my book.


A terror organisation is classified as someone who uses violence and disruption to achieve political goals.
Chimps Matter literally destroy millions of dollars worth of property, and disable infrastructure. It is in every aspect a terrorist organisation.

the Klan killed a handful of niggers, most of which were accused of raping women.

and that was only the first incarnation, the other two times its sprung up it has been entirely political.

Aren't we all?

The KKK is literally a few hundred people across the entire country who drink Bud heavies and talk about "those damn niggers."
BLM is millions of white and blacks who advocate the killing of police officers and are routinely violent at their own events
Both are moronic assholes, but one's a more legitimate threat.

confirmed retard

6/10 if bait


No: it's like communism, don't you see what's happening when no one talk about communism?
>saying this to an italian. After Genova'sG8 2001
>after cops literally torutured people and made deals with mafia in the past

go kill yourself

Three pairs, truth confirmed. #praiseKek

The KKK got co-opted by the CIA fucking decades ago. Nobody thinks they're a real threat anymore.
BLM, however, can't go 3 days without chimping out about some nog getting shot by a cop because he (nig) was being a confrontational thug.

It's like worrying about an almost fully-healed scab and a freshly broken leg at the same time, and thinking the scab is just as big of an issue as the broken limb.

He means black people are in trouble.

>Just bought another .45

And 290 of them are FBI agents

>Italian police are corrupt
>Shooting American cops is ok then

What a dumb spaghetti bender.

We're talking about real countries not 3rd world corrupt shitholes

BLM has nothing to do with anywhere other than america you fucking retard.


when's the last time these imbeciles did ANYTHING at all? 40 years ago?

Because the KKK hasn't actually done anything in the past 35 years. They have around 5000 members.

BLM is actively disturbing peace in the USA, rioting, blocking highways, assaulting people etc.

Nice Dubs.

it does indeed

The KKK hasn't used violence in decades. BLM has. The KKK is actually peaceful nowadays

Do some research




KKK is the past, BLM is the future.

Just give us time... taking these millenials from computers to direct action is not easy

Appeal to ignorance

Kek wills that BLM will be violently evicted from political relevance

LOL no cupcake. Without Soros' millions BLM would never have gotten off the ground

It's rent-a-nigger to be honest

Hey Kraut you better calm down.

Last I checked your population has pretty much laid down for invasion.

when was the last time the KKK did anything?

They basically don't exist anymore. And they certainly aren't blocking highways on a weekly basis.

Haha oh wow

You cannot be a terrorist organisation if you never do anything other than hang out in private. When is the last time someone was killed by the KKK?

Yes, America IS in trouble.

Violent, ultra-left wing groups are considered above criticism even when its members are committing terrorist acts in the streets.

All because some people are worried about being called racist.

>Stats are Racist


Like what do they even do seriously. Can someone anybody in the world tell me what they do wrong? No ok. Unless you consider the lynching of criminals with more white than black.

Otherwise he's just a typical crying nigger babby

We won't be blocking any highways either. If and when we take to the highways it will be to take and hold key intersections and run supplies across the South.

Checkpoints as well. Papers please. Have to do a quick background check.

Ahhh, I see here you are a nigger lover. Step out of the vehicle citizen.

>mfw I said No thanks.

I knew voting doesn't matte.

How is a animal control group threatening? the KKK did nothing wrong. Niggers need to hang from trees.

>killing cops is bad
>lynchng criminal is ok

ah, the right-wing hypocrisy.

The Klan hasn't killed anyone in about 30 years now, and as far as I count it BLM has killed a whole bunch of cops in the past 3 years. Maybe we should call Sweden, Denmark, and Norway Terrorist states for being Vikings?


You recently signed a petition asking the Administration to "Formally recognize Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization."

In the wake of the tragic recent events in Dallas, Falcon Heights, and Baton Rouge, the President brought together law enforcement officials, civil rights leaders, activists, faith leaders, academics, and state and local elected officials this week to encourage frank conversations about the steps we can take together to build trust and ensure justice for all Americans. As part of these conversations, the President directly addressed the concern that the "Black Lives Matter" slogan, social media movement, and the associated protests are somehow inherently anti-police:

"I know that there are some who have criticized even the phrase 'black lives matter,' as if the notion is, is that other lives don't matter. And so you get 'all lives matter' or 'blue lives matter.' I understand the point they're trying to make. I think it's important for us to also understand that the phrase 'black lives matter' simply refers to the notion that there's a specific vulnerability for African Americans that needs to be addressed. It's not meant to suggest that other lives don't matter. It's to suggest that other folks aren't experiencing this particular vulnerability.

"And so we shouldn't get too caught up in this notion that somehow people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow, automatically, anti-police, are trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game, just because that's not obviously what is intended."

This is a difficult time for our nation and this is a charged debate that stirs deep emotion. Speaking at the memorial service in Dallas earlier in the week, the President emphasized that progress requires, in part, Americans on all sides to “stand in each other’s shoes and look at the world through each other’s eyes.” He added:

"With an open heart, those protesting for change will guard against reckless language going forward, look at the model set by the five officers we mourn today, acknowledge the progress brought about by the sincere efforts of police departments like this one in Dallas, and embark on the hard but necessary work of negotiation, the pursuit of reconciliation.

"With an open heart, police departments will acknowledge that, just like the rest of us, they are not perfect; that insisting we do better to root out racial bias is not an attack on cops, but an effort to live up to our highest ideals. And I understand these protests -- I see them, they can be messy. Sometimes they can be hijacked by an irresponsible few. Police can get hurt. Protestors can get hurt. They can be frustrating.

"But even those who dislike the phrase 'Black Lives Matter,' surely we should be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling's family … and know that his life mattered to a whole lot of people of all races, of all ages, and that we have to do what we can, without putting officers' lives at risk, but do better to prevent another life like his from being lost.

"With an open heart, we can worry less about which side has been wronged, and worry more about joining sides to do right. Because the vicious killer of these police officers, they won't be the last person who tries to make us turn on one other. The killer in Orlando wasn't, nor was the killer in Charleston. We know there is evil in this world. That's why we need police departments. But as Americans, we can decide that people like this killer will ultimately fail. They will not drive us apart. We can decide to come together and make our country reflect the good inside us, the hopes and simple dreams we share."

>But the Klan actually did evil shit

Like? Lynching some criminals sixty years ago?

> these guys don't seem to do nothing but wanting more gibs:
Oh and blowing the brains out of police officers and demanding that all white people die. But that's okay. THEY DIDN'T MEAN IT, REALLY



Well, not publicly lol.


The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations. The U.S. government does not generate a list of domestic terror organizations, and therefore we are not able to address the formal request of your petition. We encourage you to engage with your community in the ongoing discussion of how we can better build trust and safety in our communities.

Thank you for your participation in the We the People platform. We'll be back in touch soon.

-- The We the People Team

Yeah and we then call every german citizen with blond hair nazi... oh... fuck...

he is right,america is in trouble,and the problems name is BLM

>Killing cops is OK
>Lynching criminals is bad

Ah, the liberal hypocrisy.
no please, tell us why the evil cops need to die for insisting people follow the law.

I want to hear this, honestly.

It all started with miscgenation.

the klan is 90% FBI agents and 10% 80 year old racists who sit around talking about how much they hate niggers

BLM is 70% niggers and 30% white cuckolds, both of which deserve to die

>The U.S. government does not generate a list of domestic terror organizations


Who the fuck do they think they're lying to?

>cops and criminals are the same thing
This isn't hypocrisy.

Naw, we got lots of young racists too.

And most if the feebs have been pulled a long time ago. Don't kid yoursel, the Klang has a lot of support in the federal government these days.

In certain golden circles.

the klan lynched 3,5k or something people over like 80 years

most (or all!) of them were rapists or murderers or your average dindu

the klan did literally nothing wrong

I think the only people who do this are Germans themselves.

Shut the fuck up you fucking nigger, if you like black cock so much why haven't you moved to africa yet you fucking cuck go hang yourselc


Calm down ireland

>mfw niggers dont know bout my silent majority

>Naw, we got lots of young racists too.

none of them are in the KKK. The KKK is a giant target for anyone who wants to earn quick political points. It's a boogeyman

It has no effectiveness as a modern organization. Literally no one is on the KKK's side, and it exists solely as a honeypot.

>Don't kid yoursel, the Klang has a lot of support in the federal government these days.

You must be fucking stupid. And/or a BLM member who seriously believes these things.

Don't get caught in a situation where you may need to break the law, tyrone. Then maybe the cops won't have to shoot you. That's not the Klang's work, that's just modern society trying to enforce its values.

I know i know, sadly it's so ingrained, we can't do much against it, just ignoring it i guess


It takes just one real life encounter to destroy a lifetime of brainwashing and make an otherwise law abiding apple pie white boy into a racially aware recruit.

The last KKK-inspired lynching was 20+ years ago. The last BLM killing was less than two weeks ago. I don't know if the KKK is already listed as a TO but I think it might be.



They got their dead cops, its objectively a violent terrorist organization using murder to further their political goals.

BLM is a terrorist group, its inarguable.

Actually the Klan is much more active then you would think in 2016.

There might be Klansmen here, right now. In this very thread....

Niggers fault for not learning how to use internet for anything else than watching niggers beat each other at wurlstahhippetyhopdotcom.

>punishing the guilty is correct
>punishing the innocent is wrong

hypocrisy?? Shouldn't you be making a pizza or something, you dumb fuck?


Don't ignore it, embrace it.

It's like they don't understand how important outward action are and how to control them.


i'd like to join the klan if they actually did things to better the community and get rid of niggers.







Truth is, we are in a low intensity race war right now.

Whether that heats up into a kinetic conflict remains to be seen. Klansmen do not want that, it really. But we will secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

14 simple little words.

DID. The Klan are pretty much meaningless now. Forget about them like everybody else.

>t. FBI

I'd ban racial instigators.

Don't understand why BLM is even allowed in Canada when we banned the KKK even before Pierre Trudeau.

All politics is local user. Focus on you right now.

Get yourself ready for the inevitable.

>dropping cinder blocks on police heads isn't evil

Not even a book licker, just not a teenage edgelord.

>Actually the Klan is much more active then you would think in 2016.
It's not, and I implore you to provide sources to back up that horseshit, BLM friend.

Nothing excuses criminality, nothing.
The law is the law, is the law, is the law.
It disgusts me what people are willing to excuse these days because of "institutionalized disadvantages", "poverty", and "being underprivileged". These people aren't starving in the streets trying to steal a loaf of bread, they're criminals who glorify criminality all through their culture and flat out refuse honest work.

>defending blm
>comparing it with kkk

Nice trips.

I'm not here to recruit anyone or convince anyone about what we do it how we do it.

The Klan is growing stronger every day. I some counties recruiting is at a faster pace than we can handle to be honest. It depends on the region.

But we are out there, watching. Teaching. We have so many prior military it's like Generation Kill in some places.

True. Also it's full of nothing but three letter acronym federal and state police agency agents spying on each other.

Honestly the only example of the KKK actually doing anything I can think of was that rally they tried to hold in California where as soon as they got out of their vehicles protestors attempted to lynch them and a bunch of people got stabbed.

Man's law.

Man's law is no longer beneficial to the white race in North America. We are not serfs or property, we are free men and women.

And we will secure the existence of OUR people and a future for white children to be raised in safety and peace.

America betrayed us decades ago.

>know a girl thats a short chubby jew
>actually intelligent, bio-sciences, works in a chemical institute
>gets emotional distress because people dont believe in institutional racism
>thinks pay-gap is real
>thinks whites are awful people

the jew strikes again

>the KKK
>not an FBI honeypot