Both YLYL reached image limit, despite sucking ass big time. It is up to you...

Both YLYL reached image limit, despite sucking ass big time. It is up to you, Sup Forums to put together a YLYL thread that isn't full of a bunch of recycled REKT and racist images, trap porn, and bananas.

Or are you going to make me take off my belt?

Attached: 20MinuteMeme.jpg (480x480, 44K)

I'm serious, Sup Forums.

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Well this thread is starting out slow but what the hell

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Good thread user

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Lost despite the 88s.

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Please be a troll

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>society values men's experiences over women's to such an extent that we now value men's experiences AS women over women's own experiences.

Honk honk

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How is this supposed to be funny?

Nice edit, bozo boy

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Gotta keep those dildos clean, man!

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Wth is this stupid shit?

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Guess you're too much of a newfag to get it

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Lost big

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>nun-chucks and a skull
this poster is literally teaching kids that drugs and alcohol make you a badass
it looks it's working

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Hmmmm...who think was him...?!!

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Actually oldfag here, don't follow most of the retarded shit people like you post

OC from my youtube feed

Attached: wtfyoutube.png (1144x414, 331K)

You know it can't be with a profile picture like that. Poly relationshiops are such shitshows.

>claims to be oldfag
>doesn't know Chris-chan

Attached: 1563320527424.jpg (750x757, 45K)

people into bugs and lizards are otistic ur a sperg, lol

yeah that one was funny the rest are stupid for now going to keep scrolling.

well I am but i thought it was funny since it looked like youtube is categorizing spergs as pets.

Attached: 42D23237-19ED-42BA-8488-BD95DE476CCD.jpg (720x651, 71K)

fyi this is a $5 dollar watch that they offer for "free" with $18 shipping

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Yes, it's a troll account. You can even tell by the last name, oddly similar to another word, isn't it...

Attached: 0044F60F-B945-4467-B50A-2A125D710877.jpg (761x995, 223K)

This one is clever! IQ 200 post! :^)

Attached: SmartSelect_20190708-095922_Tumblr.jpg (1073x1474, 445K)

at least he has a girl! :^)

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>catholic knight meme
lol papists are little boy lovers fuck you catholic scum.

Whowhiter than you, achmed!

Attached: 0_K7IgX5mpMs9un_EY.jpg (500x476, 83K)

I don't eat, sleep, and fuck on this 247 like you do, gonna miss some shit

Let's commence the jiggling

>poly partner
>wtf she's sleeping with other men
this is bait, surely

God dammit lost big time

It's something like logposting, bananas, autocuck, and so on so forth I avoid like sucking infested boils of plague victims.

Intelligent bants still pop up from time to time, and I hone in on them like bees do juicy flowers. Still miss Snacks...

Ahhh gotcha thanks, appreciate it

whatever happened to rekt threads? it's been a long time since I visited Sup Forums and I always see rekt threads before.

Autofellatio meme is the best meme since old Sup Forums

Rekt threads are around, posted almost nightly.
Gore threads were better, but for the most part the same.

u got me

Attached: Snapchat-2086038041.jpg (841x720, 66K)

Shows yet again how bullshit yt is nowadays. I have the exact same recommendations, and have never looked for any of those things. But hey kids, are you sure you don't want to start paying for something which has been free for over a decade now? No? Maybe an extra add or three per video will change your mind. We only have 2 sponsors though, so I hope you like hearing the same 5 minute commercial before every single video, over and over and over again!

How the mighty have fallen.


Attached: 1569298275809.jpg (688x936, 90K)

ahh i see. must be unlucky then. i sporadically visit Sup Forums to check for rekt threads and everytime, i don't see rekt/gore threads.

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They are still here, think there is a daily one but it's few hours before now


Says a lot about you, not so much a recommendation of Sup Forums.

Epstein did not kill himself is a better meme, due to the fact it actually reaches normies and shocks them into some semblance of independent thought. That's getting out into the wild, unlike autocock.

One autocock meme, using the I'm not saying it's aliens guy, wasn't bad. Niggerdogs is pretty bad too, but can be lulzy if correctly applied, like the swimming miles out to see to bite a child one. Just relying on a format is vapid.

But the only meme I ever made was the original creepybiden pic. It's got an extra panel now, and it was better with just three. Hell, I didn't even bother to slap the three panels together with paint, so who am I to criticize? Nobody. Just user.

from bts on the tv show Vikings, it's funny that this nigga is making it look like a fucked up selfie.

Attached: girl_in_the_painting.gif (500x834, 128K)

Yeah, let's be a little more conservative and say binightly on average, around 9-12 cuckifornia time.

Attached: NUMALES.jpg (994x745, 166K)

Surprisingly good

Gotcha, thanks, only seen the 1st couple episodes of vikings

You have the exact same ones? That's odd because I thought I got them because I had watched a bunch of nature and ant videos in the past and a couple of aspergers ones recently.
Anyways you should check out ublock origin and umatrix. If you're using a regular browser to watch youtube you can block their ads by only allowing the domains in the image to go through.

Attached: youtubeexceptions.png (519x579, 48K)


Wil Wheaton is a bitch

>this nigger doesn't know about chris chan

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Yeah ok.

The definition of a meme is "an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation"
So it essentially equates to something of a fad. The internet has adopted this word and some of its definition and since has largely become something a bit different from its original meaning. Not a whole lot, but some.

The occurrence of self suck meme is what is funny about it. Not the fact that he's sucking himself off. It constantly gets placed in inconspicuous spots in older memes leading up to a surprise where you're like "Oh fuck, it's that one again"
The emotion that invokes is like that of a running joke. You weren't expecting it, but now it's even better than what you thought it was going to be. This is what makes it so beautiful. The constant surprise of some dude sucking himself off.

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Fuck I lost

Attached: EHMGlcgWoAAAl1p.jpg (567x567, 73K)

So, exactly like bananas then?

That's actually why I liked the one with the I'm not saying it's aliens guy. It was the evolution of his hair that accented the autocock. Brilliant!

No one cares

My god

With the camera and equipment clearly visible he surely does not try to make it look like something cuckie