Is it gay to fuck a trap

Is it gay to fuck a trap

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it's only gay if you let them fuck you, otherwise pound em' out

Imma need a source on that op


And if I'm the trap is it gay?

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Well, I mean not if she looks like that. Shit.

if i say no, are you more likely to bend over or nah? let's just go with whatever leads to you getting fucked and call it a day

only gay if balls touching

cross dresser =/= trap. You act like a woman, you get treated like one: Tits or GTFO faggot

source please for the love of god

I don't have tits yet -_- and my ass is my main quality.


Just don't tell anyone, then you can still pretend you are straight, faggot.

Then you're not a trap. Fuck off. Tits are the only value a trap even has.

Give the source gay boy

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Not with a body like that

Attached: 6.jpg (514x1702, 1.05M)

See those tits, boy? That's why she gets to be called she, and why she gets some of the value women have in society. Some, not all.

You haven't paid the price yet, and thus you're nothing but a filthy cross dresser. Go back to your alley and shoot up some heroin.

If that body had real tits, no, its not gay.

You'd still gladly fuck me, if I have you the chance

post more, fuckmeat

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Kalindra Chan. She was a fucking goddess.

Idk, can't even hey a trap to fuck me, so like, who TF knows whatever just k
Gonna kms seems easiest

Not a chance.

They're fake dumbass

That's a dude wearing makeup

Yeah, and I want it so fucking bad.

not him but i would like to see you're main quality user


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Literal definition of trap, newfag

kalindra is the only trap i would fuck

She disappeared years ago m8

Possibly. Give it a try and let us know.

the picture i posted is new and from october. check mate

what?! i though op pick that was a art piece!

Without the hours of Photoshop "kalindra" looks just like any other dude


Its also not her

you're so retardedis definitely her


Seriously, it's [insert current year], why we gotta try an hide our fagness

still cute.

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cope more

The compromise is good. based

the fact that she makes you all so angry means shes doing something right

Give sauce then cos I'm calling bs

guessing you're blind or just really stupid

Hmmm noncommittal answer. Good comeback

it's not a comeback. you're literally retarded

Y u so mad tho?


Maybe get your eyes checked.

Hurr Durr get yor eyez chucked. Am very smurt


Clarification needed.


if you fuck them, no
if they fuck you, yes,
If you're the trap and a guy fucks you, yes
if you're a trap and you fuck a non-trap, yes
if you're a trap and you fuck a girl, no
if you watch a trap fuck a girl, it's the worst kind of cuck.

Clarification will not come dude. She quit years ago after getting harassed by thirsty neckbeards.

Without the hours of Photoshop "kalindra" looks like a really cute femboy*

of course its gay but I'd argue it would be gayer to not fuck kalindra

i really want to know how she looks irl


Like a cute affeminite guy

It depends on whoch kind of trap.

If i we're to fuck sexually with a girl, it would not be gay.

If I were to fuck sexually with a guy, them a gay trap would be gay.

I am not gay.

I like vaginas.

Spoon fuck with one hand holding her leg up and squeezing it, and the other hand groping her tits or around her throat

that sounds like she would like that, Duke Zuur

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And one so you can't get up . . .

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All based.

i fap to that a lot tho

Attached: discord trannies exposed again.png (538x495, 77K)

>discord trannies admitting they browse Sup Forums
lmao that's a funny one

He is a known crossdresser that wears fake tits and photoshops the shit out of his pictures

let's see some proof

If you are fucking something that has a dick then it's gay I'm sorry to say

Traps aren't gay confirmed by Google

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Why wouldn't mentally ill degenerates brows Sup Forums?

it's not gay if it's a girl's dick lul

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