How do I find out if I have a glownigger watching me [without getting in trouble] and how do I get rid of him?

How do I find out if I have a glownigger watching me [without getting in trouble] and how do I get rid of him?

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what the fuck are you talking about

I get followed by the police and undercover. I dunno if glowies are watching me but I wouldn't doubt it

Posted memes online, mainly about BT and shit that changed in me since March, someone in the thread suggested that chances are I now have an agent watching me and now I'm creeped out. I'm not dangerous but I like privacy thank you very much

imagine thinking you are important enough to warrant the full time attention of an incandescent employee.

Will they go away and leave you alone at some point again or are you stuck with them until you're in the gutter?

you don't have anyone watching you, stop being paranoid. i do understand the anxiety, however. glownigger is also the greatest thing i've heard all day

I mean, I'm from AT. People get swatted four times just for having received a donation from BT or reading the manifesto. Is my concern really this far fetched?

They know about this post. Immediately wipe your entire computer and run

They follow me because I buy weed and drive around blowing weed smoke out of the windows. I also meet up with teenage traps and play with them in the vehicle. I'm sure a few people complained about it. I think if I just stay home and behave myself they will probably back off after a few weeks.

Am phonefagging. As if I waste time powering up my laptop at this ungodly hour.
>I use VPN
>I change IP address every couple weeks
>I use Tor
Is this enough to keep my online privacy to myself?

no lol

imagine thinking sekrit AT club and BT memes make you special

Smoking weed and playing UNO with teenage traps is enough to be watched? The fuck


Apparently yes. I'm also a veteran. Perhaps they are warning me? They definitely don't try to hide. They are very cleary letting themselves be known.

Pic related is what I posted the other day and like I said, people told me that A, sounds like I am somewhere on the spectrum even though I don't wanna hurt anyone and B, again, someone might be watching me now

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Have you ever talked to them to figure out what exactly the issue is? Can be a fuckup on their end as well and you're the wrong person they're watching. But what do I know anyway

Maybe you're right. I'm not going to ask them. How would I even do that?
>Excuse me officer. Why are you guys always following me?
Lol they would probably get mad and tell me to fuck off.

based on this the cia is not following you

source: random guy online spending time with you anonymously.

what the fuck sort of answer are you expecting to receive? the narrative you've swallowed makes you a gullible faggot. be productive in your own life using your own thoughts instead of propaganda YOU FUCKING ROBOT.

focus on your senses here and now, bringing in the physical world into your brain. identify the input, give things names and list their attributes BY YOURSELF, IN YOUR OWN MIND.

you must make one ultimate choice: do you choose to be alive or not? everything stems from there because there is a set of prerequisites to be alive. you must acquire food and put it in your bloodstream to get the nutrients.

there's a local proximity of information that you completely disregard in favor of distant fariy tale story time information. you submit to the narrative of others, convinced its real. sorry. it is a distorted lens like all others. you must think for yourself.

after you decide to stay alive, if you choose (you don't have to choose this) next you must choose your purpose. using your own brain. and dont fucking take the purpose from some strangers stream of words. if you love your life you will think with your own words and ignore the words of others. their thoughts cannot possibly better than the ones that originate in your own mind.


the cia does not give a fuck about you.

If you're a veteran, especially one of the Great Meme War, you don't have to justify your concern. I would ask them exactly that or at least start with 'good day, officer, if you don't mind me asking, I feel like I'm being followed by you and your colleagues, is there a problem?' Or some shit like that. Just don't come off as rude.

>glow nigger
Last time I saw someone use that term was when...

Oh shit...

Before this thread dies, disclaimer:
I do not wish harm to any person and all of my statements have been either of satirical or otherwise entertaining nature. I did request honest tips but in no way do I support terrorism of any kind, no matter where it comes from

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