Honestly, why does everyone hate jews so much?
Honestly, why does everyone hate jews so much?
Nah, I'm a mutt (half nig-half cracker) which I know people don't like very much either, just looking to be redpilled though and I have too many fillings in my teeth to be around the tinfoil heads over on pol
Mind the trips, bitches
let me answer with a riddle that might clear some confusion
a klenex is not a tissue, but if I ask for a klenex and you hand me something other than a tissue what are you?
Not everyone. I love jews.
why do jews hate everyone so much then if you're so smart
> an idiot
trips checked, my fellow abomination
Nigger, what? My question is sincere, you cumsucker.
and so is mine
why do jews hate everyone?
i'll stop hating them when they stop hating everyone else
>world’s oldest minority
Fair enough, I obviously don't know enough to figure that they do hate everyone though
Because jews are parasites on the world, they have been kicked out of over 100+ countries, they swindle and deceive to gain influence and promote degeneracy and heresy. They also drink infant’s blood and eat goyim.
They are cancer, all jews who will not repent should get the rope
It’s funny how the stereotypes used against Jews - blood drinking, cannibalism, disproportionate influence - are actually central tenets of Christian dogma
they force us to comply with laws they would never enforce on their own people
they tell us to go to other nearby countries to israel(the jewish ethnostate) to kill innocent arabs
they're about the most racist pieces of shit in the world in the modern day and age, and they're entirely hypocritical.
not only this but they ignore the existence of the other races in the holohoax, and the fact that much more people died in the war than just jews
they're so bad that they make people forget about gypsies, slavs, and arabs
despite all this the government gives them millions a year.
just because old grandpa stewart got sent out to a work camp during the nazi times doesnt give them the freedom to destroy cultures
jews owned the american slave trade, and atleast 30% of jews owned slaves
Best answer so far
there are only 15 million of them globally out of almost 8 billion, why do you autists think that one quarter of one percent of the world's population is responsible for all of it's problems, jesus that's pathetic
They don't. Where did you hear this? Memes?
So they're a scapegoat because you're as loser is basically what you're saying?
All hail our lord and savior, Lucifer.
>Thinks thousands of Ally soldiers and generals were all in on the conspiracy and lied about the camps
White supremacy is a mental disorder
Its just a (((coincidence)))
Yes goy, its inly natural fir jews to see the future.
isn't a large part of the modern Judaic philosophy much to do with the debt of promised and taken land? they're all about paying back a debt to God aren't they? they see that as money and land and a lot of their practices revolve around that idea.
wrong kike they are all documented facts from multiple different sources go get fucked in the ass by your infant dick sucking rabbi again you filthy kike
well, the lampshades are very hateable
>So they're a scapegoat because you're as loser is basically what you're saying?
What’s a matter schlomo? So angry with the truth that you started stroke typing? Jews are worthless, your religion is of the devil, you are only good for being taken and destroyed without mercy. Your day of hell is coming, fear everything kike
Weak people need someone other than themselves to blame for their own shitty lives. Jews are a convenient scapegoat.
t. david the rabbi
yes do evil and then act like a victim you dirty jew. no one believes your lies. You are a jew. You are worthless. You are jew. No one loves you. You are a jew. The world would be better off without you.
Your people is an insult (literally) when you call someone a jew who is not it is always an insult to that person, because being a jew is an insult. You are greedy, you are devilish, you hate God, you hate Christ, you hate good, you hate peace, but robbery and murder and lies, these things you love. You are a child of the devil. Kill yourself
ok then go to one of the camp meuseums
look at how the gas chambers have wooden doors
my life is fine
when i see laws that are intended to make life shittier, i'm not scapegoating, i'm talking politics
to think there is a richest 1% of people who own more than 99% of everything is also kind of mind buggling, no?
it is , i guess i see the correlation
Because it's been 5000 years now and I don't see any reason to stop now. Fucking kikes.
And you say that because........
That's right jew. People just started to hate jews for no reason whatsoever. None.
I think it's hilarious that people think I'm a Jew. 100% uncut gentile here.
What laws specifically? And why do you think Jews are behind such laws?
makes no sense , he is an idiot
Wow dude, you really are stupid
Jews really do control the media. They really are trying to influence us into accepting and adopting their views. They really do promote for other people what they would never accept within their own ranks. Why do you think every other couple on TV or commercials are suddenly interracial, always black/white, which interracial couples in reality only make up about 1% of couples?
>defends jews rabidly
>I’m not a jew I swear
yes you are kike, no non-kike defends jews this much, on the off chance that you aren’t a jew you are an extremely dumb and ignorant mother fucker regardless and for that alone you deserve a verbal lashing
But you aren’t you’re a filthy jew, you die a jew rat. Shame we can’t bring back 70 AD Rome where we could crucify acres of you dirty kikes. The Romans had their faults but they handled the jews like pros
One Jew saying something doesn't mean all Jews are bad. By that logic one white person supporting pedophilia means all whites support it.
If Jews are behind these movements they are superior race because they are the only ones with free will and able to make decisions.
>Believes memes from/pol/ are enough evidence to dismiss thousands of eyewitness accounts
Sources you didn't provide because you're lying.
>Everyone I don't like is a Joo
Making assumptions without evidence isn't very superior.
Let me guess, you're going to call me a Jew because you're too intellectually inferior to come up with a rational argument. The fact you guys are so easy to predict just proves how simple minded your stupid ideology really is.
Shut up kike. Only a kike would respond like this.
Holy fucking cringe batman.
kek. I literally wrote 1 sentence less than 20 words and the jew-haters all lose their shit.
I bet you smell like moldy cheese, grease, wet dog and cigarettes. Clean your fat rolls faggot.
>Goldstein detected
why not?
How many fedoras do you own?
a klenex is a tissue
>I'm a mutt (half nig-half cracker)
Nope you're a nigger. One drop rule.
Why do you think it is? Do you think all the reasons people give are just cover for some illogical tribal thing? Would you not hate Jews when you keep seeing them denigrate you, orchestrate wars, pit other people against each other, capture positions of power and abuse that power, constantly get away with corruption with the aid of other Jews, etc? Do you just not see that, or do you always write it off as just a coincidence?
Every time someone claims the jews are responsible they give detailed reasons why. There is always evidence. What you are doing is stripping away all that evidence and aggregating just the conclusion and then claiming that there is no evidence. Fuck you. No evidence for what exactly? No one ever says "jews are responsible for everything" Only you said that.
can we get a 444
>I'm not a jew I swear
>uses JIDF talking points verbatim
>Sup Forums defending jews
peak cringe
>(((Sup Forums)))
I've never heard a jew denigrate me, or anyone I know, just because I'm not a jew. Lots of people orchestrate wars for their own purposes. Many people take positions of power and abuse it. Many people get away with corruption with help of friends and family.
Some of these people are jews. Some are not.
When some people focus on the times that JEWS do these things but don't pay much attention when others do it, that's called confirmation bias.
This thread was made by shills for shills.
Type 111 if your not a bot
oh, wait...
Jews represent 2% of usa population but holiwood is 90% Jewish.
I'll wait while you wrap your mental gymnastics around that
I bet you will also argue that niggers aren't any more likely to be violent or criminal. How can you be so stupid? Relativism is retarded. The argument that if you can show one white person committing a crime one time that this is equal to the constant criminality of others is fucking insanely stupid. Jews do all that shit far more than anyone else.
what a bunch of faggots
You never heard a jewish columnist talk shit about white people? Seriously, that is the claim you are going to make? Like, you actually think that statement doesn't instantly expose you as a complete fraud and shill?
its an easy scapegoat,
People see a correlation of that a certain population in high level positions in business and government are directly related to an organized conspiracy.
Yes, nepotism towards friends and family certainly exists, and people will always look after there own self interest even if it comes at the expense of someone else. These people fail to recognize that jews as a people value education, fiscal responsibility and success. Jews have average higher IQ only being surpassed by Asians. And when you come from a wealthy family you have a unfair advantage that ensures you will succeed especially if you have these values.
So do you deny that Jews control the media, and that there is an anti white agenda in the media? That is pretty well established.
It totally has nothing to do with scrupulous shit Jews do.
I would not say "control" and I think the "anti-white" hyperbolic and paranoid thinking.
There are alot of jews in positions of upper management.
scapegoat? What do you call it when you have a mountain of evidence of crimes and the Jews still get away with it because there are Jews in every position of power preventing accountability?
>There are alot of jews in positions of upper management.
>I would not say "control"
How fucking brainwashed are you? Can you really not see the contradiction in that?
And my computer science classes were 90% Asian. And 90% of nurses are women. What of it? Why does "holiwood" matter so much?
Of course niggers are more likely to commit crimes because they're more likely to live in poverty. Crime's risk/reward ratio is much better in the ghetto. If you live in the suburbs or even rural places, you simply have more to lose if you're caught.
I've heard many libtard columnists talk shit about white people. Were some jews? Probably.
I would not say control because its conflating having an authority position in company and dictating the whole of society to their to their every whim. are not remotely equivalent.
>hyperbolic and paranoid thinking
Read any racially charged headline and think about how you feel about it and the assumptions you make. Then switch the races around, re read it and re consider how you feel and the assumptions you make. You will find that every single time you will change your position on it and every single time it will change to be critical of the white person. Not only is the media biased, but you are brainwashed to by them to be biased.
Fucking house nigger
> dictating the whole of society
Why did you have to make that part up? Did your brain have a bit of difficulty reconciling the contradiction you stated? No one ever said anything about society. They control the media. No, that does not mean they have to be a god like figure with absolute power over everyone in media. That is not what control means either. What other bullshit can you come up with to try and square that circle?
What I fail to see in your argument is any form of denial that Jews do in fact have a centralized control of power and they hold all the keys, the gatekeepers of society.... The rich get richer but the Jews are the Illuminati-no amount of shilling on your part is gonna change that
The ultimate issue here is elites not Jews. But it's quite awefully coincidental to have 90% elites be Jewish. Furthermore, elitest ideologies have resulted in systemic propegation of the lower class through their upbringing and environment. Badness is marketed through music to encourage it because those same Jewish elites who promote people doing crimes are the same ones benefiting from people doing jail time
To act like it's a coincidence of birth and upbringing is preposterous. It's a big club and we ain't in it, born a goyim die a chattel slave
It's not "some jews" smearing whites its majority jews
Thanks for your deflection, Mossad!
How do you explain why people on twitter would get banned for retweeting blue star comments verbatim except to change the race around while the original anti white comments were left up? Is that not anti white bias?
I don't work for twitter moderation team, so I'm not the right person to ask this question. I'm not here to affirm your world view but not answering that question. I don't even use twitter, so whatever problems that platform has is not my concern.
This is being treated as a hate crime.
>no anti white bias
In the US, most jews are libtards. And libtards tend to talk shit about white people (including jews of european descent).
That's not a jew problem, its a libtard problem.
Are you fucking slow? You claimed that there is no anti white bias. I am asking you how you explain this blatant example of anti white bias in the media. It doesn't fucking matter if you work for Twitter.
Jews use the media to push the anti white narrative. They are the ones brainwashing everyone. That is a jew problem.
I started to write response then I realized I didn't care enough to response. I just wanted to read the the outrage that people would throw at me because I find it amusing.
If everyone throughout history hates them so much, it probably means there is something true about their practice. Also, a very large majority of the worlds occult and magik are borrowed from Jewish mysticism. Mix this with the fact that they are constantly trying to be murdered throughout history and somehow are still such a dominant world power. Makes you wonder why people don’t hate them more.
You don't have a response because you are too fucking stupid to come up with anything rational that supports your programming. You said shit that doesn't make sense, I called you out. You are an idiot. simple as that.
Why did only some, but not all Jews flee Germany as Hitler was rising to power?
Because , a lot of them were supportive of his ideas, and thought they would benefit from his policies.
We call them SJW's now.
A prime example is that feminist ate demanding Sharia Law.
piss off animu nigger