Trump has a lot of supporters and detractors on both sides of the fence. My question to his detractors, can't you retards find someone better than a 76 year old pedophile to challenge him in this election? In the last election you came up with a 300 year old clandestine donkey witch,. who the fuck are you assholes kidding? Can't you pisslords come up with a halfway decent alternative? do you just want to nominate a clown , lose again, then bitch about how much of a twitter whore fuckboy he is for the next 4 years?
Trump has a lot of supporters and detractors on both sides of the fence. My question to his detractors...
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nigger please , can we hear from someone who isnt a complete retard, i have a legitimate question
does the left think that offering up a 76 year old pedo as his opponent going to accomplish anything?
That vid of biden raping that kid that project veritas just dropped is fucking disgusting
Sick fuck needs to rot in jail
>can't you retards find someone better than a 76 year old pedophile
We don't have to because he already is you semen imbiber.
Who's the 76 yr old paedophile?
Oh right, there isn't one.
Trumptard s.
Your defending a cuck who fucks his own daughter and porn actresses
Talk about fake news.
not defending him you autist, im asking if you tards can come up with a real actual opponent
The name speaks for itself.
The dems could run an ashtray and beat trump.
Or a dead log.
When will you learn the "trump will easily beat any democrat" lie is exposed by your baseless attacks on any opponent as a pedophile, hopelessly corrupt, etc.
We're not stupid, man. When you cry "pedophile socialist" to anyone who starts polling halfway decent against him, no one takes you seriously. I mean, no one took you seriously before, but we're sure as hell not going to start now.
Project "veritas"??
What a pack of frauds and liars!!
Yeah they lie about who they are to get these assholes to hang themselves on video.
But Hillary couldn't beat him
Pedophile is a feature to them, not a bug. The knew what they were voting for, just as they knew what they were projecting when they accused everyone else in their ridiculous "Pizza gate" meme.
I find it endlessly amusing that their main website is both
a) A place where supposed patriots track down deep state pedophile rings
b) A place where child abuse content is posted daily
I'm ardently anti-Trump and anti-republican, but Biden cannot win this election. Democrats want an actual progressive, like Sanders. If the DNC pulls a Hillary in 2020, the democratic party is finished forever and the kiddie rapist in chief gets 4 more years. The down ballot effect will ruin this nation too. Ginsberg is hanging on by a thread and a thrid Trump appointee forever taints the Supreme Court.
Project and deny. Project and deny. It's really the only trick in their bag. But since the American media is so ruined by corporate fuckery it works every time.
>Can't you pisslords come up with a halfway decent alternative?
Of course they can. Coming up with one and actually nominating them though? That's a whole different story.
Anyone talking about who can win an election a YEAR out from election day is insane.
It's like if the KKK went around accusing everyone else of being racist
>Democrats want an actual progressive, like Sanders
It doesn't make a fuck what democrats want. The DNC already has their vote. What they need to do is convince the undecideds and maybe try to peel off a few repubes if they expect to win.
Found the guy who voted his first time in 2018 and thinks he's all political and junk.
They kind of do. It just doesn't work so well for them because their shtick is antiquated. Modern conservatards equate racism strictly with superficial markers, like nigger and kike. So long as they don't say those words, they think they're not racist. And the KKK's problem is their sperg robes, ceremonies, and organization structure fall firmly into that list of superficialities. They're adapting. They're stupid as hell so they're taking forever to do so, but it's happening.
Not necessarily. The DNC is playing a game of chicken with the voters. The difference between 2020 and 2018 is Trump wasn't ardently hated then, and not even a fifth of his criminality was common knowledge. Few really understood the existential threat he posed systemically either, where as now even the barely initiated realize his continued occupancy of that office is a threat to democracy itself through judicial and legal erosion of democratic norms. My money says if Sanders or Warren comes within the margin of error of Biden, the DNC backs down.
But that's on us, isn't it? Primaries are coming. Do your part. Get someone registered and pledged to vote for a sane democratic candidate.
Biden you nazi
This is what the cowardly deleter posted that I made my final reply to.
>Democrats want an actual progressive, like Sanders
It doesn't make a fuck what democrats want. The DNC already has their vote. What they need to convince the undecideds and maybe try to peel off a few repubes if they expect to win.
Sorry, Had to delete due to grammatical error. Thanks a whole bunch for reposting the wrong version.
>Found the guy who voted his first time in 2018 and thinks he's all political and junk.
Found the guy who doesn't know shit, I've been voting for 20 years and I was volunteering on Warren's MA senate campaign before you even knew who she was.
Ayy a fellow Masshole. Have fun voting for whoever the DMC vomits up, just like the rest of the state. I'm finding a third party candidate I can tolerate because my vote is meaningless anyway.
Err DNC.
Hillary DID beat him. By almost 3 million votes.
Maybe she'd have beaten him by four million if she visited Wisconsin and tried a little better convincing flyover states she cared about them.