I'm wanting to become a pizza delivery driver. anybody here got any tips?

i'm wanting to become a pizza delivery driver. anybody here got any tips?

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1. Have a license
2. Apply

Nope no tips...not about to pay your wages.

yeah don't be a bitch when I offer you substances along with your tip

Used to be a General Manager at Papa John's

When the topper is on, 9 times out of 10, cops will ignore your speed. I've gone 15 over on the highway and the most I've ever gotten was a warning flash.

Also, tips are your bread and butter so take as many deliveries as you can. Get weekend shifts whenever you can. You likely won't get them at first, but Thursday - Sunday are big tip days. Always work during football games during the football season if you can.

Also while you can speed and stuff, don't be too much of an asshole, like blasting negro noise and shit. Don't pass busses either, saw some kid and an old man get hit by a car passing a bus once, old man broke in half across the waist lol was fucking metal

Domino's driver in Canada reporting.

Just apply at any store. Wages + tips is probably the best paying no-skill job in most cities.

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If this is the Papa John's mentality it's no wonder how one of your drivers was positioned to kill a friend of mine.
Also if you understand that tips are the bread and butter why did you start charging a delivery fee? That's a cost of you doing business and only results in the fee amount being taken from whatever tip they may receive. If you're not going to pay your employees why the fuck should I?

Dubs don't lie.

Also, if you're in a low sales store, they'll probobly want you to take some instore shifts or management, don't do it. It's a scam, drivers make more. I only did it because I was in college at the time and didn't feel like driving all the time anymore.

Carry a couple packets of the red pepper with you for when we ask becaus the red pepper is yum and you guys never have any on you or the parmesan cheese packets too and it makes me want to tip you badly for not having them!

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dont dude you'll get a bomb strapped to your chest and blow up like that one guy

(You) here

It's absolutely not, goes against everything the corporate training tells you. The delivery fee also goes to drivers to cover gas, they get 50%, which is also a scam. But that's a corporate thing that all franchise stores have no control over.


i'll try not to be, if it's a bong rip or something i'll definitely take it haha

thanks, those are all useful!

i've heard! and in my state, they pay full minimum wage and then you get the tips on top lolol

can do! i read that just having a lot of the extra stuff on hand really seems to help in situations where stuff is forgotten

hey, as long as i can die

Where's my fuckin pizza? No pizza, no tip.

what would you honestly tip if a pizza were later than expected (if you were paying cash)?

I second this, don't keep them in your pockets tho because that's unsanitary and retarded. I had a driver that would do that shit. Same kid got in an accident and didn't tell anyone, after he delivered his pizza an hr late and the fucking thing was plastered all along the inside of the box. The person asked for some parmesan and I tell them to always carry some with them so this fucker, an hour late, is digging around in his pockets, hands over a crumpled up pocket parmesan and just drives back to the store and tells me the entire story. I'm like, dude, we have insurance, wtf lmao.

End of the day we just made them a new pie and gave them some credits and all was good again.

Don't try to save money by putting cheaper gas in your car than what you should; you'll pay 10x because of it after a year when your fuel system shits itself.
Develop at least a weekly routine of doing a total check over your vehicle: tire pressures (including your spare), oil, coolant, et cetera. Doing delivery puts a ton of stress on your vehicle and it's easy to run it into the ground quickly.
When you get that 10pm order, to that shitty apartment complex that's poorly lit, and you feel something isn't right or that small part in the back of your head doesn't trust walking around that next corner or around that parked car, listen to yourself and don't do it. Your life isn't worth it.
And for fucks sake don't be an ass ape; remember my sodas!
Good luck to you, user.

Depending on where you are and the traffic of the store, it's probably a good idea to. There are a lot of shitty owners out there that underhire because they don't know how to adequately schedule. In most cases, it takes longer because sales are backed up. Usually not the drivers fault. Imo always tip because they're probably super stressed out and pissed off about it too.

I'm fucking retarded you asked how much. Match the delivery fee if it's late. Usually, like 2 bucks. Can't be mad at free money.

thanks! and thankfully my car is pretty good and pretty solid, it's an 01 model and has had minimal issues in the last 3.5 years that i've owned it

haha thanks for the tips but i'm actually just a driver, i was curious as to what somebody would pay on a late pizza, i'm always curious to see why people tip the certain amounts that they do

Bring me my pizza first pizzafag...

i'm not even hired yet faggot, go drive to the store you lazy prick

>anybody here got any tips
here's my tip: get a proper wage or don't do it
i'm not going to make up for you accepting a wage below minimum and other shitty stuff between you and your boss
also: be careful in traffic. that extra tip juice is not worth your life

At least he didn't call you pie nigger, I've gotten that a couple of times.

i live in washington state, so we still get minimum wage without it being cut (i just looked up the laws because i was curious), and $12/hr + tips doesn't really seem that bad

jesus, really?

That's impossible depending on the state he's in. If you're in a state like Florida and Georgia, the buisness owner is a fool for doing anything above tipped wage without experience.

Tipped wage is $5.44/hr in FL

>$12/hr + tips doesn't really seem that bad
make sure you don't have to pay for gas

Not him, but it kinda depends. If you show up say, 5 to 10 minutes late, have a good attitude about and at least apologize briefly (just like "I'm so sorry for the delay," it doesn't have to be an elaborate explanation or apology) AND my pizza is still hot...then you're still getting your full tip.
If you fucking show up 20 minutes late, couldn't care less, and that shit is lukewarm when the box touches my hands? You're getting two fucking dollars in quarters.

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at the location i want to work at, they give a certain amount per mile, i'm not sure exactly how much that is, but gas prices here fucking blow anyways so i guess i'll take it

Study hard in school

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And this is the type of "service" you think is deserving of a tip?

irl? hell no. online? fuck yeah

i just dropped out so


Sorry, my tip is included in the "delivery fee"

Ironically papa johns is my in between right now. Easy as cake shit tier wage. But it pays the bills while I search for work elsewhere. Hardest part is I for sure know I made more this year than my stores GM will in the next 3 I don’t intend to be there much longer. 3/4 weeks tops. I went from a CTO to a delivery driver. Six figure salary to an 8.25 hourly the difference is rough but my savings account is stacked and it’s just to get through until I can get back into IT work.

Remeber to be careful with pizza. They can be very hot.

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I don’t tip pizza delivery drivers, sorry.

My best advice to you.
Buy a shitty beater off of craigslist or from a local salvage yard that runs and drives most you can pick up for less than 500.00 I’m not sure if your specific county emissions regulations but here if they’re 25 years or older they’re exempt. What I did for about 8 years while I went to school for programming and software development was buy a beater for no more than 500 drive it until it blew up then sell it to a local salvage yard for 250. They’ll pick it up. That allowed me to keep the miles on my car low as shit. One of the best beaters I bought was an 02 Mitsubishi Lancer. 500 cash ran for 400k additional miles. Granted it’s final year it broke a piston ring and was technically running in 3 cylinders but got damn that car served me well.

That’s a guy, you’re a faggot for having pics of him.

Here’s one. Imagine you ordered pizza online on your way home via your phone. Only to run into a car enthusiast like yourself on the way to your house. You rev, he revs while laughing at your car. So you muster up all the power that 6.2l v8 has under the hood just to get served the entire gapplebees menu by a 2.2T DOHC flat four. Then you notice him turn down your street, stop in front of your house and step out with a fucking delivery bag. This dude broke rosaties by leaving a 130.00 tip on a 30.00 bill. I had to have 2 managers call him to confirm the tip. Lol.

how would you know its a guy you dirty faggot?

>what is reverse image search and all the previous faggot trap threads being shown it’s a trap

Why are pizza delivery drivers such entitled assholes?

>Be me, a couple hours ago
>Feeling hungry
>Order some pizza
>Total comes to $48.71 (inb4 fatass, I was with a group of friends)
>Hand driver a 50, ask for a dollar back
>He goes: "Look I know money's tight right now, but guys like me depend on tips to get by."
>Call up the store and talk to his manager
>He tells me this is his third infraction, so he's going to let him go
>Have a hearty lol while eating my pizza