Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged

AKA:Make fun of Fat stupid Spic edition.

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Talk about cringeworthy op.

Your obsession with her isnt healthy.

They're the same picture

Here is your shit to use and dig-in
Fat Spic Voice.


Lol what a newfag you are.
All your links are deleted. Oh no guess your "master plan" backfired. Ah this is funny

What is the deal with women and buttplugs? Have you used one in public without people knowing?

The op of these threads is white....awkward....

How common is it that women masturbate in public areas? I mean it's not like anyone would be able to tell on a crowded bus or train?

No I believe that's a fantasy for the most part. Its gonna be very rare to come across a girl wearing a buttplug for her own enjoyment. If the rare chance she was wearing one shes probably just doing it for her man

Again as I said
It's all part of the male fantasy and shit they show you in porn.

I'm not saying theres women who dont but it's pretty uncommon. Women dont work on urges like that. If we wanted to flick the bean we could wait till we are home to do it lol

Sorry only one still active

And now it's not :)

oh man that means next time i have to actually save them. I dont think i want that trash on my harddrives. I might have some extra room in my poop girl sock folder.

Ah you can try user lol

Sorry I ruined your fun though. I just thought "eh since we are playing petty baby bullshit" games I might as well join in!

but now i know that fact that people are saving you voice is worrying to you b/c why else would you delete. Well worth while. you probably wont post any for a while but your forget and post b/c you will think it's all clear and not think about it.

Oh and sorry I refused to show you my tits
>inb4 "that's not even what I care about"

You're obsession with me proves otherwise. I have anons who actually hate me. You know what they do? They block my threads and ignore me.
Not center me around their world like you have been doing lol

lol you are def tarded b/c you still think i want to see your tits for some reason lol.
It's all you bring up. All you bring up is
You are mad i didnt' show tits
You are mad i'm a women
Doesn't matter the argument doesn't matter who that is your only response

Lmfao I normally dont delete but as I said I'm just playing your game.

I knew you were gonna repost the second the thread died because you are clearly obsessed with me. I just wanted to make it more fun and remove the material you wanted to use. That's all.

I love my voice and so do many others lol ain't no shame in it

You also arent the first stalker I've had either.

As mentioned before. I had an user stalk me for 3 months spamming me every chance he had. He eventually got tired when he realized he was winning no one over and I wouldnt stop posting lol

Soooo you'll be like all the other low tier trolls.

Hopefully you'll be more entertaining this time

have sex, bad at it. how find clit?

specifically in dark. labia makes things confusing

Same shit extra words you are pretty sad and pathetic. When i make this thread again in another 2 hours are you gonna make sure you stay up for it lol

You're one to talk with the
"hurr audio hasent been Vaild proof in over 20 years huurr"

Like a damn broken record lol

And you're first response to me was "tits or gtfo"
When I refused thats when you started this tantrum that's been going on close to 24 hours now lol

>24 hours now lol
Jesus you are bad with time i wonder what else you are bad at? You think 2 threads can last 24 hours on Sup Forums you must be new

Nah unlike you I clearly have work to get ready for lmfao.
Must be fun being young and jobless in mommys basement though right?
Staying up all night and partying?

>calls me pathetic
>"when I make another thread that revolves around you in 2 hours"

it's also funny to keep you up , killing your baby
>inb4 "nah i was gonna stay up this late anyways"

I started my first thread at about 11 am it's now 2am it's pretty much a full waking day lol
Excuse me for dramatizing the time slightly lol

>dramatizing the time slightly lol
double the time only slightly.
thats the person i want to give me advise

For those taking this all too seriously again, it's just Sup Forums. Some anonymous image board that doesn't matter. Go outside, have a smoke and move on everyone.

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Lmfao why do you think keeping me up kills my baby????
That's like the second time you said that.

You do know insomnia is a very normal side effect of pregnancy? It's not gonna kill any baby lmfao

Wow and you're calling ME the dumb one.
I'm sure most dudes even know not sleeping a lot ain't gonna kill no baby

>Again as I said
simple answer please.

under what circumstance would a woman settle down with and be with a lower status man?
minimum wage tier

what ever you gotta tell yourself i mean fuck it . It's your baby

Ah that's my thing. But we got a next level sperg here and I'm bored so fuck it. I always enjoy when an user thinks hes gonna "get me" lol

I mean a simple google search for common pregnancy symptoms is all you need to tell you lack of sleep is normal but ok if you wanna be ignorant and believe the stuff you make up then dont let me stop ya lol

It is kind of funny yes, but c'mon. He might go take his AR to school to vent his anger.

If hes a good man. What an odd question

God newfags

True but on the bright side at least he will shoot himself when the cops come a knockin
Ah that was sorta cruel even for me to say...ah fuck it. I just cant understand the mindset of these autists. Their obsessions are so unhealthy

You and I both know I'm not. I don't believe I need to repeat myself.

I'm not the one obsessed with reddit like you've been mentioning in previous threads lol

Oh wait I just remembered what started all this!!!!

You got pissed because I said if you suck a dick then your gay and you disagreed and I said that you clearly had some gay denial

Oh shit so is THAT what started it?!

You are so mentally ill you can't even start to consider it. No amount of help or medication would help you other then just a Medical induced coma

I wouldn't say cruel. Just realistic. But I come here to try reason with these troubled young men, try snap them out of their negative lifestyles. It's like the guys that loop post pictures of their Ex's or crushes. I'm sure you've seen them. They post numerous times a night, every night. It's fascinating.

Mentally ill people trying to help other Mentally ill people.

>No amount of help or medication would help you other then just a Medical induced coma

Not the femanon, but why have you developed this need to follow FA around? What do you hope to achieve by doing this? Let it go, you know this isn't healthy.

Lmfao what a weak comeback.

I'm pretty sure my ass can fart out a better comeback then that.

I already told you to at least be entertaining to me. Youre proving to be pretty boring

Oh no im not entertaining you i guess my Master plan has failed

fuck your shithead kid

That's honestly what I try to do here. I try to help people out or simply just hear them out. It's actually suprising to some how many normal people are here. Sometimes they're just a bit awkward and want to place where they can let loose.
Then we get aspies like the one in this thread that try to shit on the good stuff because it bothers them to an unhealthy obsession that they cant break free from.

I try my best to understand that link but other times there really is no link and they're just truely unwell and not there in the head.

But the good thing is that the cool people actually outweigh people like him by far and those people are awesome people to talk to!

I've already basically asked him that.
Apparently it's for some grand message that we are all too stupid to understand and how what I'm doing is "damaging" you all lmfao.

So I guess hes the saviour that Sup Forums really doesnt want nor need

He thinks by thwarting my "damaging" ways he will save "his Sup Forums"

And I'm just gonna sit here and watch that attempt. I mean who knows...maybe after all these year he will be "the one" to end me lol

>But the good thing is that the cool people actually outweigh people like him by far and those people are awesome people to talk to!
Yeah b/c Sup Forums is full of newfags that came from facebook and reddit who all claim to be oldfags

Yea I know how you child predators are but no you cant fuck my baby

>maybe after all these year he will be "the one" to end me lol
nah that will probably be the baby that comes out stillborn but also kills you in the process

>Then we get aspies like the one in this thread that try to shit on the good stuff because it bothers them to an unhealthy obsession that they cant break free from.

That's always being the case here, there are always anons that get jealous they aren't in the lime light. But since the polarisation of the incel issue, the obsessive behaviours have gotten much worse here. It's these guys I try help the most because they need it. But I won't go into that.

I like your threads, you've done a lot of good here. Keep up the good work user.

Again...your obsession with reddit is showing

only people from reddit suck each others dicks are hard as you guys do

Oooh I like that one. Good job that's what I'm talking about!

But my baby has those strong beaner Genes and we all know how strong those beaners and their breeding habits are.

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Very often , depending where you’re from though. If you live in LA for example you might have a harder time. Where I’m from atleast no women are gold diggers.

Ah, this is making a bit more sense now. You want to hurt her to get back at her, for what? Did she turn you down? Why are you trying to hurt her. Does her having a partner upset you?

what kinda of fucking loser needs a reason to be a shit head to someone..... newfags

You are quite transparent user. So I don't think I was too far off the mark. It's the fact she has a partner right? You keep brining up the baby.

your son's gonna grow up to be a shithead with a mother like you

B/c she is a stupid slut who only talks about who she is a female and having a baby is part of that. it's nothing special it happens quite a bit.
So why do i bring up 1 of the 2 things she seems to talk about hmm idk

Yea sometimes I do think it's a form of jealousy. I used to think that was just a girl thing but I'm convinced guys here get that way too.

But I'm not sure if this is a case of jealousy. I believe this user thinks hes doing a "service" to Sup Forums or something.

I dont know. I honestly thought he was just joking most of the time because the shit hes been saying is straight up silly but he seems pretty passionate.

But even the most passionate eventually get bored when they dont get their way.

Well I have no dick but again this shows how new you actually are....Sup Forums wasnt always this incel fueled rage dumpster fire you think it was.
A lot of people were actually pretty chill and got along without fighting needlessly

they dont gown into shitheads they are born that way.

As far as I can tell he was one of your 'regulars' and he feels you've led him on and generally spurned him. That's why he's so angry.

Oh see he admitted it!!!

Hes pissed because I'm a female talking about female things!

Before he was basically denying it lol

yeah b/c when i say suck each other dicks we all know i mean LITERATELY suck his dick and not just that all you people do is kiss each others asses until your lips turn brown.

There we have it. I think there's a bit more too it but that'll do. Well have fun with your pet sperg, I'm going to get ready and head to the pub. Take care user.

Your son's name should be little shithead.

i make fun of the things you say
Any thing you Disagree with it's b/c you are a women and it has something to do with you are a women and men hate women it can never be anything else like maybe you are just a shithead and gender has nothing to do with it but since you have nothing going on your Gender is the only thing you can gasp onto to prevent going completely insane.

i think you mean pequeño imbécil.

Well he originally said "tits or gtfo" and when I refused that's when this all started.
Or it coulda been the dick sucking comment I made a long time ago. Basically saying that if you're a dude sucking dick then you're gay and he replied that it wasnt so now hes probably on some closet homo fueled rage?

So....you're admitting to being a shithead...ok

Real question here. Is english your first language? You speak it fine but theres something about it that seems very "tight" and rigid if that makes sense. I usually get that from anons who speak another language but want their english to be perfect so they try extra hard.

Well I dont know if it's a son or a daughter but eh kids are always shitheads for the most part

Nah hes definitly new for sure. The ones who hate me and know me are better at attacking me BEACAUSE they know me. This user is throwing blind punches

You're going to be a bad mother, just like yours.

Hey guys! I’m back!


A Pathetic Blind punch at an innocent Femanon.
Why do you hate all women user?

>hate all women
I'm not that user. I don't hate all women, I dislike OP. If OP was a guy, I'd dislike him as well. That's a cheap whiteknight tactic you're using.

I dont see any ass kissing. I see 2 ADULT anons having an average conversation. Kids like you have a hard time grasping that.

Have a good day user. I'll be heading to bed soon so the sperg will be left by himself for a while. Poor thinking will be so bored.

Hey dont tempt me. I just might

So what I'm getting here is you just have a general hatred for women?
Well that makes a lot of sense now. I mean you're a dime a dozen here but I get it now.

So talk to me dude. Why the female hatred? A girl hurt you? Girls dont notice you?

You can talk about it.
And I'm actually being sincere.


What are you talking about Cheap tactic ?
You obviously have issues with all women.
I'm a women and you have an issue with me so you obviously can only hate all women. Most likely b/c you got dumped and mad about it.

Well my mother is pretty terrible. No lie about that. But I've always had great mommy instincts lol

Getting bored and playing the anna role now?

Well what am I doing specifically thats caused sooo much hate? Lol

>I'm a women and you have an issue with me so you obviously can only hate all women.

>Well what am I doing specifically thats caused sooo much hate? Lol
people tell you time and time again, but you don't listen. You're dense.

So why do you hate all women user?

Keep spamming that assumption instead of getting to the heart of the issue, it's easier for you

Whats funny is you probably think all the people talking shit to you are all only me but it's not

No people actually dont tell me at all. Lots of people enjoy mem some dont and they're pretty open about why. Mainly because I'm "ruining the boys club"

You refuse to give a real reason though and instead try to go to the "ph you know why" route.
I mean you're user...it shouldnt be too hard to tell me straight up lol

>.it shouldnt be too hard to tell me straight up
it is when you are fucking retarded and don't understand simple concepts .

Who's "all these people" I see you and possibly a 2nd...that's about it.

I didnt think much of it but now that you felt the need to mention it I can only assume you might be trying to samefag to make yourself seem more valid?

nope just other people that see threw your BS

Again you're avoiding the question user.

It seems you're pretty fearful of being honest.
Not looking good on you user.

I'm waiting for your rational reason of hatred any day now

>inb4 "you're so retarded you wouldnt understand"

Try me

Again not fully grasping what was said. Its clear English is your second language

I'm this guy but not You're talking to 2 people as if they're one.

What a dumb broad

Only dumb person I'm seeing is you

No not a person a broad.

Well then "both" of you are avoiding saying the reason. Isnt that strange?

>I hate you
>you wouldnt understand

Lol the logic is amazing

Shut up yeah dumb broad.

For real. How couldn't 1 understand?

Your reason for hatred against a complete stranger shouldnt be so compelex that they wouldnt "understand"

That's literally the most pussy cop out I've ever seen.
These "2" clearly HAVE no valid reason so instead they will repeat over and over "you wouldnt understand"

Hate is simple. Its not hard. If you hate someone the reason is simple

How about you go study more english?

Get back in the Kitchen you dumb broad.