I lost my dad today

I lost my dad today

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have you reported it to the police?

Im sorry Sup Forumsro

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need to use a leash so they don't run off

Hard shit, my man. We all have to go through it. Embrace death and thank the universe your dad didn't have to see you dead instead.

I know how it feels user, I'm sorry about your dad, but you gotta keep going for him :)

Looks like someone is gonna have a pretty easy No Nut November.

Fucking kek

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sorry Sup Forumsro. hope you guys had a decent enough relationship

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I lost mine a month ago.

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Top kek

Lost my dad some months ago too. its a damn shame ive never known him well. always busy with his work and only at home once a month.

lucky, mines still here.

Oh fuck, I'm g-gonna fucking c-coom!!!

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Sorry to hear it, user. What happened, pal? Was it expected?


Sorry for your loss. I lost my Mom a few years ago.. I know how much it sucks to lose a parent.

Who let this asshole out of Hell?

Anal abscess led to septicaemia

Sorry to hear that bro

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Heart attack, last thing I said to him " I'll call you back later" he said "love you".

Damn. Good luck. I lost mine about eight years ago.

What did he mean by this?

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Sorry to hear that friend, death is never easy. Each day is a gift, he would want you to make the most of it

Who cares, are you surprised he died are you dumb? you should of been more surprised every day he was alive

Suck the tip of my cawck until I cOOm

What's with the edge on Sup Forums lately? Is it winter break or something?

I hope someone farts into your grandmother's oxygen tank.

who are all these fat fucking losers on Sup Forums that thing you are supposed to be nice and suck everyones E-cock go back to reddi pls

i lost my brother last saturday

You fucking dyslexic cunt, I hope your appendix rupture.

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Someone didnt get their hug today

he was a faggot anywae

you'll find new dick to suck, op.

tl;dr I bet your dad didn't even shake your hand while looking you in the eyes while saying, "I love you." before he died.

Kys faggot.

what kinda fucking loser needs a hug everyday?

who wishes their dad died today?

I'd rather hug a bag of freshly collected and bagged horse shit


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Did you check down the back of the couch?

I hope you come out a better person than you were before he passed.
If you're young, start keeping your daddy issues in check from now.

Probably at the strip club dude.

Check the other drawers. Your mom more than likely got jelly he was pounding that ass.

Op hate to hear it. Mine has been gone almost 28 years. Still hurts at times.

I'm sure he will turn up soon


OP here. Never mind, found him. Come home with some hookers drunk again.

Good luck op. That pain stays with you forever but u learn to live with it. Get drunk and be kind to yourself.

your mom doesn’t like hugs either bro

Lost mine cc’ing up on two years. In three months you’ll think you’re fine. Six months you’ll relapse and feel like shit. It gets better after all the anniversaries are done. First birthday, Christmas, etc. Sorry user. Be strong.

That was careless of you. Retrace your steps until you find out where you put him.


Sucks to be you. Drink one for me and for him. Sorry for your loss. You are now facing one of those mandatory and painful step of your life. Things will never truly be the same but eventually you will get used to it. Carry on. Don't forget your Dad's name, face, quirks, flaws, memories. Be strong user.

Sorry Sup Forumsro...I lost my mom in March...she should not have been discharged from the hospital. I could sue but meh...what's the point? Anyway...if you're listening...he'll still be there from time to time...I'm sure that sounds gay to most people here but it's true. It's been a difficult year for me...probably will be for you too. Just remember to grieve. It's important. God bless, user


I lost my dad in 2005. He was sick with COPD. I just wanted to say it gets easier as time goes by and that doesn't mean you love him any less. It's ok to accept that he has passed and the world still turns. Feel your feelings. Talk to other people that loved him. Your not alone in this.

One foot in front of the other Sup Forumsro, always remember you're not alone in your struggle

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I dont get this

I'm sorry, OP.

At least you had a dad, faggot

My condolences, mate. I hope you always keep good memories. Write them down as you have them or you’ll forget.

You have my most sincere condolences, OP. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through.

Sorry to hear that bro.

Hang in there, OP.

Remember the face of your father.

That fucking sucks. I'm sorry.

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Its all part of life, embrace it and overcome it user, the worst is yet to come

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Try the list and found department

My dad says I'm dead to him...you can have mine

Sorry for your loss Sup Forumsro.
I'm waiting for mine to go soon also,he has severe health issues.
Keep strong.

Sorry man

Fuck man shit sounds rough

Life is short OP. We all will face the end of this life some day. Everyone.

There's an afterlife though. imo, there more to come. You'll cross paths again.

just your ass out there and find him!

go hit on your Mom. she's missing the D