What's better LSD or shrooms?
What's better LSD or shrooms?
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kill urself
neither is better, they're different
anyone telling you one is better than the other is just speaking from opinion
mine being that I prefer lsd
i prefer lsd because its more controllable.
Shrooms can hit you like a truck so be careful with that
This. You can lose control with shrooms quite quickly.
LSD 100% you can get way higher off LSD than you can from eating shrooms
>anyone telling you one is better than the other is just speaking from opinion
He literally just asked for people's opinions. Only an autist would ever think that he meant "which one is objectively better, please cite sources"
depends on if u want the linear geometric or the wobbly geometry
If you're asking then you're probably less experienced with psychedelics so I would go for LSD. Better yet see if you can get 2cb.
Mushrooms. They are a good alternative to meat products and they are reasonably high in zinc.
my point is nobody can tell him which is better because his experiences will be different than anyone else's retard
he didn't explicitly ask for opinions he just asked which is better which made me assume that he is in fact a teenager with no knowledge of either substance
acid acid acid acid
acid acid acid
acid acid
i prefer LSD i like the visuals better
what awful reasoning lmao
> my point is [something completely different than what I said]
> retard
Ok... you're probably like 3 pots deep at this point and too high to form valid arguments.
Not the person you're responding to and haven't tried to go to space on either substance but I've seen a lot more people a LOT higher on LSD than I've seen on shrooms. When people take too much LSD they get more and more out there. When people take too much shrooms they mainly just throw up a lot.
explain how the points of both of my posts differ please
it has to do with the method of ingestion. if you had an extract of psilocybin you could dose it like lsd. while I agree with you, what I was saying is that it's not really a great reason to prefer one over the other
shrooms can get uncomfortable and there is an intense body high. LSD was a lot more relaxed and I kind of went in and out of tripping and feeling sober.
As for the faggot that we so graciously know as OP...
One - LSD needs to be tested whenever you buy it off the street, as does every drug you get.
But shrooms are a little harder to sneak nasty shit in.
Two - Shrooms can be easier to control doses when crushed up - mixing them in a drink or having them with some sort of food works, as well as having a literal measure for them - provided you know how strong they are.
Three - LSD can fry you, shrooms can trip you out. Speaking from my father's experience, there's a reason he no longer eats LSD like candy - and I'm assuming it's not because he can't afford it. He'll still get a bag of shrooms from time to time, but the last time I remember him doing so was years upon years ago.
He let me have some - they were pretty weak shit. Then again, he said he tripped like a kite, so maybe I just have a natural resistance to psilocybin.
Four - Nothing is "Better," it's all down to preference. Just like how one person might enjoy lemonade ice and chocolate soft-serve icce cream and another might find it revolting, drugs are different - and have varying results - from person to person.
Personally, I'll never touch anything that requires me to smoke it - pills are fine, since I've dealt with medication before. Never tried snorting something. But smoking is an outright no, since I don't want shit going in my lungs.
as is your father. had a vial and learned my lesson lol
Shrooms are for pussies, spend 3 hours taking as much lsd as possible then get back to me, brah.
in the olympic games of psychedelics, they are two distinctly different sports.
Shrooms are natural.
Bad LSD can fuck you up. Nowadays, youre most likely getting some research chemical.
>Lemon Tek FTW
In my experience LSD fucking HURTS for no reason but shrooms are just fun.
Homegrown shrooms are better, dont buy field picked.
No u
..more of the pic?
no such thing as bad lsd
just things sold as lsd which actually aren't lsd (happens a fucking lot)
prime example. that is not lsd
It felt like I swallowed a ton of air and I had weird indescribable muscle pains. It was kinda metallic too. Any idea what it was?
You and me are like brothers my man, If I wanted to live without lungs I would have cut them out myself, not smoke myself to death. If I wasn't getting high enough from smoking; I would just shove the drugs up my ass for the last couple hit's I needed.
I was actually known as "The Decanter" back in the day, because I could remove fillers from the pills, and cuts in the drugs that me and my bud's used to use.
nigga if u taste metallic then u spit it out
Shrooms isn't as hard on my kidneys
Probably nbomb. Don't eat random shit, user.
nbome is alright if you know that's what you're taking, you can trip dick on it
but does not compare to lsd at all
lsd is wonderful because you don't have any pains or even body high like you would with mush
I like to be stimulated more visually than going on a mental rant. so LSD for me.
I get the most intense body high on lsd lol