Dubs and I skip class today

dubs and I skip class today

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The digits have spoken, skip nigger


Back to bed faggot

Go to school

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This is your Farther get to call NOW!!

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you rolled your own, you may skip

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aw hell yeah nigga, I'll eat breakfast and go back to sleep

quads have spoken

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what the fuck
dubs and I drop out

Holy shit, no choice, drop out

Guess I'm skipping too, then lol

Holy fucking quads.


Since you are gonna be up to nothing for some time:

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Are you going to skip just one class? What class(es) will you be missing?

Underage b@ detect
Btfo u little shit

Lemme guess, P.E.?

could be class at University, like, History 101. In USA, a lot of times Tuesdays and Thursdays are lighter loads, so maybe just 1 or 2 classes. Sometimes it feels soo good to sleep in on those days. But you totally shouldn't do it!

Nobody ‘skips’ a uni lecture, they just don’t go. If you weren’t an u derange b@ you would know this.

Enjoy your homework.

I don't expect an illiterate amerinigger to know that there are both lectures and classes in university

Oh, you're thinking of the phrase "skipping school". No, I'm sure that's not what OP was thinking. We always called it skipping class in University, but we'd never call it "cutting class", which is interesting now that I think about it. Cutting Class or Skipping School was for below college when I went. Is it different for you now?

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underage b&