Last one hit image limit.
Last one hit image limit.
>that state prison looks a lot like a movie studio LOL
It's a good illustration of how strapped for cash the budget was in the third season
Yep, it was never much in the way of budget in the first place. Part of it's charm.
Well they could actually do outdoor shoots at one stage, but by the end they were drawing chalk outlines on black soundstages. It does give things a weirdly abstract expressionist feel.
I find it charming really. Kids didn't mind.
>many anons will be too young to know how cool this was in 1991
Damn that was a great movie
Prime JenCon and Dalton as a great villain
Really deserves a reboot
Anyone ever play Cinemaware's Rocket Ranger?
>I find it charming really. Kids didn't mind.
I still love every minute of Batman 66
Well maybe not the middle of S2 where it starts to sag a bit
Sorry gotta crop it a bit, but I thought I did hear about a reboot but it didn't sound really appealing.
Shame it tanked financially, I think if the whole movie had been animation like that short it would've amazing
Yep, I watched a fair bit of it, even back then I knew it was silly.
top kek, looks like fun
Well off to do chores and watch some films. Later anons.
PA (and the guy who does requests a lot of time)
Can't promise I can get them this thread, but I am cleaning up the hard drive.
If you want a webm from the following movies/shows please speak up soon or they will be gone.
Black Coal Thin Ice
Blade 3
Body Double
Fight night 2
La Haine
Luther Season 1
Xmen Apocolypse.
I know this isn't /wsr/ but I've seem this webm here a few months ago:
It was a webm of the series Adulterers where there was a super hot thick chick talking to a loser guy. Can anyone please upload it?
In exchange, have some of my people TV stuff.
how do you know so much?
also, those guys in the background
Off watching Picnic at Hanging Rock
What movie?
Fargo season 1
it was a thread about adulterers but I couldn't save the webm that moment for reasons, but now I want to see it again
is it of a white guy having sex with a asian girl infront of a white girl and black guy?
I had that loser skinny guy sitting on the bed and then that super hot chick enters the room and start talking to him
Good luck finding it.
bumping like a fool
Stop remaking old webms
I need to rewatch ninja scroll
well if they are posted people might know they are actually exist.
Network Television
The atmosphere of this film was nice.
It is, still watching
Thanks user for the recommendation. It was a unique film.
I always forget that the film seems like it's catering to footfags.
Also Miranda was the best girl in the movie.
Does anyone have any webms of Battlestar Galactica when they're defending the fleet while they jump out of Ragnar's atmosphere?
Alternatively, any BSG webms.
just watch the fil
fuck she is awful
If I see this gif one more time...
the girl is kinda cute, i would marry her
>Also Miranda was the best girl in the movie.
Of course, that was one of the points.
But seriously, she was amazing.
She a good actress, but she a better Juliet then Ophelia
Pretty much. Though Sara was nice too and probably had the most personality out of the girls.
Her clinging to Miranda all the time and her backstory made me feel sorry her.
>Roundhouse blows out the candles
That was cool
Miranda really was a perfect casting - a almost celestial beauty who one could say wasn't for this world.
Irma was the sultry one that you know would be great in bed.
And Sara I want to hug, and make sure she was okay.
Would gladly marry all three. I also love the more demure woman of that era.
that movie is really sticking to me more then most.
Yeah, it's a movie that stays in your mind for awhile.
Though I thought Miranda was the more sexually mature of all the girls.
She seems to be aware of her effect on boys and kind of knew Sara should put feelings aside for her in order for Sara to grow up.
Also you should try Innocence 2004 or Heavenly Creatures if you like Picnic a lot.
Requesting some shin godzilla webms please
>Though I thought Miranda was the more sexually mature of all the girls.
>She seems to be aware of her effect on boys and kind of knew Sara should put feelings aside for her in order for Sara to grow up.
I got that impression as well. Miranda was the type that knew that she was the center of all eyes, and she cared enough about Sara to know that Sara needed to grow up and fall in love with a man and get to adulthood, as her friendship would not last Miranda becoming a woman.
Well I would make some but do not have that file, but I will add it to the list.
Cool, i'll be waiting for that. Thanks.
>oscar isaac's reaction
fucking kek
>as her friendship would not last
If Miranda didn't go poof, they both probably would have a long friendship but the problem was Sara shouldn't have still been having a childish crush on Miranda at her age.
Honestly I saw Sara as a character who can't come of age because of the burdens in her past, hence her sudoku suicide.
c r i n g e
>the only time he cuts is when they have something that was incredibly difficult that took a lot of retakes to accomplish
Jackie Chan really is the best fight choreographer/director ever
in context it is great.
night all
jena and the ugly fanning sister... yum
>that horrific modern color regrading
>movie from 35 years ago
>Modern color grading
Pick one
>what is re-releasing
I'm working on a webm of how the film originally looked, sourced from the 2001 MGM DVD
fair enough look forward to seeing it.
what do they smell like
Thanks user, original color grading is much better.
Nora could make me a monogamist.
>Start watching the Fargo TV show
>It is great
Guess we will be seeing Fargo webms in the near future that don't involve a checkout girl.
No worries
Sara didn't suicide user
>Sara didn't suicide user
It's been awhile since I seen it but I remember the teachers assuming she killed herself because they found her body near the roof of the school.
The headmaster lady was dressed in black before even being told the girl was dead.
>thus she pushed her.
Shit, I didn't even realize that.
The movie is full of little clues.
For example, when the girl leaves the school, she dressed in red instead of white.
I don't care how much it borrowed from Blade Runner, original flavor BGC will always be my jam.