Be me

>be me
>Ever since a little kid been told by parents to go to school and make something of myself
>Start going to college for engineering
>6 months in get call from sister
>Parents dead in car crash
>Truck ran a red light and killed both my parents
>Become depressed
>Isolating myself
>Grades tanking
>Government cuts my school aid because im not performing
>Drop out and start working
>This year go back to school with new passion
>Studying to become high school teacher
>Thought the money i saved up from working would last me untill i got my grades from the new courses and could get study aid again
>It didnt
>Bill collectors on my ass
>Call social services and tell them i just need 1 or 2 months of aid before im self sustaining again
>Theyre not having it
>"Social Aid is only for working people and those searching for jobs, not students!"
>Bill collectors still on my ass
>Note on the door this morning
>Might have to drop out again

This might be it boys. Ive contenplated it before but this might just be the day i end it. Thanks for the laughs and good times. See you in the next life

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>Government cuts my school aid because im not performing

stopped reading here

Don't do it! Keep pushing!

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how much do you need user

the going rate for tendies is 10.99 a bag

Live in a van for free until you finish school. Not joking. You probably will even find you like the new freedom. I did.


Ok faggot
Im trying, thank you
Im behind on 2 months of rent, totalling something like 1200 ameribucks, im a swecuck so thats just quick maths in my head
Honestly might do this
Fuck that how am i gonna shitpost from the van, will have to get larger dataplan smdh

>Fuck that how am i gonna shitpost from the van
this is why nobody gives a shit if one of you kills themselves

Solar panels, mobile internet, a laptop with 12 compatible car charger. I don't play fortnite but I do play other games this way.

>Fuck that how am i gonna shitpost from the van, will have to get larger dataplan smdh
Again see above, however if you don't have the setuo for solar/laptop you can still shitpost from your phone. A bluetooth keyboard helps greatly in this endeavor.

Don't give up on me, user. My parents are gone too.
It's just a little different when you're actually in the accident with them, and see the face of death before your very eyes.

12 volt*

Thank you for your advice based vanon

lol delet this

sweden has a perfect communist system and ur not suffering. everything is fine delete this

Fuck i cant imagine that. Luckily i never had to see it because my sister still lived with them so she could indentify and everything. I think about it sometimes though what their last moments were like, did they realize they were gonna die, did they die immediately etc. Stay strong my friend, being ripped from your family like this is something i wouldnt wish on my worst enemy

No problem. Check out forums for more info.

Your post has been reported to the swedish police of vice and virtue.

Oh god oh fuck gestapo gonna come knocking

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I was a three year old, my mom put me in front of her on an ATV, dad riding on back. Almost positive I grabbed the throttle and gunned us into a tree. Had a skull fracture, probably unconscious for a few minutes afterwards because all I can remember now is the aftermath, and being in hospital. They had to put my eye back in the socket.
>Get an electric 4 wheeler for Christmas the year after
>Reenact my mother's death constantly in front of my grandmother
>Therapist said it was coping mechanism
Eventually led my dad to relapse on drugs and he's not the same person anymore. Ended up getting fucked up on nerve meds, fighting me, and kicking me out at 18. Been pretty tough since then, currently in a battle with my anxiety after spending the last 2 years smoking weed to deal with my depression. Let's make it through this.

Fuck thats horrible.

Yes Sweden the well known communist country with a freer market then the US. Yes yes

see OP?

you don't need help youve got swedens system to help you.


Depending on where you live you can get assistance to become a teacher by applying to programs. They most of restrictions about where you could work your first couple years (like in urban or poor rural areas) but they help to pay your schooling. I’d look into. I know cause I’m also at uni for education.

have you ever heard of part time jobs?

jesus christ

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>>Government cuts my school aid because im not performing
Which government? You need to not live in a shit country where student support is performance contingent.

he already said in the thread he lives in New Syria.

bumb for th glory of gommunis sweden!

Kys faggot

this is your parent's fault for not having a life insurance policy, blame them OP


Swedish Study Aid is not performance contingent.

Yes it is retard. CSN requires you pass 6/8 classes in a year. Öppna inte käften om något du inte vet, kuksugare.

you are a fucking idiot...

And resits are permitted. Discuss it with your university. Stop assuming shit and feeling bad for yourself.

another person driving runs redlight and kills parents and no 500k lawsuit..someone dropped the ball