I need help to get the last push to go full "hangman"

I need help to get the last push to go full "hangman"
My life is fucked from alcholism and doing drugs, and never finding love.
I have taken the decision, but have second thoghts. Like my family loves me- and so on.
I want to do this.
- user

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>My life is fucked from alcholism and doing drugs, and never finding love.

No it's not. Your still using the internet.

Fucking do it pussy.

I need more like this plz

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Call someone/ anyone and tell them you need help. Be honest. Give someone a chance to help you.

You can always kill yourself. Why not hold on and see what else might happen? Even something as drastic as walking away from your life and starting completely over would be better than killing yourself. There are other options to try before you try to end it all.

Call the police if you have to. Just try to get help.

I said the same thing in a different thread. Please choose life. I strongly recommend finding a therapist and a church you really like. At the very least, please read the first four books of the New Testament

Fuck off ... Thats the opposide of what i wanted.

I tried to hang myself a few days ago. Damn doorknob broke and didn't finish the job. Big regret that it didn't work but I'm past it. Kinda. You will always have doubts and regret about it, you don't go full hangman with heck yeah this is what I want to do. It's like o man, there are other options but I'm too drained to care and can't deal with the trying anymore. So make your situation worse and then you should be able too.

I'm not a Nazi faggot racist like you OP,but I don't think you should kill yourself. Maybe try not being a miserable fuck and have fun with people who are different than you. You won't be sad anymore.

>You can always kill yourself.
False. It takes some real gusto to go through with it. A majority of people, given a chance. Could not kill themselves with a gun.

Stop drinking, stop masturbating, start listening to buddhist videos on youtube

Fuck off jew

you have found your love, alcohol and drugs. no shame in that, just embrace it. death will come soon enough.

True shit.

Ok Thanks guys.
Have fun

you can change nearly everything about yourself with enough time and dedication

*including your ability to breathe.

Sorry, I forgot that part.

Go to a bar and chat it up with some people. Maybe they can help you out.

Being depressed/suicidal fucking sucks man. I know that feeling all too well...

Before you do, maybe come check out the mental health general on /r9k/?

Yeah, right faggot, while you're at it make sure you stream it.
>Oh, and see you in another 15 minutes shit posting the same fucking crap with a different scenario.
LARPing fucking faggot.

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Death is a permanent solution to temporary problems.