Why does Sup Forums hate Rick and Morty?
Why does Sup Forums hate Rick and Morty?
They don't really, it's just INCREDIBLY easy to shitpost with. Also, the fanbse is fucking awful and easy to piss off. Show itself isn't half bad.
i like it
It isnt good
it's easy to hate things that just aren't good
Try way too hard: the show
show's terrible
why tho
>the edge
>Regurgitating old news
>le look at mi I am the best normies suck ass attitude
Looks like Sup Forums: the show to me
The "wubba dubba" stuff is really stupid.
Never seen it. But i have heard that it's called reddit the tv show. So i don't want to watch it.
Rick and Morty is beyond brilliant. Sup Forums has shit taste. Possibly the best western cartoon of all time.
You really do need to get into the mindset of a Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters.
Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases.
Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty.
>this is what he checks
hello plebbit
this guy gets it
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copy pasta
gb2 gaia online amirte, wubba lubba dub dub
normies come in more flavors than just chad, user.
the ones that watch this are particularly pathetic
Why is it reddit? What makes a show reddit? How does one avoid being reddit?
>he hasnt seen this post at least 20 times
hi newfriend
you know the good thing about reddit is they don't talk about reddit non-stop there
reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
implying gaia is anywhere near the anti reddit shit spam at this point.
>it's a users who joined Sup Forums after star wars 7 not realizing how anti-reddit this board really is
wait until the next guardians of the reddtly
this is nothing
Reddit! Reddit!
*thinks Community and Scrubs are great, groundbreaking comedy shows.*
*gets mad at people for badmouthng the super hero movies that good hollywood guys put a lot of hard effort into, even if they are not art they are fun and that's all that matters*
On Sup Forums, Reddit is perceived as a bunch of naive tools who believe that being a nerd is cool. As a result, they're childishly enthusiastic about their hobbies (which they've only barely scratched the surface of), find random humor completely hilarious, and are notoriously pedantic. This is due to the fact that they believe that nerds are some kind of "cultural elite" simply because their interests aren't completely mainstream.
BUT, since they don't see themselves as particularly alienated by society, they haven't developed the pleb/patrician paradigm, unlike Sup Forums. Consequentially, they also have the prudish, politically-correct mentality that goes with the delusion that they can still be normal members of society and accepted by potentially anyone, or that they have moral standards to uphold. This makes them very prone to being shocked or amused by the cheapest transgressions and subversions.
Sup Forums is basically just so biased that they've convinced themselves R & M is not a legitimately fantastic show since it's become popular, particularly with Reddit. Your average Sup Forums uses is addicted to the image of himself as some sort of grand intellectual social outcast. It's by no faulth of himself though, its just cause society is too flawed to accept his brilliant mind. He will sit in front of his PC, looking down on the "normies" and praising the niche lesser known shows which appeals to his superior deep intellectual mindset. He's not like Reddit, the masses who rejected him. He's special.
If you have to ask you'll never know
And yes, I deeply hate this shit. I get physically angry when I watch it.
Everyone here who likes it really needs to find another forum or something to hang on.
>If you have to ask you'll never know
Well ain't that convenient as fuck?
The fact that you "deeply hate" some random-ass TV show and "get physically angry" when you watch it is a great indicator of how sad your existence is.
You might want to re-evaluate your life and figure out where you went wrong. You might get some insight into why moving pictures upset you so much that you desire a safe space where they can't get ya.
Sup Forums won't asdmmit it but most of those things also fit in to MDE and they praised it.
From what I've watched it seems like Rick's atheism is also mocked in the show.
>one minute praying if God exists to save his life
>he doesn't die and he says "fuck you God see I knew you didn't exist"
he comes off as a hypocrite
It's way too reddit for me no thanks
Rick and Morty fans are basically all of the Invader Zim fans 10 years after Invader Zim was cancelled.
Let's see
>lol cursing a lot
>lol explaining the joke
>4th wall break! And it's at the end of every episode!
>wubba lubba dub dub!
>Let me talk about how much I hate my grandkids and how cynical I am lol
>Ah, lets take this episode to have some kind of dramatic sad moment to make you care about the characters right after we spent 15 minutes on fart jokes and Rick burping and cursing.
>calls others newfriend
>responds to a copypasta post
People who fawn over the show keep saying it's deep and shit. Can someone explain or give examples of this? Or are they just overblowing it?
reddit likes it so it must be bad
Just like redditors like breathing air and drinking water
because its not very good
>Looks like Sup Forums: the show to me
Looks like reddit: the show to me
That sounds like more a lack of self awareness from the writers
Whoa I never thought of it like that. Rick and Morty fans truly are smarter than the rest of us.
I think it's hilarious. I don't care if Sup Forums elitist boys disapprove of what I enjoy
Tell the joke (almost always Rick) then explain how it's ironic or how Morty should take it.
Family Guy gets shit for this, R&M gets a free pass even though this is literally EVERY SINGLE EPISODES basic comedy.
Solid 7/10 show imo, the fanbase is just incredibly cancerous and toxic
Wow I love rick & morty now
Rick and Morty is Kino due, prima vero, its status as a deconstruction of the Reddit Appeal genre. R&Mort takes all the factors that make a Reddit Appeal show and utterly destroy it and then take the rubble and rebuild it into something amazing.
The factors that make a Reddit Appeal show:
-Wacky catch phrases
-Pseudo science to appeal to "nerds"
-Nihilism ("I wish I was dead")
-So random humor
-Food jokes
-Pseudo emotional depth
Rick and Morty takes all of these and takes them down to their base elements. Wacky Catchphrases? Rick shouts them at random and when he does anything serious goes out the window, all the characters laugh around him no matter the context. It's no longer just a catchphrase and a signaling value to the audience to laugh, it's a signaling value in universe as well.
It breaks down the entire base concept of wacky catchphrases. If Rick shouts a catchphrase, which is ironically often made up on the spot, the characters MUST laugh. Just being a wacky phrase makes it funny to everyone even though we, the audience, know inherently it's not.
The science in Rick and Morty is even more out there, intentionally breaking its own rules. The science is often contradicted in the same sentence it's explained and when questioned on this, Rick always comes up with a smug answer about how the character doesn't understand how it works but of course, Rick does. Like all "geek" science appeal in shows like this, we're invited to pretend we understand like the character does and laugh at the those not in the know despite ourselves often not being in the know but with the caveat that we "as science lovers" could be just as in
the know. The juxtaposition then is the glaring obviousness with which it
breaks its own rules and yet we're still invited to pretend we understand like we would in any other Reddit Appeal show.
The nihilism and fake emotional depth is also quintessential to the deconstruction. Occasionally as a break from the humor Rick and Morty will try more serious emotional depth. Rick and Morty goes to overwrought depths when it tries to induce emotional depth, and intentionally so. In one episode Rick attempts suicide at the end as overly emotional music plays despite the source of the emotional turmoil being relatively innocuous in
the context of the show. Why? It's all about breaking down the idea of
introducing emotional depth into comedic levity. If characters in comedic shows are capable of emotional depth then they should be capable of emotional depth in any situation even in one that would be humorous under the show's standard rules, the wildly fluctuating mood is essential to the deconstruction.
And then there's the one who is immune to all these antics. The deuteragonist extraordinare, Morty, is constantly dismissing Rick's wacky catchphrases, questioning Rick's pseudo science, and ignoring the emotional depth. When Rick says his wacky catchphrases and everyone laughs, Morty is often the one who gets annoyed with Rick for not taking things seriously.
When Rick contradicts himself Morty tries to come up with his own nonsensical logic which is often derided despite making just as much sense
as Rick's logic. When Rick is having an emotional moment, Morty is the one
to ignore it as out of place among Rick's comedic antics. The prime example
of this is the Young Rick episode where Morty doesn't pick up Rick's sad
monologues as any different from his wacky antics as any sane person would
when their grandpa constantly is saying out there stuff. Morty is the real world person trapped in a Reddit Appeal show, constantly trying to apply real world logic to a show thats only rules are appealing to basic concepts
of Reddit appeal.
it's not really deep, it just scratches the surface of entry-level philosophy and I guess people who have NEVER taken a philosophy class will find it incredibly deep and thought-provoking.
it's Sup Forums-tier randumb humor and I guess I still like that despite not reading Sup Forums in over 6 years. But I watched the show with my normalfag friends, and probably wouldn't have watched it by myself.
Rick isn't a scientist, he's a wizard.
>Rick and Morty fans truly are smarter than the rest of us.
if you saw my other post you'd know I compared them to the Invader Zim fanbase
Well this just sums it up perfectly, especially
>thats the kind of thing that generally turns off a lot of the population
the vast majority of R&M viewers like to think its a niche show that only a handful of people understand, when in actual fact it really isnt
Finally, the fact that the show actually does appeal to the Reddit crowd despite it being a deconstruction of what they love is quintessential to the final product. It's similar to someone who loves trees looking at a fine crafted wooden chair and appreciating it for the fact that it's made from wood rather than the fine craft involved. But Rick and Morty needs these laughs to thrive. The true humor, not just the humor from the juxtapositions of the deconstruction, comes from the fact that as you watch the show you know people are laughing at this unironically even though it's intentionally building itself as a deconstructed form of their humor
>the vast majority of R&M viewers like to think its a niche show that only a handful of people understand, when in actual fact it really isnt
the illusion that you're a part of a small fanbase is much more appealing than being apart of a mass-media phenomenon. Bet there's a fallacy for this- Believing you're getting in on a cool secret when everyone actually knows it.
becuase is literally a literal try hard pagio of futurama, but ten times worse and hipster
I've been saying this for years about Black Mirror, its the show that everyone watches because they think only they get it and only they see whats happening to the world.
Of course the funny thing is, in reality they wouldnt want to be part of any actual niche communities even if they knew about them, because their taste is too mainstream. So they find a show like R&M which is different enough to fool people into thinking its niche but samey enough to not actually be niche. It gives people the illusion of being part of a small community without all the 'effort' that being in one comes with
Go back.
Because everyone on this site is contrarian. Having said that, I've watched a few episodes and it seems like a boring show.
Muh reddit
>Horse surgeon
Fucking retarded show
But one of the creators admitted to prefer Sup Forums
pretty fucking good episode. rick teleporting the citadel directly into the fed prison was a sci-fi wet dream come true for me. The ensuing combat scen was gruesome and visceral and probably the omst violent thing we've seen on r&m so far, it was incredible. morty's line of "my rick's still alive and he's coming for you!" legit gave me goosebumps. i didn't like the shootout scene with the two ricks, morty and summer. it came off corny and once again reinforced morty's incompetence as the saving grace of the show. however i did really laugh hard at both ricks and summer all ganging up on morty calling him a moron, that was funny. the episode was a wild ride from "fold yourself 1 2 times" and felt 30 seconds long despite its 22 minute running time. the szechuan sauce sidestory was a bit awkward and too obviously improvised but it didn't really ruin the episode, just left me a little confused at the end. which turned out to be a good thing. i hope they don't go too heavy on the self referential humour this season. "97 more years" and "phoenix person" were funny, but too much modern comedy relies almost entirely on self referential humour and that bugs me a little.
8/10 in an unironic way, will be eagerly awaiting the next episode.
Sup Forums is basically just so biased that they've convinced themselves R & M is not a legitimately fantastic show since it's become popular, particularly with Reddit. Your average Sup Forums user is addicted to the image of himself as some sort of grand intellectual social outcast. It's by no fault of himself though, its just cause society is too flawed to accept his brilliant mind. He will sit in front of his PC, looking down on the "normies" and praising the niche lesser known shows which appeals to his superior deep intellectual mindset. He's not like Reddit, the masses who rejected him. He's special.
Name one post in this thread that's not a copypasta
Reddit=nerds who like nerdy things
Sup Forums=angry neckbearded manbabies who think they're hot shit because they obsess over nerdy thing
Of course they would, you should read the rest of this thread. R&M is, as someone else said, the Reddit Appeal Genre. And as already said, a large part of that is wanting to be part of some small and niche community without the small and niche taste that comes with it.
Your average redditor thinks reddit and Sup Forums are one in the same and that both sites are designed for the same users. Why do you think an r/Sup Forums exists?
I'm not trying to spin the old Sup Forums secret club, but at very least its very different than reddit if nothing else.
Can't stand the kids voice. Might be the funniest show on earth, but I'm not listening to that grading annoyance to find out. I watched the first episode and the only genuine hearty laugh I remember having was when the dude gave the kid some anti gravity boots and the kid falls off a cliff and mangles his legs all up
>aw no Marty you have to turn them on you forgot to turn them on
>twf so contratian that counter counter opinion through liking commonly appraised things
>mfw redditors try to fit in by spamming reddit but mysteriously know everything about what reddit likes and even have screencaps
I wouldn't even know reddit liked R&M if it weren't for the guys who post reddit's opinion.
>148xx pablo
>pablo meme image
t. reddit
>mysteriously know everything about what reddit likes
Yeh they keep that real hush hush dont they
Only a true insider could know what reddit likes
>do I fit in yet guys?
No you don't which is why I called you out here
Shut the fuck up, it's easy to find out what Reddit likes, just go to the rick and morty subreddit, take a casual glance and you can find their opinion on it pretty easily
Yeh that was sarcasm mate
Clearly Im some kind of genius in subtlety cause I thought that was pretty obvious
>spying on reddit
hello there, reddit
Nice try reddit, you should stop spamming your shit website.
>it's easy to find out what Reddit likes
No just look on this board at what they get extremely defensive about
There are so many of them here now
So being sarcastic means it's okay to be wrong? Okay
Well if I was being sarcastic, my point was the opposite to what I was saying. Thats the point of sarcasm. So you were agreeing with me without knowing about it
I guess we're both wrong then.
because it sucks.
>'reddit' is becoming the new 'weeaboo'
>Not American
Download and watch 20 minutes of rick and morty new season ep1.
>This is so much better than an American commercial block I know from the election debates.
watch season 1 and 2 in one drunk summer evening with laptop outside {battery made it}.
It's literally claimed some brand of toillet paper is better than a rimjob while you would still get blisters if you used it for more than 5 minutes.
>It's not bad
>And that's a lot for a cartoon on tv
Nice blog faggot
Sup Forums loves it, the problem is that reddit loves it too.
nice metrum homosexual of the gay persuasion
>being THIS fucking new
I personally thought it was too "ADHD" to enjoy when I watched the first episode, then I got told on here that the first episode is not representative of the rest. I watched the next three and was bored and still very annoyed by rick.
And I'll admit there are a few good lines here and there, but it feels like a nutshack level "edgy cartoon trying to be the new South Park"
There's an alternate universe somewhere similar to ours in every conceivable way except reddit hates Rick and Morty and finds it tasteless. And thus Sup Forums has a massive boner for it.
Actually here's the thing, you're just not getting it. It's a parody. And no, not a parody of shows like South Park or other famous shows like it, which btw, South park itself is a parody of. It's a parody of shows that try to be like that. So in an effect, it's a parody of shows trying to imitate a parody all nested on top of the premise of a BttF parody. Which is what makes it work so well.
Neat! It's my new favorite show!!
It's just a cartoon guys. And reddit is just another website.
another website you need to go back to
it's not funny