She's so smart and beautiful

She's so smart and beautiful

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uh oh, um yeah like, um yeah u know like hahaha just like.. you know uh mmm RACISM

she's a mule who supports socialism.

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fuck no

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she awesome for how much salt can be mind daily, ive never seen old boomers in such a froth
you have poor taste in women and there is nothing wrong with socialism

you're a moron

Beautiful? That's some jew bullshit, she is fucking ugly as hell

The only thing wrong with socialism is the hundreds of millions of deaaths it's resonsible for.
But given that they were mostly third world shitskins and slavs, is that truly a bad thing?
Sieg heil comrade


stop browsing Sup Forums in class or you wont graduate to 9th grade

Have you ever actually seen a beautiful Latina before? Look up Camila Cabello. You're welcome.

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I agree for sure shes a smart gal..cute too...would love access to her womb

I agree. I just want to caress that snout and give her a sugar cube.

She is smart with how modern media works and what grabs attention... But not in actual history or math or economics or philosophy... In the areas where it mattes she is dumb as dirt.

Ill admit that the dancing video was hot, and she has her moments... but this is the kind of girl you fuck a few times and then move on - she is too chaotic and spastic to be stable, and her genes are going to produce kids that are obedient retarded SJWs.

All in all I give her a solid 7 which will drop as she ages. In like 10 - 15 years she will be a 5 at best... maybe a 4 depending. She is literally the junk food of women and politics - it all seems fresh and hot at first - but man it goes stale fast.

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Pepole thar want socilism should go live in a socialist country and see how it is there.

Like Sweden?

Excellent retort. Top notch reply. He’s done it, lads. He’s changed hearts and minds with 3 simple words!!

Also, shut the fuck up, incel closet fag.

The land of thought crime and grenade attacks

...and she's here everyday.

Stop making this thread everyday, spic nigger shill

you're confusing socialism with totalitarianism. common mistake for the uneducated.

ha ha - as if you've ever touched a human female outside of your own mother's birth canal on the way out. Jesus wept with you fucking children.

Based boomer joke.

How she'll look in 20 years

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A socialist state, is, by definition, totalitarian.
Nice try tho

You're assuming that ANYONE in politics knows both history and economics. She is actually quite organized, has a pretty decent staff to back her up which is critical at the highest levels and she kicked Zuckerberg's ass in his last hearing. But you like FB though, right? Finally, you couldn't date someone in her class level or you wouldn't be on this shit hole site. Don't do that analysis again, it makes you look like you're a juvenile trying to be super cool (because you're not, right? right?)

those tits look pretty alright alright

no, it is not. you're confusing socialism with communism. we're getting weary of this, please return to middle school social studies to relearn your definitions.

Would still bang.

no, totalitarian and authoritarian have specific and well-defined meanings in political science young child

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i confus ur mothers rectum with ur sisters

Alright, I'll bite.
What's the definition and aim of a socialist state?

Capitalism is responsible for 10x as many deaths

Lol, look at this clown

from your place as their toilet? I would think their diets might be similar but other than that, might be some other physical issue with you that you should check out. optometrist perhaps?

I'm already in California

best not to refer to yourself in the 3rd person

She's so smart and beautiful

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Sorry for triggering you with facts, snowflake.

Capitalism - the "free hand" of the market controls everything. Capital - which can be considered money, goods, land, resources, or human labor are all privately owned with no government restrictions or involvement.
Socialism: Some government ownership of public services such as railroads, utilities and responsibility for social welfare including pensions, health care and education.
Communism: No public ownership of any capital, all business entities are owned by the state and theoretically guided by the workers. Each according to their ability and each according to their need.

Socialism isn't "some" ownership of the means of production. It's total. Stop trying to sugar coat your garbage ideology.

And what is the ultimate mean of production? The source by which all others is derived?

We're already a blend of capitalism and socialism.

>has no facts


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Actually she is neither. but you keep believing that.

Fact: capitalism has killed 10x as many as communism.

Only socialism is sane.

That's communism, not socialism, dumbass.

Is this just one sad jerkoff with rotating Greta, AOC and Billie Eilish posts all fucking day or are there a few Sup Forums tards with nothing better to do??

t. No friends Seething incel

socialism is the first step to communism, you twat. and besides the real difference between the two is socialism is voted in and communism is revolutioned in.

communism and socialism have no way to brimg people out of poverty. Its been shown worldwide that through those two systems only the political elites have luxuries and food aplenty, while the wee folks have to dumpster dive and eat their pets and children to survive. Only capitalism has the means to brimg people out of poverty, IF someone is willing to work. the other two systems only give you basic needs (sometimes) with no chance of upward mobility. wanna talk sweden? their socialism is built on the back of a capitialist system, they just have super high taxes to pay for their shit. but theyre learning that even with those taxes, its not enough to keep the free shit flowing and theyre starting to look for ways to cutback those things.

How does that not describe america

because only in America are our poor rich enough to be fat. and they dont eat pets and kids. seems more like i was describing north korea, parts of china, and Venezuela

so stupid. look up history of russia

You can support socialism by giving me your money for free. It's a tough sacrifice but one I'd be willing to make.

You realize she had a degree in economics, right?

That's the sad part


kek the capital of rape in Europe

u mad faggot?

nigger you so really dumb how the fuck do you get socialism? with a command economy and what's a command economy ? a totalitarian system dumb fuck

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nigger can you read he said socialism which is communism dumb ass even your gay God Lenin said it

What is it with these hourly Communist shill threads?
Get the fuck out of here with your retarded bullshit!

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Yes there is you dipshit loser who lets mom pay for everything lol

Humorous, but it did make me hard.

Socialism can never be achieved by humans due to the fact that we are greedy beings Thus we will never truly stay within reason we will only go to the extremes. As bad as we all want the idea of socialism to work it’s simply will not work because we are human

Sure it is. It seems pretty sane in CA and OR where they have already adopted it in state legislature and turned their states into a cesspool of unemployed by choice, drug addicted, homeless bums.


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she looks like the lady that cleans my bathroom


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Big ass teeth.
What the fuck is up with that?????

She is a commie, all Dems and Leftys are Communist and will the ultimate downfall of USA.

She would seem smart from the viewpoint of your average retarded Liberal-progressive socio-cuck