I've had it with you Sup Forums. why don't we bully the pedos here moar...

I've had it with you Sup Forums. why don't we bully the pedos here moar? whats the point of having a board where we call people niggers and faggots if we don't shit talk actual niggers and faggots?

reasons not to be a pedo
>if you like petite girls, theres plentyover the age of 18
>pedos just thrive on stealing innocence
>pedos also create faggots
>faggots make gay threads like this

pedo hate thread.

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I wholeheartedly agree.
Pedo shit is totally accepted here for some reason. It's bullshit.

Im still mean to them, but everyone else seems to not care

Y'all don't understand Sup Forums at all do you?

post gore, can't fight pornfags without it

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lol first there was the yellowfag. now there shall be gorefags

>stfu faggot

no Its funny

Pedos should be outlawed on this fine board.

if not we should at least treat them with hostility

call me an asshole I just wish it wasn't here

Yes your right. But most people already do tell them to fuck off. Pedos shouldn't have a lobby anywhere. This loli and shota shit is making me mad.

im saying. we should be more aggravated about this by now

I guess once the Niggers, Jews, Japs and Faggots are gone, we could start in on the pedo's, Am I Right?

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no, them first. attack what is weak, avoid what is strong

>tsu tsu the art of war

Do you have that nigga with half of face? I want it cus I'm still traumatized till this day

actually do on other machine, will fire it up and look for you. is there a way to restore your thumbnails? deleted them all for better framerate

Sisi no Sawa :3

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get outta here furfag your part of the problem. the only reason we tolerate you is your sense of humor

hey, cat fucker

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This is the pedo board

Why is it bad to like sexy children?

no newfag

it just is you fucking homo

This board was once an overglorified child pornography forum

Nowadays pornography doesnt last 10 seconds before being removed.
Not that im complaining though.

Sup Forums was never just about porn

I'm not saying the opposite, im just saying that OP is retarded for complaining about pedos on a website that has absolutely 0% CP.

ikr i never get to see the good shit cuz mods take it down so quick

it's having to hang out with pedos that pisses me off. I can ignore their porn but not them

We are your neighbors your relatives your friends
We are everywhere and you should fear us
The revolution is coming

2% of the population of the world are CONFIRMED pedophiles, if we had to add the ammount of other people that actively hide it the number would be even bigger.

I can live on this world accepting the fact that there are a lot of pedophiles alive, if you can't just grab a shotgun and Kurtcobain yourself.

As for this website the most pedophiliac thing you will find are fictional greentexts, grow up.

I would gladly enjoy giving you rights if I can still make fun of you, kid diddler