I'm about to awaken you fully Sup Forums with this truth. My people, the Israelites are Gods amongst you heathens...

I'm about to awaken you fully Sup Forums with this truth. My people, the Israelites are Gods amongst you heathens. When Christ comes back he's killing everyone minus 1/3 of Israel and the chosen of 144, 000k of us all. The 2/3 of Israelites will be reborn through the 1/3. Where we're all be Kings as men and marry princesses. We'll keep populating this Earth and later the universe forever, ever, and ever. Now the other nations will be revived but they'll be our slaves whether they want to or not. They don't have a choice. Like I said we'll be Gods we can do what we want with them it is what it is. Nothing emotional its just we're chosen. All of our ancestors who have died we'll see them all again and we'll be with Christ and our forefather Jacob and God will even sing to us. As for the heathens who oppress they're children and their children's children on and so forth will be our slaves. The only heathens who will one day see our congregation after they have grandchildren will be Esau and the The Egyptians. Esau was the Brother of Jacob and God says to love our brothers. Esau will be welcome upon us by the time they have grandchildren. It'll still be us first then them because we're chosen so even they will treat us like Gods after they're welcome into rulership. Not heaven but rulership. You won't live forever like us and you'll still age like you do now and you'll still get sick and etc...but you'll preach the word of God and have some rulership. You'll die and be reborn through birth while we still continue ti live forever because he ended death for his chosen people. Now the Egyptians will have less favor than Esau but way more than the Asians and white people who aren't Esau. The Jewish people are Esau. Regular white people are Yapheth so y'all are really fucked. At least the jewish get to not be total slaves haha like y'all lmao but anyway. These are the original descendants of the original Egyptians NOT the Arabs because you assholes enslaved us too.


Fuck off.
Praise Kek.


>tfw Ashkenazim are the real Jews and at least 60 times superior to you niggers

They'll be allowed in their 8th generation because they allowed us to stay there. So we're not to hate you either, you are Hagar's people. Not these modern day Arabs in that land but you'll be welcome into the assembly of the Lord. Besides he united our forefather and y'alls foremother together for a moment anyway and even though you enslaved us God used that to help us go back to our ways. Now this by no means through out the world you will forever and not no sadness like us. You'll be in rulership like basically imagine the white people today that's what y'all will be. Some of you are rich some are poor its up to you like that. While Esau will be Bill Gates Tier in rulership. No eternal life but you're rich and will be reborn again over and over but you won't have memories of it but you'll know this truth. Incest kids are forever not allowed ever! Nor your kids! But you'll be forced to have them anyway. Incest is brother and sister not cousins. Nor any other forbidden union like adultery or something like that. This applies to everyone not an Israelite as God kills us all minus 1/3 so even if you were a child of adultery your flesh is destroyed. But you are reborn again under perfect circumstances. As for you other nations you're forever screwed. And must continue to produce your parents mistakes or that of your father or his father's father. Asians however are also fucked. Chinese and Japanese dick heads you'll never be allowed in rulership that's all you asians. You're the offspring of incest between Lot and his daughters lol. That's why y'all look like that just keeping it real. As for you other nations you can come into the congregation but all it is salvation for those who preach Israelites first and everybody else no place because God said you're nothing and like spit. But Esau and Egyptians r over u. So you won't be in hell if you worship us basically and have faith in Christ and follow the laws of the Bible. But we'll be perfect and won't even have to try

See you will refuse this truth and be in hell forever. Hell is a condition fool not like omg you're on fire forever. Lol I wish lmao but no. Its a condition of suffering which is what all the Israelites go through. Being called niggers and names and being told others are superior towards us but we are Gods. This is the truth haha either worship willingly and not suffer but teach the word of God and you will have salvation otherwise suffer. We'll see things and experience things you can't even imagine. The Kingdom of Heaven has 12 gates guarded by 12 angels with 12 names.

Revelation 21:12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:. Now do you think you can go to Heaven and if your name isn't on the 12 gates? Lmao hell no. What do you think chosen means you fools? All of our ancestors to Jacob himself and his wives and our foremothers. We'll see Moses and Christ and everyone else but the heathens of course. We'll spread forever as Kings married to multiple princesses and forever having children while our wives are free from everything but eternal bliss. They will not know jealousy at all or nor sadness nor pain from child birth and I bet the sex is going to be impossible to imagine. We'll know what it's like to take your own women and daughters and use them as whores all we want just no marriage which would be an abomination. This is hilarious to be honest. Its a win-win for Israelites which is why our brothers the edomites are pissed haha. But its all good you'll rule have higher rulership than the Egyptians and especially the other heathens you long nosed six star wearing lying devils. As for the non Esau, Egyptian, Asians, you're going into slavery big time. You white people and arabs are fucked forever lmao. You Africans too haha. We can endless own every incarnation of you forever if we choose. We're chosen 2 bad.

I agree


>I'm about to awaken you fully Sup Forums
stopped reading right there

if G-d loved ye, he wouldn't have made you born brown.

>checks flag
Nope, move to Israel before you post this thread


Okay Goyim you can stop now......

Your god will be the anti-christ, Not Jesus Christ you may fool a few but not the faithful, Your God will be the Devil and you will be in his reign, But only so long before jesus comes to reclaim the earth for the faithful, This is all foretold and it's all part of the plan, Have fun while it last's satan worshiping heathen.

Yr a crazy person

I summed up what's going on right now as nicely interpreted by my people's forefathers. In these last days you all are trying to get your piece of Eden/Israel in the Middle East but the kingdom belongs to us and Christ. You think if you go there and wait for our Lord and savior he's coming to save you lol no. He's coming to kill you all as we did in Canaan as we're going to again in Canaan. Lmao you better get out because its going to be horrific!!! I mean scary so scary there'll be shit flying around and you won't even be phased by it there's so much going on lol. 2/3 of our people will fall right along with you fools. But you know being a so callee nigger, spic, savage, WE WUZ KANGS N SHIEET TYRONE has our privileges when it comes to being chosen. They'll be reborn through the righteous and know eternal bliss and the righteous will live to see theirselves transformed instead of being born that way. That's truly an unforgettable moment we won't even be able to describe with words. Going from being called to a nigger to walking through God's gates and seeing streats of Gold and everything else glistening while we ouselves will be put through a fire and be refined as silver and purified as gold. Say what? Of course I'm going to have to be alive for that. I mean who wouldn't want to be. But for my people who don't listen. Christ is going to kill you all unless you quite your ways and repent. Transgenders are 100% fucked though, if you already got an operation unless you can get your dick and sperm back otherwise I'll see you in the Kingdom lmao. We'll be trying to have as many kids as possible while your spirit waits for God to release it into a body. You probably will have 0 memory of this but yeah this is the truth. But trust me you do NOT want to side against God. Don't be that dick head. If you have to get your head chopped off in order to have eternal bliss so be it. Don't be a pussy you'll be in Heaven and have slaves as Christ will bring you all back to life.

Now none of this will take place until the Antichrist arises and he'll put his name on everything and even the churches, it'll either be Trump, Obama, or Pence. Its a toss up. Charismatic all we need to do is wait for them to be a real life Criss Angel and call himself Chrisy. then its time nope the fuck out. Really makes you think huh? All people who remain will be in hell as well as all the other people who won't accept this truth and will perish when Christ returns because you don't accept this Gospel which is the truth. What is the Truth? For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Now when it says Greek it also means Gentiles. Gentiles are the 2/3 who broke God's laws. Let's prove it was Israelites he was referring to. Isaiah 45:17 But Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end. WE ARE A WORLD WITHOUT END ALL OF US AND KNOW WE HAVE EVERLASTING SALVATION. BUT ISRAEL MEANING ONLY ISRAEL. Lmao yeah we die now and yeah 2/3 wil l die but death is a condition God will free us. So don't fear death for we live forever as Gods nor mourn the dead for they will all be revived with eternal life. As for the other nations lol nope. You guys are fucked and your descendants unless you come to this truth. I laid it flat out for you either acknowledge it or suffer eternal damnation that will upon everyone you love or think you do unless they repent. Even then your souls will still be the souls of the wicked so you will never be an Israelite. You will be forced to tell the evils of your people until you die and you will love doing it which is kicker once you're saved lol. So fret not but trust me Christ and Angels coming down to kill you after you're already suffering under the devil sucks. But 2/3 won't heed this. Israelites are those who's fathers are Negros, Latinos(Not white), Natives.

Actually Nordics are the real Jews.

WTF??! I hate Christians now


Actually Filipinos are the real Jews. They were in an eternal battle with Mormons when Jesus converted the Native Americans into Christians. John Moses Browning obviously is the real follower of Satan and Jesus.

They even have the Nazi reptilians in their pocket working for them. The beautiful black African angels managed to stop the Nazi reptilians.

Come on .. Everyone knows that


Now if you're latino and you're like shit I'm fucked because I'm white. Nope not true. Lucky for you goofies we ruled Spain, Italy, Portugal, and parts of France for like 700 years smashing your women. Those darker people with curly afro like hair or dark skin are Israelites. Not the Africans!!! But those who are poor and oppressed and dark skin but clearly not African more like Tyrone. Messi for an example was a poor "white" Argentine before becoming rich as hell. He's an Israelite, he was poor before all this as well as many South American stars the same way Negros are in sports in the US. Our only escape is sports or death. This is something real white people can't relate to. Skin is a non factor its about spirit and bloodline. So callrd latinos no matter how you look if you're oppressed by anyone called a spic, wetback, and your father is a so called native, or negro, or even Euro but of darker skin not black but tan and traces his lineage to Israelites or the so called Jews. You are Gods as well and are our brothers and sisters. Notice though we are a minority in all countries so not everyone who looks like you. That's why we go by the spirit and the curses. Were your forefathers slaves in the land you're in. Diseases spread upon your peolple, and in the minority and poor. Keyword minority. There's a bunch of poor white people but that just makes you a double loser lmao. And in other countries but most of our people retained some type of different identity from the other people being fringes, women in dresses only or skirts, eating by the dietary laws of the Bible as well as circumcision and etc...Don't you as a negro, latino, and native ask why we do circumsion for no reason it seems. Negros in America do it just because its something we've just been doing. All nations learned this from us and Muslims/Arabs as well. Remember God gave this to Abraham first. We just kept doing it without even knowing why even after we lost ourselves.

You're off your meds bro.

Matthew 1:16

For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. "When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard. "And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the market place; read more.
and to those he said, 'You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.' And so they went. "Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did the same thing. "And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, 'Why have you been standing here idle all day long?' "They said to him, 'Because no one hired us.' He said to them, 'You go into the vineyard too.' "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, 'Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last group to the first.' "When those hired about the eleventh hour came, each one received a denarius. "When those hired first came, they thought that they would receive more; but each of them also received a denarius. "When they received it, they grumbled at the landowner, saying, 'These last men have worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the scorching heat of the day.' "But he answered and said to one of them, 'Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for a denarius? 'Take what is yours and go, but I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. 'Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what is my own? Or is your eye envious because I am generous?' "So the last shall be first, and the first last."

Lmao you heathens will be dying for work you will get paid the same as somebody who worked less than you. Lol everyone will be in demand for work and think they deserve better wages but won't get any haha. Reason is because we own you as slaves we can do as we please with you long as WE THINK its fair.

This is the hell Christ preached so much about hahaha. Now you know what he was really preaching! Heaven for us and Hell for you all! We're going to give you wives to make concubines of out of your daughters and trade them where ever we want and marry them off for money and you will never see them again because we can. We can have your kids as personal pets and we will. I'll gladly take your Nordic women and have a whore house of them all lmao. You'll have to pay wages to have sex with your own wives which you'll be forced to do if we command it. What if you're hungry and can't afford food? Sorry we won't know what feels like because hunger, pain, thirst, death, shame and etc...will all be gone from us forever. I'm a bitter asshole right now but I might change in the Kingdom or might just be a righteous asshole. I won't have mercy but I'll be a fair King. As for my other brothers and sisters. You'll have to ask them how they'll be. The ones in Bahia and Rio and Santos the poor criminals and thieves they will be Gods ruling over you all. The wealthy and middle class people around the world if you're not an Israelite you're fucked. Now we're in every country in the world, even slaves today in North Korea those are our people suffering. The minority anyway and same all across the world for every nation has oppressed us and you have to be punished for it. Sucks being Asian the most really since you won't ever have rulership haha but you can have salvation from your oppression you just won't live forever and be in Heaven. I have to keep repeating that just to make it clear. Heaven is only for the chosen 12 Tribes of Israel you will not be as pure as gold and refined as silver. You will be as you are and know death as you do now.