What is your opinion on black mirror? I put off watching it for a long time, but then i gave it a chance and now i only have two episodes left of the series. This show really makes you think.
>that san junipero episode
>being stuck for a million years in a house with the same christmas song playing over and over again
What is your opinion on black mirror? I put off watching it for a long time...
>dude torturing AI lmao
It's a retarded concept and the only people that would be tortured by this are actual people and their empathy, which surprisingly, every single character lacked. Hmm.
Hack show.
It seems to be implied they are absolutely sentinent, a perfect virtual copy of you if you will. Still, AI has no rights and the actual person is gonna receive normal trial and then punishment.
Ultralib which gets annoying. Brooker isn't nearly as clever as he is. Okay writing.
The cast and direction saves it.
Nice digits. The San Junipero episode blew my mind as well.
And it's a retarded implication and serves only to terrify sub average morons.
I wonder how large the world in SJ was and what exactly you can or cannot do. Was it ever stated if it shifts time periods as time goes on and then back again, or if you can choose yourself exactly what time period you want to be in?
Honestly the show has some pretty decent moments but the themes of individual episodes are ridiculously reduced to "dude technology is bad" by the fans. It's like a slightly worse Twilight Zone but modern so much more relatable. I really like the first season, the second and third feel like imitations of the first although the third does a bit better job.
That was sort of the point that it's stupid and that they want you to think about whether or not an AI have any rights, or should be treated any different.
I really liked it, nice to have something with some dark themes occasionally that don't have happy endings. Some episodes were a bit shit but I enjoyed the majority of them.
The very first episode with the pig was great, although I forgot about it and recommended it to someone. They thought I was a sick fuck after seeing it. Oh well.
I watched two episodes and in both of them the protag was cucked so I figured the shows was worthless (and based on what I've heard I was right) and stopped watching.
I agree some episodes are stupid, like the social-media one. I get the message they are trying to convey, and indeed is is true in real life that many people's lives resolve around social media, and likes. And the influence it has on society. Still i found it unrealistic that it would go to that extent.
The episode with the tread mills you had to bike for power was pretty interesting, i enjoyed that episode.
Found the brainlet. AI don't have rights because they're artificial. It's in the name.
Same boat as you OP. Been watching it for the first time recently, got like 3 episodes left.
Was the whole point of the second episode with the black guy that even if you have convictions you'll still sell out if given the chance? The episode where everyone rode bikes for fake points with a america's got talent show.
I think the point was that you'd do whatever it takes to get a better life, even if it meant doing something you didn't like. That in the end what he did was ultimately irrelevant and just seen as another form of entertainment. IRL people see talent shows as a way to get a much better life. Apparently it was an actual window he looked out at in the end, so i am curious why exactly people live in this facility.
No, see the social media one actual has a really good message. It's not "dude social media is bad". The episode is satire on our constant internalized appeals to be better liked by people higher up than us
Yeah that too, and i understand that. It's how it actually is now. But that you'd not be able to get services, fly, and so on due to a low score on social media seems rather weird. Why would people agree to it.
It sounded like you could choose the time period yourself. Like choosing a different server basically.
Makes sense, still wonder how large the world is. It seemed like it felt just like real life, so it is quite understandable people would want to go there. But i'd imagine young people would want to go there to from the comfort of their home. I think people that died could choose to leave the place as well, so they wouldn't be stuck there permanently
I feel like you're missing the central question of whether the people there are actually "alive". Is copying your memories and personality on to a computer actually you?
B/c of this, I think that you can be in more than one place at once, because it's not really you.
the 'shut up and dance' gives me all kinds of ideas... basically if you somehow "hacked" a pedo and had evidence of him being a pedo, you could make him do virtually anything. It's like holding a gun to someone's head from a mile away and if you pull the trigger or not no one will ever know it was you.
It just makes you think what kinds of things are possible with that sort of power
I didn't even realize he was a pedo til the end, and even then i thought he was just uncomfortable saying what he did.
Same, I thought he was just jerking off and they had pictures. Re watching it knowing the ending made me see quite a few things in a different light
White Christmas wasn't about torturing AI.
You're obviously retarded, and made your faux-intelectual opinion void and null.
I don't really know what the message was, but I guess what I toke from it is what I generally believe in, that people who jerk off to "questionable" material are not necessarily bad people.
Though people like him should probably see a therapist, not be locked up.
Please stop posting like you're a child.
there's a giant plothole there but I still liked it...
plothole being that even if they had hacked his webcam to film him while he was jerking of to CP they would have no way of filming him jerking off to CP because of the position of the webcam. They would just end up with a video of him jerking off. And even if they simultaneously were screencapturing his screen and recording the CP they would have no way of using that as evidence, ie I could hack your webcam and film you jerking off and then like put a little box in that video with CP and just say you were jerking off to that. But there's no reason anyone would believe me because I could've edited to look like you're jerking off to My 600 pound life...
Also, they clearly say "we will send this to all your friends and family, everyone will know". They never say anything about telling the police what he has on his laptop or anything like that because it hasn't even been established that he has anything on it. He might be watching it through a proxy or some shit and you can't connect it to him in any way.
Maybe they took a screenshot somehow, but I agree that it seems a bit ridiculous that people close to you will automatically believe you were jerking off to pictures to children from that pov.
It may not ruin your life in a legal since, but most people would chose to believe the video even if it was fake. It's horrifying more in the sense that it would ruin your life socially and it's something you could never come back from or live down most likely.
In a world where you live in this scenario anons, would you participate in #Deathto? (Not knowing you would be the victim in the end of course)
I mean she definitely deserved what happened. But you could argue wiping the mind made her a different person thus not the one who did the crime.
I think you are confusing the episodes user, are you talking about the one who filmed her boyfriend killing/torturing a child?
I liked San Junipero for the 80s throwback and wish there were more like it.
>Brooker isn't nearly as clever as he is
What did he mean by this?
Series 3 is the only show I've ever binged. I think the show as a whole highlights the anxiety of tech without having to be a complete luddite.
Not if my identity is tied to it like it was implied in the episode.
Yes that is the one i meant
It'd be better if it was only 30 mins, you just end up enduring the show until the interesting bit happens.
And Brooker writes the most unnatural, obvious, hammer home the point to every retard in the audience dialogue that I've ever heard.
Good ideas are in it but for me the shitty dialogue and characters that only exist to service the message make it kinda shitty overall.
Also Brooker comes of as condescending in his writing too, no respect for his audiences ability to put 2 and 2 together.
I think he's a smug cunt. One of those people who think cynicism equals awareness.
I think it was making a point about internet vigilantes and the sadism of trolling. Also, as you say, they made the pedophile a pretty sympathetic character while making the "good guys" pretty irredeemably sadistic. Remember they not only fucked up the lives of kiddyfiddlers, but also people who did committed relatively normal acts of shittiness such as cheating. It's something that's also touched upon in the season finale, how the distance technology creates makes it easy to act without a conscience.
That scene with Kenny and the pedo fighting to the death while being filmed made me really uncomfortable. Even if I wouldn't be very sympathetic to a pedo being beaten to death, you just know this kind of real life brutality is what some people indulge for enjoyment.
Every 10 minutes the moral is forced into the programme, meaning you only have to watch for 10 minutes before working everything out
This means that 50 minutes of the programme is useless filler
That means that you shouldn't watch it
Because it's bad for that reason