You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American.
You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American
>something dumber than an American.
A fetal alcohol syndrome socialist sock puppet?
2 americans
Beat me to it.
Gretty Bable
That fetal alcohol syndrome bitch
Someone who thinks their country wouldn't get colonized by China or Wrestlefucked by Russia if the US didn't pick up the bill for their lack of a defense budget so they can provide gibs to Muhammad and his 12 children
Practically every African & South American country in existence.
An African-American.
OP's Pic related.
This. They turn their home nations into unlivable war-torn shitholes, then flood America & the EU, trying to turn them into shitholes & cry "racism" when the native population tells them to either integrate into western culture, or get the fuck out.
The entire country of,germany
your mom
A black person
Flat Earth-ers.
A Swede
Well, you posted... so there’s one.
Also, you posted that little dipshit puppet who can’t even muster her own thoughts without being guided... sound familiar? That’s two. Even though you should be counted twice.
Dumber than that are the gullible fools who take her seriously.
US citizen
>dumber than an American
>pic related is already the answer
what's the point of this thread?
Oh boy
ding ding ding ding
A European
A black american