Electricity = Discovered and advanced by white people

>Electricity = Discovered and advanced by white people
>Phones = Created by white people
>Social Media = Created by white people
>Modern machinery = Created by white people
>Medicine = Created by white people

I could go on but the list would be too long. This is a white mans world, all great things in this world were created by white people and all bad things are because of other races. Why shouldn't I be proud to be white? Why is White Pride wrong (its not)?

Go on nigger, give me a reason!

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>Nothing = discovered or created by you

>mustard gas=created by white people
>the machine gun=created by white people
>the atomic bomb=created by white people
>Breaking on the wheel=created by white people
>drawing and quartering=created by white people
>the holocaust=created by white people

At what point did I claim to have discovered anything u dumb nigger? Clearly another monkey who dropped out or was expelled because of ur ghetto shenanigans.

Great contributions user, further proving my point

Niggers just chill in jungle and they got all the technology they need hundreds of years ago, like stick and sharp stick.
Maybe they didn't invent anything coz they felt like they did not need anything new anymore and they just keep chilling in the jungle?

>Greatest musicians and entertainers = white people
>Strongest race = white people
>Greatest sportsmen = white people

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Nah that’s not true. Blacks dominate popular culture and sports.

you're worthless white nigger

Black Americans make up a minority portion of the American population and they’ve literally got a hand in all popular sports, and realms of entertainment.

Oh really?
Eminem and Elvis beat them at their own music
Cristiano Ronaldo is the greatest soccer player ever
There has never been a black winner of WSM

Lets not forget that the popular blacks are all managed by whites and are only popular because we allow it and make it possible, nice try tho niggers.

Ronnie O'Sullivan greatest snooker player of all time = white
Tyson Fury currently the best boxer and smashed a nig nog a couple months ago = white
Tom Brady greatest American football player of all time = white

Just because they take part doesn't make them good

All sports and forms of entertainment created by whites

That's cool and all but may I ask what contributions have you made to society? Just seems like you're taking credit for shit you weren't apart of. You can be proud of your white heritage nobody said otherwise, just don't let that be your down fall.

Hendrix? Armstrong? BB King?
As horrible as most blacks are, there are exceptions.

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>Blacks dominate culture

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math was created by arabs. without math nothing else would exist. retard american.

nope. It was taken by arabs from the greeks.

first post in this thread and I'm not a racist but Greeks invented maths, Arabs just translated it and made it popular

I benefit society well. I am not taking credit for the great work of my other fellow whites I am taking pride in how great whites are. Could say the same about blacks and there wish for reparations even though they were not involved in slavery.



and greeks are not white.

it seems like some one is denying the truth with their retarded nigger brains

Your welcome pic related

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The good ones are white retard, all of the greatest minds in history have been white
Aristotle (White and Greek)
Archimedes (White and Greek)

Again I could go on, nice try shit skin get educated

>the holocaust=created by white people

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no idiot. there was some form of math in all ancient cultures. arabs created/perfected math as we know it TODAY. ergo, arabs created math.


"Ironing board"
Yeah great complex inventions I must say, white people would have never thought of them by themselves, some of which were already very much things btw retard

>White and Greek

Fuckoff shit skin ur wrong and u know it

Lmao you pick that one simple thing off of that last you fucking dweeb

>muh white ancestors
>can't even type you're
kys indred faggot

A quick google search would show u how wrong u are coonboy

>you = created by white people

Nice try nigger, this is the internet not school, I care not for spelling correctly. The fact that all u can do is attempt to make fun of my spelling shows how pathetic ur race is and how much the truth hurts, sucks to suck

How are you benefitting society? Darwin lists two ways: reproduction aka get lots of survivable children or advancement aka contribute to the continued development of society by, as you said, discover electricity as an example.

Since you admit you do not do the latter, it must be healthy children! How many kids you have?

Paying taxes is not contributing anything, as at the end of a day, society has spent just as much on you as you have paid back.

>stethoscope invented by Imhotep of ancient egypt

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>sucks to suck

but you've accomplished what in life? nothing. you're nothing and will forever be nothing. that's why all you cling to in life is "muh race". fucking waste of space.

Pretty sure the lock and the lantern predate the 1880s...


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Didn't answer my question but fosho. You should take pride in your accomplishments but that's just me.

Calm down nigger clearly ive struck a nerve, no need to be mad. Just accept that your unfortunately not white and never will be. Enjoy life as a minority and hope that one day u may make it to middle class living. Im not here to argue with a retard who cant provide a good counter argument to what ive said and resorts to petty insults and attempts to sadden me.

i am white. i just have more going on in life than skin color. enjoy the trailer park.

kill yourself faggot

Most if not all of those "inventions" were already a thing, not sure how the niggers got credit for them.

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kill yourselves faggots

Haha u wish u were white

imagine being proud of any skin color

just like in ancient roman times

we used slaves for our entertainment

Found the nigger!

>Medicine = Created by white people
I believe that (what can be classed as) "medicine" has been prepared and used by non-white species that predated the evolution of Homo sapiens sapiens

Sometimes I wish the holocaust actually happened

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When I said medicine I mean the actual good stuff that benefits us today including vaccinations, pills, x rays etc.


Even then some dumb nigger thinks it's a "creation" or "discovery".
That right there should show you how dumb niggers are.

You ever seen the video of the african nigger from nigger africa who used magnets to demonstrate how homosexuality is wrong?
I don't care two shits about anyone's sexual preferences, but damn that nigger has to be one of the dumbest niggers known to man.

peanuts, checkmate

Never seen that video but it sounds like typical coon logic.

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What happened dude black kids give you a swirlie or something

Pretty sure the guitar was around before 1886

No but I find it funny how u would associate black kids with such behaviour just proving my point again

O idk, sportsman ship, Movies,musicals, music, Art, and um o idk democracy

the elevator we know today was made by Elisha Graves Otis a white man, Just like most black your trying to steal from people better then you

Not op, but what do you contribute to society?

lmao, george washington carver ftw


The culture of now I walk around armed because of niggers.

This is intentional to attempt to align as many people to lower-intelligence media as possible, they cant risk another Renaissance by letting white people have control of the media again.

Dumb fuck

>unironically citing this study

Probably first to patent them

Now im on your side except Eminem makes trash music

Sounds like a nignogs to take credit for someone else's invention

His content isn't the best I agree but his lyrical ability and his creativeness is unmatched by any black rappers.

lol, maybe in scumsville USA. Not in the civilized world

Blacks have made inventions as well that people forget.
Garrett Morgan, Who created traffic lights and gas masks.
Lewis Howard Latimer, was an inventor and draftsman best known for his contributions to the patenting of the light bulb and the telephone.
Thomas L. Jennings he was the first black to be patented he invented dry cleaning. There are many more examples of blacks inventing things we still use today.
Also blacks were not only in Africa
There is evidence of them living in all of Europe during the middle ages. And they called moors. The same moors that conquered Spain. Look it up. People don't like to admit these things.


>White nigger

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This is bait

You mean they’re our entertainment

>Social Media = Created by white people
This is not a good thing.

I see it less of an insult, more an philosophical PoV

Arabs created mathematics

It really isnt
Imo it is, all depends on how u look at things, I personally think social media is great.

giving white women orgasms = invented by black men

