What is with Japanese people and the V handsign?
What is with Japanese people and the V handsign?
This world is made of love and peace!
Yeah, this guy loved and peace all over Dresden.
She's explaining that there's two of her.
>sharts on your calculus homework
What the fuck ping pong?
What's with the actual 12 year old in the background??
Wot. This better be a shitpost. It's the peace sign, and they copied it from us whites.
It'll be harder to nuke them if they're making peace signs
After being bombed so bad they wanted to make it clear they wanted peace, now they've done it for so long they don't know why themselves.
Trust me dude, shes 18
Pretty sure he's not saying peace here.
It was the peace sign long before this faggot used it.
They don't wanna get nuked again Lmfao
No , that is for two cities. Two cities he bombed in the ruhr valley area to kick off the war with Germany
Image is deceiving, the video is just old ugly Asian men fucking these hot girls. It's pretty gross.
Kek that is what i was thinking.
>It was the peace sign long before this faggot used it.
Wikipedia says it was used before, but not for peace but rather a medieval insult.
>Image is deceiving, the video is just old ugly Asian men fucking these hot girls. It's pretty gross.
doesn't it describe 99% of all JAVs?
The Japs saw the soldiers in the US occupation forces do this toward them all the time and thought it was a friendly, peaceful greeting. So they copied it. By the time they realized it meant 'we won, so fuck you' it was already too late.
Poor innocent lil Dresden and its hub of military production, boohoo it got hurt in the fight it started yet was too weak stupid and gay to finish
The cousin of the good ol middle finger . Both came from archers if i remember correctly.
All the straight ones pretty much. That's why I usually stick to lesbian. The Asian women in porn are beautiful, the men all look like smooth-brained yellow brits.
Dresden was a cultural center not an industrial one.
Buy a fucking book.
underaged b& v&
There's a story there actually. Apparently there's a industrial shortage of male Japanese porn actors.
As a old ugly man fucking hot asian girls I find this post offensive.
A brief history of the V gesture
Originally the V sign held up in secret behind a mans head was an insult. The V represented the cuckolds horns and they suggested the man was a cuckold This was back when suggesting your woman was stepping out was a supreme insult calling your manliness into question.
Later the V sign, as shown by Churchill, meant "V for victory" It was later in the 60s that the V turned into the peace sign as a hand gesture version of the peace symbol that looks like a Y in a circle.
As far as Japanese porn is concerned it goes back to the V for victory meaning but its more a gesture indicating sexual success. This is why you see it a lot when you have an anime girl taking a giant cock or dildo to the hilt .
I did, it was called "Historical analysis of the 14-15 February 1945 bombings of Dresden." and it highlights their many military factories, the German High command itself said that there were over 120 military factories operating in Dresden.
You ignorant mindless little Sup Forumstard. You've never read a fucking book in your life. All you know is memes, nothing else, you don't even try, the fact that you so casually just spew falsehoods you've never even bothered to learn about says it all about you.
lazy vapid little shits like you are why there will never be a western ethnostate.
You're too stupid to seize or create one. Prove me wrong.
>he a good boy
Mongo no you in picture
Bad Mongo
Cultural differences. V for victory, whenever an anime character beats someone else they flash the V to rub in their superiority.