Does this mean Sup Forums will die?
Does this mean Sup Forums will die?
We'll just move onto shitposting about reality shows
Why do writers think they're not irreplaceable?
No the moderation team is paid by studios to make sure it stays alive.
No, but it will be extremely painful.
>time to pick up all those rejected scripts again
>The Winds of Winter NEVER EVER
Have you even watched writer's strike Tom and Jerry or Simpsons?
Naw they'll reach a compromise, no one wants a repeat of the 07/08 strike, it was just bad for everyone.
>remembering the last time this shit happened
daily reminder that they're protesting from at least 2004.
this is why movies are crimminally bad
This wouldn't affect shows that are airing soon right? Like GoT, Leftovers, Fargo etc.
Why do they protest? Money?
I'm already dead.
They want more money to vomit their horrid fanfiction out even though nobody wants it.
>Airing soon
>dreams of spring only as dreams
preston help us all
Does this mean Conan will be good again for a while?
For you
Rent and drugs are too expensive to only be productive once every three years
>newcunts don't remember the 2007 strike
it will literally ruin everything
>threaten not to write more crap in a time when people will watch shit on youtube
good plan
Hahahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Writers Strikes Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
There's literally nothing to ruin.
>writer's strike Tom and Jerry
Is this a joke?
remember what happened to heroes because of the writers strike? wew
>tfw you're so old that you remember when it happened in 88 and the second season of TNG suffered for it.
we'll just live our lives
in dreams of yesterday
Heroes was already shit by then
>true detective with david milch
>young pope season 2
>fargo season 4
maybe even twin peaks if that gets a 4th
No it's actually not.
lethal weapon season 2
Last time this happened it was in the middle of the September to May TV production season though.
Most shows coming up now like Fargo, BCS, GoT, Silicon Valley have already finished writing all the episodes.
If anything Sup Forums will be better. FUCK WRITERS.
Virtually every major show suffered tremendously during the last strike, several were even canceled because of it. Heroes was just one of the bigger ones.
There was a cult of personality going around to any writer who dared cross the line being viewed by the WGA as a literal despot. It'll be just as bad if not worse this time.
it just means Conan will be funny again
Hollywood is at the point where it's so creatively bankrupt that this would probably be an improvement.
No wait there is a writer guild? You mean that the current stuff is written by professionals?
Are you shitting me?
fuck True Detective, he needs to work on Deadwood.
Young Pope's season 2 will be inferior to the first season and you know it. Besides, Sorrentino just writes it himself right?
Who cares about Fargo's possible 4th season when you don't even know if the 3rd is good?
Christ you're stupid.
Oh wow what are they gonna do just leave and have us get plagued with reality TV and remakes?
>give me a pay raise or I walk.
Twin Peaks will be fine. 3rd season's going to be the conclusion of the series.
>the writer's strike kills prison break
>they reboot it years later
>the writer's strike kills it again
>not irreplaceable
double negative there buddy
What do they want? I don't mean money, I mean how are they allegedly being fucked over?
isn't it meant to be just a one-season revival anyway?
All of those shows you listed don't even have a release date yet which means they can push them back if necessary.
It's always about money, user.
Oh, I'm laughing. There's far too much puerile content being churned out by Hollywood. Keep the good writers, offer then 75%-less than what they're getting, and tell them that if they don't produce top quality results then they're better suited to an office or factory job.
Then watch those cunts go into top gear and tear each other apart to save their jobs.
Do you really not remember the writer's strike in 2007?
Heroes sure went to shit due to it.
What is alt-right's fucking problem?
t. Tyler the creator
>Keep the good writers, offer then 75%-less than what they're getting, and tell them that if they don't produce top quality results then they're better suited to an office or factory job.
I remember being 13. Don't remember being this much of a fag though.
You're an idiot. It's like you actually want committee movies.
Heroes went to shit with the season 1 finale. Strike had nothing to do with it
It's different, the last time this happened it was in the middle of the September-to-May TV production season.
Most shows coming up now like Fargo, BCS, GoT, Silicon Valley have already finished writing all the episodes and for shows that are still in pre-production like Westworld S2 they can just push them back on the schedule if they need more time to write after the strike.
Yeah but why are they going to strike? Just asking for a raise or some source of revenue they don't a cut of or what
>implying I've watched a single film or television show, since 2009
Keep grasping though, lads. Stay thirsty.
>This might actually happen
My dick can only get so erect.
I hope Hollywood crashes and burns so only true kino can rise from its ashes.
Do the writers ever lose in these strikes? Do they ever come out behind?
>of America
And nothing of value was lost.
>>implying I've watched a single film or television show, since 2009
>he's spent 8 years vicariously watching films through Cambodian electrical planning posts
I can't handle your autism, "lad".
>fuck milch working on something new, he needs to work on his old stuff!
>fuck the young pope s2 it'll be shit because i said so!!!!
>fuck the 4th season of fargo despite the first 2 being good and a 3rd coming next month
>i'm le cynical 4chinnarian because fuck things!!!!
kys spastic
Well, there's another place where everybody is sure to know your name, and they're always glad you came. I imagine somebody such as yourself would like it.
Like the last time that happened?
How? The writers will be on strike.
actual cringe
>he spent the last 8 years talking about shit he didn't even watch
I can't blame you for le reddit meme, I'd be too embarrassed to post anything else.
I'm sure you have hundreds of essential films that you need to watch. get away from television, it's practically worthless.
>doesn't even know how to highlight a post
My sides, where have they gone?
>that pic
>that joke
>a pic of literal Reddit: The Guy
You can't make this shit up
I swear every single time I look in the news I hear about some chain of the production line going on strike. What the fuck is going on?
You seem.....
................................ upset.
Negotiations are currently on a media blackout, but supposedly their healthcare pension is gonna dry up in 3 years and writers aren't getting paid enough for 'new media' that 'companies are making a lot of money with.'
Pretty close to the same shit as last time.
They lose every strike, user.
Slit your throat.
>Does this mean Sup Forums will die?
are offshore shills union?
That double negative is the reason why we need writers
>workers unions
Outsource your scripts, buy mine ya Hollywood fucks.
if you guys want to see good episodes of conan, or any other late nite show, just watch a rerun from between Trump's candidacy and election
oh god those jokes they tell are so funny now
>People thinking this isn't a big deal
Confirmed for underage faggots who don't remember how shitty the last writers strike was.
Fuck these entitled writer pieces of shit.
Why the fuck are writers even in a union?
fist half of the new season of Game of Thrones is going to be clip shows and blooper reels
Remember when south park made an episode making fun of these losers?
Another one?
Fucking unions. Fire them all.
Thanks for reminding me of that Mike Huckabee feud between Colbert and Conan.
I wonder what they'll do this time around.
i only remember it being shitty if you gave a crap about trash like heroes, smallville, or prison break
apparently we lost an episode of King of the Hill, not really seeing any other notable interruptions though
>better call Saul finished with next season
>Fargo finished with next season
Oh no whatever will we do?
What will happen to Max Landis?
>Fucking unions. Fire them all.
If you understand economics, there's really no reason for unions to exist. They're labor cartels.
They don't actually increase wages for workers, they just cause stagnation and unemployment.
They were NEVER necessary.
>b-b-but we got you the weekend and stopped child labor
No, capital investment did that. pic related
If breaking bad survived the writer's strike surely BCS will
Again? Fucking greedy assholes.
>writers do some good work and produce some good stuff
>they think they're not getting enough money for the quality work they're doing
>they strike
>all their quality works are left to burn to the ground and are quickly forgotten
>strike ends with writers gaining essentially nothing
>ten years later
>writers produce nothing but absolute dog shit
>they strike again
Yeah yeah yeah everyone's taste in tv in shitty but yours. That makes a million days in a row we have to be snarky pieces of shit for no reason.