You have 10 seconds to name a better beverage than Monster Energy Drink

You have 10 seconds to name a better beverage than Monster Energy Drink.

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tiddy milk


Chocolate milk


Choccy milk


I rarely drink energy drinks... but NOS is my favorite, and peach red bull.

Yorkshire gold tea, milk, 1 sugar.

I won.

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Shut up boomer


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It's a bang or be banged world.

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nigger kyle

Water ?

> "... name a better beverage than Monster Energy Drink " ;

Panther Piss


And you posted the worst monster of them all.

god tier

alright tier
orange ultra
white ultra
that pink one (punch maybe)

shit tier
everything else

to be clear uk boi so miss out on some of the good ones. some ones that i really liked in america but can't remember the name at all

rest in peace

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Irn Bru

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Pfft rockstar

Does it actually taste good? It says no sugar on it so how could it taste good without sugar?


the fermented sperm of an 18 year old nigger

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