are you addicted to drugs?
Are you addicted to drugs?
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I cope hard with weed not sure if addicted
Been on Citalopram for about 10 years, so yeah I'm assuming my body probably requires it now.
Jesus, now start reading the Bible you fucking faggot druggie.
not anymore
I got off lorazepam after 6-7 years. You can do it too user
Aren't we all addicted to some drug?
We can kid ourselves into thinking just because some substance is legal, it ain't a chemical we're using in unhealthy quantities to cope with shit.
Some people smoke weed, others drink, others eat chocolate/candy, others fuck prostitutes too much, other's watch/play too much video games/tv/movies. Most of us are hooked on something.
I remember when mother fuckers used to tell me their not addicted to pot because pot isn't addictive. My response was "Oh yeah, so why am I covering the 150$ you were short on rent this month asshole??? Oh that's right, you just HAD to buy that bag of weed."
Proud of you user
Go at your own pace on the road to recovery. We believe in you buddy
Agree. Ive got a problem with booze and cigarettes
Same here, for sure im addicted to it when in my normal routine. Can go without it when I'm on vacation or something.
I smoke 100$ worth of weed a week. I do about 100$ worth of coke a week. I can quit any time i want FAGGOTS. I also make 100k a year and do my job better than everyone else. Suck my dick mother fuckers.
if my weed supplier hadn't quit, i'd still be smoking it, but i don't curl up in pain and scream about not being able to smoke it. i've never gone through the kinds of symptoms Burroughs describes in heroin withdrawal, like rolling around on the concrete floor of a prison cell ("... you want a shot of heroin, Bill? haw haw haw!")
you're addicted to the bible. you need to quit cold turkey and read this instead.
Good job user, benzo's are my weak spot but luckily don't have daily access to em.
i mean i sniff probably a solid 1.5 of coke in a single day, 2g of ket and smoke 40 fags a day and probably about 7.5g of bud throughout the day and i usually have an order or doing those drugs, weed before work, coke during work and weed and fags, ket after work with coke(calvin klein, most of the time over here its called that but its just a nix of ket and coke) and then after dinner i finish the ket and start smoking the weed and then probably go too sleep
i think ive been doing this for about 7 years now? since i got fired from my old job i got a better much higher paying job so i can afford this shit
think i may be addicted to drugs dunno
>I can quit any time i want FAGGOTS. I also make 100k a year and do my job better than everyone else. Suck my dick mother fuckers.
>I can quit any time i want FAGGOTS.
you just don't want to. so you can't quit. you've never tried.
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>are you addicted to drugs?
Yeah. Love
please tell me you aren't an air traffic controller.
Yeah, meth. I was 18 months clean but fell right back in, I'm not mad or sad about it though.
Used to smoke weed hardcore for over 7 years.
Quit cold turkey this year.
Not having any problems with it. Sometimes I think smoking a bowl would be real nice, but then I remember how fast things can go downhill again so I don't do it.
Other than that, nicotine.
Pfff nah my ADHD and aspergers couldnt cope with the strain of that type of job
My job is actually kind of a sticky one to say but its very high pressure and you need extreme focus throughout the time i an doing it and after i need a way to relax as quick as possible before i do it all over again for 13-15 hours a day
let me put it this way:
a 7/11 manager fucks up, the worst thing that can happen is someone slips in a pool of slurpie and twists their ankle.
an air traffic controller fucks up, and body parts rain from the skies.
how many people die when you fuck up? please don't insult our intelligence by suggesting you are a top flight assassin.
No, you fucking retard, I'm addicted to Jesus. Put down Gravity's Rainbow (A screaming comes across the sky.) and pick up a real classic the Bible, which is much easier reading for the normal Sup Forumstard anyway.
Same. Never tried getting clean, it's been roughly 4 years. I started at 17.
the almost daily high CBD pot keeps me function pretty well and rids of the anxiety, but i can go even weeks without it at times. then again maybe no more than half a gram out of a tiny little glass pipe
someones a bit fucking touchy lmao
not a 7/11 store owner either actually
infact what i do could probably cause more damage than an air traffic controller could if the air traffic controller purposely collided as many planes as he could
what i do involved a lot of numbers, algorithms and peoples entire online foot print and i dont do it for the safety of them or their data
i've read the bible. it's dull, and obviously a stitch-up from several authors, none of them named.
there is only one good part.
ezekiel 23:20
>what i do involved a lot of numbers, algorithms and peoples entire online foot print and i dont do it for the safety of them or their data
oh, god, you're a facebook moderator.
I'm addicted to a low dose of buprenorphine. 4-8mg per day. I used to be way worse so I should know better.
You gotta get off meth man. That shit is for dumpster people.
Not the guy you are talking to, but you are a total douche and lie about everything
Funny thing i am having a look through the bible. It's a shame its been dragged through the dirt, taken to literally and populated by cultists. It teaches you great things however it intrudes on people and hides infomation for the security of itself.
Yeah. Been addicted to opioids for like 12 years. Been clean from it for like 3 months.
I drink about a half gallon of rum every week though.
Heroin addict
Use cigarettes and caffeine as a crutch stopped using meth about 1year
im addicted to Arab Porn!
Getting blowjobs and weed
No you cant you in denial shit. People like you are the worst - at least admit your problem rather than lying this hard to yourself lol