I need help Sup Forumsros. How do I as a 20yo bang Milfs on Tinder

I need help Sup Forumsros. How do I as a 20yo bang Milfs on Tinder

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Be good looking, hung, and write in your profile that you're looking to tame a cougar.

You can’t.

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Step 1: be attractive
Step 2: profit
Helps if you are straight forward about your goals and no desire to get into a relationship / raise child

Practice on my mom

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OP here
Hook me up

You and her, both, can call me "daddy"

Be fit with a big cock. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

That's not OP
Can I use pills to attract milfs

Youre gonna have to share

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Make omelettes

set age you're interested in to an age of milf you want.
post in bio that what you're looking for. i have mine as `on the hunt for a cougar or milf to manhandle`
ive been with about 13 from tinder alone and i haven't been on it for long.

MILFs are so willing, how can you even ask?

Find the 20 year olds with 4 kids.

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Jeez user don't want to make her a single mom of 5

well...shares some pics of her bro...she is sexy..

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do you have her nudes..?? share them too..

swipe to the correct side and arrange it to happen

Dont tell me what to do, puppy

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It's really not that hard if you are decent looking and look for the ones in loveless marriages or who have pre-adolescent kids with non-existent father's so they never get time to actually get out besides work. I've had most success with plenty of fish or just adding ones I know IRL on Facebook and talking to them for a bit and feeling out if they are deeply dissatisfied with their love life

They weren't always the hottest but they were always into filthy things that girls your age aren't.

Also if you have an entry level job you don't plan on staying at forever there are usually some working there. Just befriend them and start making comments about them being attractive if you think it'll be well received and see where it goes.

The only person for whom I would become a puppy, is your mom..
share more....!!!

Or else what? Fucking make me share more

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I hear they provide experience. I want to better myself for my gf

Such an absurd lie. Fuck off, virgin

I mean fucking any girl provides experience. It can also ruin sex for you because they can be a lot better at it than whoever you settle down with will. Not all of them are bedroom goddesses either though. There's a reason older men cheat too because their wife is a dud in bed.